Code to load a LPC1114 over tx/rx. I have only tested with a 1114 chip but it should work with other LPC uControllers

Dependencies:   DirectoryList MODSERIAL mbed

Fork of ika_shouyu_poppoyaki by Tedd OKANO



File content as of revision 21:e149d0bdbf4a:

 *  Sample of ISP operation for NXP MCUs
 *  @author  Tedd OKANO
 *  @version 0.8
 *  @date    Sep-2013
 *  This program programs MCU flash memory through UART. It uses 
 *  "In-System Programming (ISP)" interface in target MCU (NXP LPC micro-
 *  controllers).
 *  The ISP is done by PC and serial cable normally. The ISP protocol is 
 *  executed software on a PC. The software reads a data file and transfers
 *  the data with the ISP protocol. 
 *  This program does same process of that. The mbed perform the function like 
 *  "FlashMagic" and "lpc21isp".
 *  (This program not just copies the binary but also insert 4 byte checksum at 
 *  address 0x1C.)
 *  This program currently supports LPC1114(LPC1114FN28/102 - DIP28-ARM) and 
 *  LPC810(LPC810M021FN8 - DIP8-ARM).

#include    "mbed.h"
#include    "target_table.h"
#include    "command_utilities.h"
#include    "ika.h"

BusOut          leds( LED4, LED3, LED2, LED1 );
DigitalOut      reset_pin( p26 );
DigitalOut      isp_pin( p25 );
LocalFileSystem local( "local" );
Ticker          success;

#define     ENTER_TO_ISP_MODE   0
#define     NO_ISP_MODE         1
#define     STR_BUFF_SIZE       64

#define     SOURCE_FILE         "/local/bin"

//  "ISP_BAUD_RATE" is baud rate for ISP operation

#define     ISP_BAUD_RATE       115200
//#define     ISP_BAUD_RATE       57600
//#define     ISP_BAUD_RATE       9600

//  "TARGET_OPERATION_BAUD_RATE" is baud rate for USB-serial bridge operation after 
//  ISP completion. 
//  if the target application uses serial(UART) and you use the bridge feature, 
//  please set this value correctly. 


int     error_state         = 0;

target_param *open_target( int baud_date );
int     write_flash( FILE *fp, target_param *tpp );
int     verify_flash( FILE *fp, target_param *tpp );
int     post_writing_process( target_param *tpp );

int     file_size( FILE *fp );
void    reset_target( int isp_pin_state );
int     try_and_check( char *command, char *expected_return_str, int mode );
int     try_and_check2( char *command, char *expected_return_str, int mode );
void    print_command( char *command );
void    print_result( int r );
char    read_byte( void );
void    erase_sectors( int last_sector );
int     write_uuencoded_data( FILE *fp, int ram_size, int sector_size, unsigned int  );
int     write_binary_data( FILE *fp, int ram_size, int sector_size, unsigned int ram_start );
int     verify_binary_data( FILE *fp );
int     verify_uucoded_data( FILE *fp );
void    get_binary_from_uucode_str( char *b, int size );
int     uudecode_a_line( char *b, char *s );
void    initialize_uud_table( void );
void    initialize_uue_table( void );
long    bin2uue( char *bin, char *str, int size );
int     get_flash_writing_size( int ram_size, unsigned int ram_start );
void    add_isp_checksum( char *b );
void    send_RAM_transfer_checksum( int checksum );

void    success_indicator();

#pragma diag_suppress 1293  //  surpressing a warning message of "assignment in condition" ;)

int main()
    FILE            *fp;
    target_param    *tpp;
    int             data_size;
    int             last_sector;

    printf( "\r\n\r\n\r\nmbed ISP program : programming LPC device from mbed\r\n" );

    if ( NULL == (tpp = open_target( ISP_BAUD_RATE )) )
        error( "couldn't open the taget" );
        return ( 1 );

    printf( "  target device found : type       = \"%s\"\r\n",   tpp->type_name );
    printf( "                        ID         = 0x%08X\r\n", tpp->id );
    printf( "                        RAM size   = %10d bytes\r\n", tpp->ram_size );
    printf( "                        flash size = %10d bytes\r\n", tpp->flash_size );

    printf( "  opening file: \"%s\"\r\n", SOURCE_FILE );

    if ( NULL == (fp    = fopen( SOURCE_FILE, "rb" )) ) {
        error( "couldn't open source file" );
        return ( 1 );

    data_size   = file_size( fp );
    last_sector = data_size / tpp->sector_size;

    printf( "  data size = %d bytes, it takes %d secotrs in flash area\r\n", data_size, last_sector + 1 );
    printf( "  resetting target\r\n" );

    erase_sectors( last_sector );

    write_flash( fp, tpp );
    verify_flash( fp, tpp );

    fclose( fp );

    printf( "\r\n  %s\r\n\r\n",
            error_state ?
            "** The data could not be written :(" :
            "** The data has been written successflly :)"
    if ( error_state )
        error( "  ** ISP failed\r\n" );
    post_writing_process( tpp );

    set_target_baud_rate( TARGET_OPERATION_BAUD_RATE );

    reset_target( NO_ISP_MODE );
    printf( "  ** The program in flash has been started!!\r\n" );

    printf( "     (now the mbed is working in \"serial through mode\")\r\n\r\n" );

    success.attach( &success_indicator, 0.1 );

    usb_serial_bridge_operation();  //  doesn't return. infinite loop in this function

target_param *open_target( int baud_date )
    target_param    *tpp;
    char            str_buf0[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    char            str_buf1[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];

    set_target_baud_rate( baud_date );
    reset_target( ENTER_TO_ISP_MODE );
    try_and_check( "?", "Synchronized", 0 );
    try_and_check2( "Synchronized\r\n", "OK", 0 );
    try_and_check2( "12000\r\n", "OK", 0 );
    try_and_check2( "U 23130\r\n", "0", 0 );
    try_and_check2( "A 0\r\n", "0", 0 );
    try_and_check( "K\r\n", "0", 0 );
    get_string( str_buf0 );
    get_string( str_buf1 );
    printf( "    result of \"K\" = %s %s\r\n", str_buf0, str_buf1 );
    try_and_check( "J\r\n", "0", 0 );
    get_string( str_buf0 );
    printf( "    result of \"J\" = %s\r\n", str_buf0 );
    tpp  = find_target_param( str_buf0 );
    return ( tpp );

int write_flash( FILE *fp, target_param *tpp )
    if ( tpp->write_type == BINARY )
        write_binary_data( fp, tpp->ram_size, tpp->sector_size, tpp->ram_start_address );
    else // UUENCODE
        write_uuencoded_data(  fp, tpp->ram_size, tpp->sector_size, tpp->ram_start_address );

int verify_flash( FILE *fp, target_param *tpp )
    if ( tpp->write_type == BINARY )
        verify_binary_data( fp );
        verify_uucoded_data( fp );

int post_writing_process( target_param *tpp )
    if ( tpp->write_type == UUENCODE )
                try_and_check( "G 0 T\r\n", "0", 0 );


int file_size( FILE *fp )
    int     size;

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END ); // seek to end of file
    size    = ftell( fp );       // get current file pointer
    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    return size;

void reset_target( int isp_pin_state )
    reset_pin   = 1;
    isp_pin     = isp_pin_state;
    wait_ms( 100 );
    reset_pin   = 0;
    wait_ms( 100 );
    reset_pin   = 1;
    wait_ms( 100 );

int try_and_check( char *command, char *expected_return_str, int mode )
    char    rtn_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     result  = 1;

    print_command( command );
    put_string( command );

    get_string( rtn_str );
    print_result( result  = strcmp( expected_return_str, rtn_str ) );

    if ( result && !mode )
        error( "command failed\r\n" );

    error_state |= result;

    return ( result );

int try_and_check2( char *command, char *expected_return_str, int mode )
    char    rtn_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     result  = 1;

    print_command( command );
    put_string( command );

    get_string( rtn_str );  // just readout echoback
    get_string( rtn_str );
    print_result( result  = strcmp( expected_return_str, rtn_str ) );

    if ( result && !mode )
        error( "command failed\r\n" );

    error_state |= result;

    return ( result );

void print_command( char *command )
    char    s[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    char    *pos;

    strcpy( s, command );

    if ( pos    = strchr( s, '\r' ) )
        *pos    = '\0';

    if ( pos    = strchr( s, '\n' ) )
        *pos    = '\0';

    printf( "  command-\"%s\" : ", s );

void print_result( int r )
    printf( "%s\r\n", r ? "Fail" : "Pass" );

void erase_sectors( int last_sector )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];

    sprintf( command_str, "P 0 %d\r\n", last_sector );
    try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

    *(command_str)  = 'E';
    try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

#define     BYTES_PER_LINE      45
char        uu_table[ 0x60 + 1 ];

int write_uuencoded_data( FILE *fp, int ram_size, int sector_size, unsigned int ram_start )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    long    checksum        = 0;
    int     total_size      = 0;
    int     size;

    int     flash_writing_size;
    int     lines_per_transfer;
    int     transfer_size;

    char    *b;


    flash_writing_size  = get_flash_writing_size( ram_size, ram_start );
    lines_per_transfer  = ((flash_writing_size / BYTES_PER_LINE) + 1);
    transfer_size       = (((flash_writing_size + 11) / 12) * 12);

    //  char    b[ transfer_size ]; // this can be done in mbed-compiler. but I should do it in common way

    if ( NULL == (b = (char *)malloc( transfer_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened\r\n" );

    for ( int i = flash_writing_size; i < transfer_size; i++ )
        b[ i ]  = 0;    //  this is not neccesary but just stuffing stuffing bytes

    while ( size    = fread( b, sizeof( char ), flash_writing_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( !total_size ) {
            //  overwriting 4 bytes data for address=0x1C
            //  there is a slot for checksum that is checked in (target's) boot process
            add_isp_checksum( b );

        sprintf( command_str, "W %ld %ld\r\n", ram_start, transfer_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        for ( int i = 0; i < lines_per_transfer; i++ ) {

            checksum   += bin2uue( b + (i * BYTES_PER_LINE), command_str, i == (lines_per_transfer - 1) ? (transfer_size % BYTES_PER_LINE) : BYTES_PER_LINE );

            //  printf( "  data -- %02d %s\r", i, command_str );

            put_string( command_str );

            if ( !((i + 1) % 20) ) {
                send_RAM_transfer_checksum( checksum );
                checksum   = 0;

        send_RAM_transfer_checksum( checksum );
        checksum   = 0;

        sprintf( command_str, "P %d %d\r\n", total_size / sector_size, total_size / sector_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        sprintf( command_str, "C %d %d %d\r\n", total_size, ram_start, flash_writing_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        total_size  += size;

    free( b );

    return ( total_size );

int write_binary_data( FILE *fp, int ram_size, int sector_size, unsigned int ram_start )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     total_size      = 0;
    int     size;
    int     flash_writing_size;
    char    *b;

    flash_writing_size  = 256;

    if ( NULL == (b     = (char *)malloc( flash_writing_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened\r\n" );

    printf( "\r\n  ==== flash writing ====\r\n" );

    while ( size    = fread( b, sizeof( char ), flash_writing_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( !total_size ) {
            //  overwriting 4 bytes data for address=0x1C
            //  there is a slot for checksum that is checked in (target's) boot process
            add_isp_checksum( b );

        sprintf( command_str, "W %ld %ld\r\n", ram_start, flash_writing_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        put_binary( b, flash_writing_size );
        put_string( "\r\n" );

        sprintf( command_str, "P %d %d\r\n", total_size / sector_size, total_size / sector_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        sprintf( command_str, "C %d %d %d\r\n", total_size, ram_start, flash_writing_size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        total_size  += size;
        //printf( "  total %d bytes transferred\r", total_size );


    free( b );

    return ( total_size );

int verify_binary_data( FILE *fp )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     size;
    int     flash_reading_size;
    char    *bf;
    char    *br;
    int     error_flag  = 0;
    unsigned long   checksum        = 0;
    unsigned long   checksum_count  = 0;

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    flash_reading_size  = 128;

    if ( NULL == (bf    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, file data buffer)\r\n" );

    if ( NULL == (br    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, read data buffer)\r\n" );

    printf( "\r\n  ==== flash reading and verifying ====\r\n" );

    while ( size    = fread( bf, sizeof( char ), flash_reading_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( read_size < 0x20 ) {
            for ( int i = 0; i < flash_reading_size; i += 4 ) {

                if ( checksum_count == 7 ) {
                    checksum    = 0xFFFFFFFF - checksum + 1;
                    *((unsigned int *)(bf + i)) = checksum;
                  //printf( "\r\n\r\n  -- calculated checksum    : 0x%08X\r\n", checksum );
                } else {
                    checksum    += *((unsigned int *)(bf + i));

        sprintf( command_str, "R %ld %ld\r\n", read_size, size );
//        try_and_check( command_str, "0", MODE_SILENT );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        get_binary( br, 1 );
        get_binary( br, size );

        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
//            printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );
            if ( (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ) {
//                printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );

        if ( error_flag )
        read_size   += size;

//        printf( "  total %d bytes read\r\n", read_size );
    error_state |= error_flag;

    printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );
    printf( "  verification result : \"%s\"\r\n", error_flag ? "Fail" : "Pass" );

    free( bf );
    free( br );

    return ( read_size );

int verify_uucoded_data( FILE *fp )
    char    command_str[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     size;
    int     flash_reading_size;
    char    *bf;
    char    *br;
    int     error_flag  = 0;

    flash_reading_size  = 176;

    if ( NULL == (bf    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, file data buffer)\r\n" );

    if ( NULL == (br    = (char *)malloc( flash_reading_size * sizeof( char ) )) )
        error( "malloc error happened (in verify process, read data buffer)\r\n" );

    fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); // seek back to beginning of file

    while ( size    = fread( bf, sizeof( char ), flash_reading_size, fp ) ) {

        if ( !read_size ) {
            //  overwriting 4 bytes data for address=0x1C
            //  there is a slot for checksum that is checked in (target's) boot process
            add_isp_checksum( bf );

        sprintf( command_str, "R %ld %ld\r\n", read_size, size );
        try_and_check( command_str, "0", 0 );

        get_binary_from_uucode_str( br, size );

        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
//            printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );
            if ( (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ) {
                printf( "   %s 0x%02X --- 0x%02X\r\n", (*(bf + i) != *(br + i)) ? "***" : "   ", *(bf + i), *(br + i) );

        if ( error_flag )
        read_size   += size;
//        printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );

    error_state |= error_flag;

    printf( "  total %d bytes read\r", read_size );
    printf( "  verification result : \"%s\"\r\n", error_flag ? "Fail" : "Pass" );

    free( bf );
    free( br );

    return ( read_size );

void get_binary_from_uucode_str( char *b, int size )
#define N   4

    char    s[ N ][ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    char    ss[ STR_BUFF_SIZE ];
    long    checksum    = 0;
    int     line_count  = 0;
    int     read_size   = 0;
    int     retry_count = 3;


    while ( retry_count-- ) {

        for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
            get_string( s[ i ] );

        get_string( ss );

        while ( size ) {
            read_size   = uudecode_a_line( b, s[ line_count ] );

            for ( int i = 0; i < read_size; i++ )
                checksum    += *b++;

            size    -= read_size;

//        printf( "  checksum -- %s (internal = %ld)\r\n", ss, checksum );

        if ( checksum == atol( ss ) ) {
            put_string( "OK\r\n" );
//            printf( "  checksum OK\r\n" );
        } else {
            printf( "  checksum RESEND\r\n" );
            put_string( "RESEND\r\n" );

int uudecode_a_line( char *b, char *s )

    unsigned long   v;
    int             read_size;

    read_size   = (*s++) - ' ';

    for ( int i = 0; i < read_size; i += 3 ) {
        v        = uu_table[ *s++ ] << 18;
        v       |= uu_table[ *s++ ] << 12;
        v       |= uu_table[ *s++ ] <<  6;
        v       |= uu_table[ *s++ ] <<  0;

        *b++     = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
        *b++     = (v >>  8) & 0xFF;
        *b++     = (v >>  0) & 0xFF;

    return ( read_size );

void initialize_uue_table( void )
    int     i;

    uu_table[ 0 ] = 0x60;           // 0x20 is translated to 0x60 !

    for ( i = 1; i < 64; i++ ) {
        uu_table[ i ] = (char)(' ' + i);

void initialize_uud_table( void )
    int     i;

    uu_table[ 0x60 ] = 0;

    for ( i = 0x21; i < 0x60; i++ ) {
        uu_table[ i ] = i - 0x20;

long bin2uue( char *bin, char *str, int size )
    unsigned long   v;
    long            checksum    = 0;
    int             strpos      = 0;

    *(str + strpos++) = ' ' + size;

    for ( int i = 0; i < size; i += 3 ) {
        checksum    += *(bin + i + 0) + *(bin + i + 1) + *(bin + i + 2);
        v   = (*(bin + i + 0) << 16) | (*(bin + i + 1) << 8) | (*(bin + i + 2) << 0);
        *(str + strpos++) = uu_table[ (v >> 18) & 0x3F ];
        *(str + strpos++) = uu_table[ (v >> 12) & 0x3F ];
        *(str + strpos++) = uu_table[ (v >>  6) & 0x3F ];
        *(str + strpos++) = uu_table[ (v >>  0) & 0x3F ];
    *(str + strpos++) = '\n';
    *(str + strpos++) = '\0';

    return checksum;

int get_flash_writing_size( int ram_size, unsigned int ram_start )
    int flash_writing_size[]    = {
    int     available_size;
    int     i;

    available_size  = ram_size - (ram_start & 0xFFFF);

    for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( flash_writing_size ) / sizeof( int ); i++ ) {
        if ( flash_writing_size[ i ] < available_size )

    return ( flash_writing_size[ i ] );

void add_isp_checksum( char *b )
    //  see

    unsigned int    *p;
    unsigned int    cksum   = 0;

    p  = (unsigned int *)b;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
        cksum   += *p++;

    printf( "  -- value at checksum slot : 0x%08X\r\n", *p );

    *p  = 0xFFFFFFFF - cksum + 1;
    printf( "  -- calculated checksum    : 0x%08X\r\n", *p );

    printf( "     new checksum will be used to program flash\r\n" );

void send_RAM_transfer_checksum( int checksum )
    char    command[ 16 ];

    sprintf( command, "%d\n", checksum );
    try_and_check( command, "OK", 0 );

void success_indicator()
    static int  i   = 0;
    leds    = 0x1 << (i++ & 0x3);

void set_leds( char v )
    leds    = v;