Advanced iBreath Analyzer featuring Hexiwear with Alcohol Click module

Dependencies:   Hexi_KW40Z Hexi_OLED_SSD1351

This Application example of iBreath Analyzer featuring Hexiwear with Alcohol Click module has been developed by Dave Clarke.

Detailed instructions for setting up Hexiwear and run the Application are available on HERE

Dave published a new version of his iBreath Analyzer, which is now capable to talk thanks to the addition of the Click Text to Speech module

Import programTalking_breathalyzer

iBreathe Breathalyzer can now talk thanks to the Text to Speech Click Board

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 18 21:52:42 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+* Title                 :   iBreathe Breathalyzer
+* Filename              :   breathalyzer
+* Author                :   Dave Clarke
+* Origin Date           :   27/09/2016
+* Notes                 :   Breathalyzer utilizing Hexiware, Alcohol click and Wolksense
+/**************************CHANGE LIST **************************************
+*    Date    Software Version    Initials       Description
+*  27/09/16       1.0.0            DC        Interface Created.
+ * @page TEST_CFG Test Configurations
+ * <h3> Test configuration : </h3>
+ * @par
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><b> MCU           </b> :      MK64FN1M0XXX12               </li>
+ * <li><b> Dev. Board    </b> :      HEXIWEAR                     </li>
+ * <li><b> Oscillator    </b> :      12 MHz external              </li>
+ * <li><b> Ext. Modules  </b> :      Alcohol Click on mikroBUS 1  </li>
+ * <li><b> SW            </b> :      mBed OS5    </li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+ * @mainpage
+ * <h3> Breathalyser created with HEXIWEAR and mBed OS 5 </h3>
+ * @par This will show you how much you've drunk and tell you with an Emoticon if
+ * you're too hammered to even consider driving. Using the Hexiware app the readings
+ * are transmitted to the cloud via bluetooth. Is it time to give up drinking yet?!
+ * <h3> Alcohol Features </h3>
+ * @par Alcohol click, Hexiwear docking station, Hexiware
+ */
+* Includes
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Hexi_KW40Z.h"
+#include "Hexi_OLED_SSD1351.h"
+#include "OLED_types.h"
+#include "OpenSans_Font.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "iBreatheImages.h"
+* Module Variable Definitions
+#define LED_ON      0
+#define LED_OFF     1
+                          // Pointers to:  
+const uint8_t   *welcome, // Welcome screen image
+                *blank,   // blank image
+                *blow,    // Start Blowing Image
+                *drink,   // You've been drinking image
+                *drive,   // Don't drive image
+                *hang,    // You'll have a hangover image
+                *ini,     // Initialising image
+                *sober;   // Sober as a judge image
+const float     Vadc_3V3  = 0.00005035;    // 16-Bit ADC step 3V3/65535   = 0.05035 mV
+float           Vrl = 0,                   // Output voltage
+                ambientAlc = 0,            // Abmient Output voltage from sensor
+                SensorRes = 0,             // SensorRes (Ohm) - Sensor resistance
+                SensorRes1 = 0,            // SensorRes (Ohm) - Sensor resistance
+                ppm = 0,                   // ppm
+                ppm_1 = 0,                 // Ambient ppm variable  
+                ratio = 0;                 // SensorRes/LoadRes ratio
+unsigned short  adc_rd = 0; //Initialise anologue read variable
+const uint8_t   ppmText[] = "ppm:"; // text for PPM label
+char            text[20],           // Text array variables
+                text2[20],
+                text3[20];
+float           value[20],  // initial sensor set up values
+                value1[20]; // initial sensor set up values
+bool            isFirstBoot = true;                   
+* Function Prototypes
+void sysinit(void);
+void ReadSensor();
+void CalculatePPM(int times, bool amb);
+void ambient(int times);
+void StartHaptic(void);
+void StopHaptic(void const *n);
+void ButtonUp(void);
+void txTask(void);
+* Instance setups
+/* Define timer for haptic feedback */
+RtosTimer hapticTimer(StopHaptic, osTimerOnce);
+//set up Analog read pin for alcohol sensor
+AnalogIn Alcohol(PTB2);
+/* Instantiate the SSD1351 OLED Driver */ 
+SSD1351 oled(PTB22,PTB21,PTC13,PTB20,PTE6, PTD15); /* (MOSI,SCLK,POWER,CS,RST,DC) */
+/* Get OLED Class Default Text Properties */
+oled_text_properties_t textProperties = {0};
+/* Instantiate the Hexi KW40Z Driver (UART TX, UART RX) */ 
+KW40Z kw40z_device(PTE24, PTE25);
+/* LED and Haptic Set ups */
+DigitalOut redLed(LED1);
+DigitalOut greenLed(LED2);
+DigitalOut blueLed(LED3);
+DigitalOut haptic(PTB9);
+* Bluetooth button functions and passkey function
+void ButtonRight(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    kw40z_device.ToggleAdvertisementMode();
+    blueLed = kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+    redLed = !kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+    greenLed = !kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+void ButtonLeft(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    kw40z_device.ToggleAdvertisementMode();
+    blueLed = kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+    redLed = !kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+    greenLed = !kw40z_device.GetAdvertisementMode(); /*Indicate BLE Advertisment Mode*/
+void PassKey(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    strcpy((char *) text,"PAIR CODE");
+    oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text,0,25,95,18);
+    /* Display Bond Pass Key in a 95px by 18px textbox at x=0,y=40 */
+    sprintf(text3,"%d", kw40z_device.GetPassKey());
+    oled.TextBox((uint8_t *)text3,0,40,95,18);
+* Main
+int main()
+     /* Set pointers to the BMPs stored in  iBreatheImages.c */
+     welcome = iBreatheWS_bmp;    // Welcome screen image 
+     blank = iBreatheBlank_bmp;   // blank image
+     blow = iBreatheBlow_bmp;    // Start Blowing Image
+     drink = iBreatheDrink_bmp;   // You've been drinking image
+     drive = iBreatheDrive_bmp;   // Don't drive image
+     hang = iBreatheHang_bmp;    // You'll have a hangover image
+     ini = iBreatheini_bmp;     // Initialising image
+     sober = iBreatheSober_bmp;   // Sober as a judge image
+     /* Set initial Values */
+     sysinit();
+* Public Function Definitions
+* Function readSensor(void)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Read sensor
+* Input: None
+* Output: None
+void ReadSensor()
+    /* Read 16 Bit Analog value */
+    adc_rd = Alcohol.read_u16();
+    // pause 200ms 
+    Thread::wait(200);
+* Function CalculatePPM(Int times, bool amb)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Calculation of PPM
+* Input: times = Number of samples to take, amb sets either ambient reading or test reading (true for test)
+* Output: None
+void CalculatePPM(int times, bool amb)
+        float   lgPPM;
+        /* Read values x times */
+        for(int x = 0; x < times; x++)
+        {
+            ReadSensor();    
+            value[x] = ((float)adc_rd  * Vadc_3V3);
+            StartHaptic();
+            Thread::wait(50);
+        }    
+        /* Calculate the average value for accuratcy */
+        for(int y = 0; y < times; y++)
+        {
+            Vrl += value[y];
+        }
+        Vrl = Vrl / times;       
+        /* Set SensorRes reference value */
+        SensorRes =    (Vrl / 3.3);
+        /* Set ratio */
+        ratio     = SensorRes1 / SensorRes;
+        /* Convert to PPM */
+        lgPPM = ( log10( ratio ) * -1.5512 ) + 2.5911;
+        /* If true create test result, flase creates reference result */
+        if (amb == true)
+        {
+            ppm = pow( 10, lgPPM );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ppm_1 = pow( 10, lgPPM );
+        }    
+* Function void ambient(int times)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Reading of the Ambient Voltgage of the sensor for reference
+* Input: times = Number of samples to take
+* Output: None
+void ambient(int times)
+    /* Read ambient values x times flashing green led*/
+    for(int x = 0; x < times; x++)
+    {
+        redLed      = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+        blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+        ReadSensor();
+        value1[x] = (float)adc_rd  * Vadc_3V3; 
+        redLed      = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed    = LED_ON;
+        blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+        Thread::wait(48);   
+    }
+    /* Calculate the average value for accuratcy */
+    for(int y = 0; y < times; y++)
+    {
+        ambientAlc+=value1[y];            
+    }
+    ambientAlc = ambientAlc / times;
+    /* Set SensorRes1 reference value */
+    SensorRes1 =   (ambientAlc / 3.3);
+* Function void StartHaptic(void)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Start Buzzing haptic motor
+* Input:  None
+* Output: None
+void StartHaptic(void)
+    hapticTimer.start(50);
+    haptic = 1;
+* Function void StopHaptic(void)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Stop Buzzing haptic motor
+* Input:  None
+* Output: None
+void StopHaptic(void const *n) {
+    haptic = 0;
+    hapticTimer.stop();
+* Function void ButtonUp(void)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: Function called whe up button pressed, Begins Breathilyzer testing procedure
+* Input:  None
+* Output: None
+void ButtonUp(void)
+    StartHaptic();
+    bool Ref = false;
+    bool Test = true;
+    /* LED set to green for test beginning*/
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_ON;
+    blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+    /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Initialising Image starting at x=0,y=0 */   
+    oled.DrawImage(ini,0,0);
+    /* first boot bug work around to stop junk values */
+    if (isFirstBoot == true)
+    {
+        /*read ambient atmosphere levels with 10 samples and set flag to show it's ambient basline figure*/
+        ambient(1);
+        CalculatePPM(1,Ref);
+        isFirstBoot = false;
+    }
+    /*read ambient atmosphere levels with 10 samples and set flag to show it's ambient basline figure*/
+    ambient(10);
+    CalculatePPM(10,Ref);
+    /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Blowing Image starting at x=0,y=0 */  
+    oled.DrawImage(blow,0,0);
+    /*read breathe alcohol levels with 10 samples and set flag to show it's breathilyzer test figure*/
+    CalculatePPM(10,Test);
+    /*Calculate the difference in Alcohol level based on Ambient and test sample*/
+    ppm = ppm - ppm_1;
+    /*Throw away any values less than 0*/
+    if (ppm < 0)
+    {
+         ppm = 0;
+    }     
+    /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Blank Background Image starting at x=0,y=0 */
+    oled.DrawImage(blank,0,0);     
+    /* Show Calculated alcohol level in PPM and send data via bluetooth to the cloud */
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);
+    oled.Label(ppmText,20,36);
+    sprintf(text,"%.2f",ppm);
+    oled.Label((uint8_t *)text,50,36);
+    Thread::wait(1000);
+    /* Currently sending to the Pressure variable as a temp place holder */
+    kw40z_device.SendPressure(ppm * 10);
+    /* You've got a Hangover coming!*/
+    if ( ppm > 200)
+    {
+        redLed      = LED_ON;
+        greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+        blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+        StartHaptic();
+        /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Hangover Image starting at x=0,y=0 */
+        oled.DrawImage(hang,0,0);
+    }   
+    /* You Shouldn't drive */
+    else if (ppm < 200 && ppm > 150)
+    {
+        redLed      = LED_ON;
+        greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+        blueLed     = LED_ON;
+        StartHaptic();
+        /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Don't Drive Image starting at x=0,y=0 */      
+        oled.DrawImage(drive,0,0);
+    } 
+    /* You've had a drink */
+    else if (ppm < 150 && ppm > 50)
+    {
+        redLed      = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed    = LED_ON;
+        blueLed     = LED_ON;
+        StartHaptic();
+        /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Had a drink Image starting at x=0,y=0 */     
+        oled.DrawImage(drink,0,0);
+    }
+    /* Sober as a judge*/   
+    else
+    {
+        redLed      = LED_OFF;
+        greenLed    = LED_ON;
+        blueLed     = LED_OFF;
+        StartHaptic();
+        oled.DrawImage(sober,0,0);    
+    }
+    Thread::wait(5000);
+    /* Go back to start screen */
+    sysinit();   
+* Function void sysint(void)
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Overview: System Initial Values Set up
+* Input: None
+* Output: None
+void sysinit(void)
+    /* Set LED to Blue by default*/      
+    redLed      = LED_OFF;
+    greenLed    = LED_OFF;
+    blueLed     = LED_ON;
+    /* Turn on the backlight of the OLED Display */
+//    oled.DimScreenON();
+    /* Fill 96px by 96px Screen with 96px by 96px Welcome Image starting at x=0,y=0 */
+    oled.DrawImage(welcome,0,0);
+    /* Register callbacks to application functions */
+    kw40z_device.attach_buttonUp(&ButtonUp);
+    kw40z_device.attach_buttonLeft(&ButtonLeft);
+    kw40z_device.attach_buttonRight(&ButtonRight);
+    kw40z_device.attach_passkey(&PassKey);
+    /* Send sensor data to bluetooth */
+    kw40z_device.SendSetApplicationMode(GUI_CURRENT_APP_SENSOR_TAG);
+    /* Change font color to White */
+    oled.GetTextProperties(&textProperties); 
+    textProperties.fontColor   = COLOR_WHITE;
+    oled.SetTextProperties(&textProperties);