interrupt handling


diff -r 336524cf63de -r 16a5b43ac874 readerComm.cpp
--- a/readerComm.cpp	Fri Apr 10 23:16:44 2015 +0000
+++ b/readerComm.cpp	Thu Apr 30 23:30:55 2015 +0000
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
     Copyright (C)   2015 Gymtrack, Inc.
     Author:         Ron Clough
     Date:           2015-02-27
     Rev     Date        Who     Details
     0.0     2015-02-27  RWC     Original version.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
 Initialize the chipset ISO15693 and read UID:
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 2) Write Modulator and SYS_CLK Control Register (0x09) (13.56Mhz SYS_CLK and default Clock 13.56Mhz))
 [0x09 0x31]
 3) Configure Mode ISO Control Register (0x01) to 0x02 (ISO15693 high bit rate, one subcarrier, 1 out of 4)
-[0x01 0x02] 
+[0x01 0x02]
 4) Turn RF ON (Chip Status Control Register (0x00))
 [0x40 r] [0x00 0x20] [0x40 r]
 5) Inventory Command (see Figure 5-20. Inventory Command Sent From MCU to TRF7970A)
-5-1) Send Inventory(8B), Wait 2ms, Read/Clear IRQ Status(0x0C=>0x6C)+dummy read, 
-Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C), Read Continuous FIFO from 0x1F to 0x1F+0x0A(0x1F/0x7F), 
-Read/Clear IRQ Status(0x0C=>0x6C)+dummy read, Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C), 
+5-1) Send Inventory(8B), Wait 2ms, Read/Clear IRQ Status(0x0C=>0x6C)+dummy read,
+Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C), Read Continuous FIFO from 0x1F to 0x1F+0x0A(0x1F/0x7F),
+Read/Clear IRQ Status(0x0C=>0x6C)+dummy read, Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C),
 Reset FIFO(0x0F/0x8F), Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F)
 [0x8F 0x91 0x3D 0x00 0x30 0x26 0x01 0x00] %:2 [0x6C r:2] [0x5C r] [0x7F r:10] %:10 [0x6C r:2] [0x5C r] [0x8F] [0x4F r]
@@ -39,23 +39,29 @@
 #include    "mbed.h"
 #include    "readerComm.h"
 uint8_t     sg=0;
-DigitalOut  EN(p4);           // Control EN pin on TRF7970
-DigitalOut  EN2(p3);        // Control EN2 pin on TRF7970
-DigitalOut  CS(p19); 
-uint8_t    turnRFOn[2];  
+DigitalOut  EN(p0);           // Control EN pin on TRF7970
+DigitalOut  EN2(p4);        // Control EN2 pin on TRF7970
+DigitalOut  CS(p9);
+uint8_t    turnRFOn[2];
 uint8_t    testcommand[2];
 extern uint8_t noBytes;
 extern  SPI             spi;                // main.cpp
 extern  Serial          pc;                 // main.cpp
 uint8_t         buf[300];           // main.cpp
 uint8_t     found=0;
+uint8_t rssi_flag=0;
+uint8_t rssi=0;
+extern DigitalOut BLED;
+DigitalOut AO_7970(p29);
+DigitalOut MOD_7970(p30);
+int nfc=0;
 //extern bool tagFound=0;
-extern  DigitalOut  debug1LED;
-extern  DigitalOut  debug2LED;
-extern  DigitalOut  ISO15693LED;
-extern  DigitalOut  heartbeatLED;
-extern  DigitalOut  testPin;
+//extern  DigitalOut  debug1LED;
+//extern  DigitalOut  debug2LED;
+//extern  DigitalOut  ISO15693LED;
+//extern  DigitalOut  heartbeatLED;
+//extern  DigitalOut  testPin;
 uint8_t     temp;
 uint8_t     command[2];
@@ -84,7 +90,7 @@
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     uint8_t i=0;
     CS = SELECT;
     while(length > 0) {
         *buffer = (0x1F & *buffer);     // Register address
@@ -95,13 +101,13 @@
 }   // End of trf797xWriteSingle()
 void trf797xReadSingle(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t number)
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 //  trf797xReadSingle()
-//  Description:    Reads specified reader chip registers and 
+//  Description:    Reads specified reader chip registers and
 //                  writes register contents to *buffer.
 //  Parameters:     *buffer =   addresses of the registers.
 //                  number  =   number of registers.
@@ -130,7 +136,8 @@
 //  Parameters:     *buffer =   address of first register.
 //                  length =    number of registers to read.
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-{  //==================tested wrk $sg
+    //==================tested wrk $sg
     CS = SELECT;
     *buffer = (0x60 | *buffer);     // Address, read, continuous
     *buffer = (0x7F & *buffer);     // Register address
@@ -142,7 +149,7 @@
 //    spi.write(0x00); spi.write(0x00);   // 16 clock cycles, see TRF7970A FW Design Hints SLOA159 section 7.3
     //=====================tested it wrks $sg
 }   // End of trf797xReadContinuous()
@@ -183,12 +190,15 @@
 void PowerUpNFC2(void)
-{//CS = 1;
+    //CS = 1;
 // wait_ms(4);
 // EN = 1;
 // EN2=1;
-  CS = 0; EN2 = 0; EN = 0;
+    CS = 0;
+    EN2 = 0;
+    EN = 0;
     CS = 1;
@@ -197,313 +207,374 @@
     EN = 1;
 void PowerUpNFC(void)
-{ //CS = 1;
+    //CS = 1;
 // wait_ms(4);
 // EN = 1;
-EN2 = 1;
+    EN2 = 1;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    EN=1;
 void PowerDownNFC(void)
-   EN=0;
-   EN2=0;
+    ///CS=1;
+    EN=0;
+    EN2=0;
- //EN2= 0;   PowerDown Mode
- //EN2=1;    SleepMode
- //CS=0;
+//EN2= 0;   PowerDown Mode
+//EN2=1;    SleepMode
 void SleepNFC(void)
-{ EN=0;
-   EN2=0;
-    }
+    EN=0;
+    EN2=0;
 void StandByNFC(void)
-turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
-turnRFOn[1] |= 0x80;
-trf797xWriteSingle(turnRFOn, 2);
+    turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
+    turnRFOn[1] |= 0x80;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(turnRFOn, 2);
 void SpiInit1(void)
-spi.format(8, 1);       // 8 bit data, mode = 1 (transition on rising edge, sample on falling edge)
+    spi.format(8, 1);       // 8 bit data, mode = 1 (transition on rising edge, sample on falling edge)
+    spi.frequency(250000);
 void SpiInit(void)
-spi.format(8, 1);       // 8 bit data, mode = 1 (transition on rising edge, sample on falling edge)
+    spi.format(8, 1);       // 8 bit data, mode = 1 (transition on rising edge, sample on falling edge)
+    spi.frequency(1000000);
 void NFCInit(void)
+    //testPin=1;
-testcommand[0] = SOFT_INIT;
-testcommand[0] = IDLE;
-testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;
-testcommand[1] = 0x21;                  // 6.78 MHz, OOK 100%
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = SOFT_INIT;
+    trf797xDirectCommand(testcommand);
+    wait_ms(2);
+    testcommand[0] = IDLE;
+    trf797xDirectCommand(testcommand);
+    wait_ms(2);
+//testcommand[0] =NFC_TARGET_LEVEL  ;
+//testcommand[1] = 0x00;
+//trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x81;                  // 6.78 MHz, OOK 100%
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;             
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
-turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
-turnRFOn[1] |= 0x20;
+    testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = REGULATOR_CONTROL ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x07;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
+    turnRFOn[1] |= 0x00;
 // Oroiginal code has 0x20 !!!
-trf797xReadSingle(turnRFOn, 1);
-turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
-turnRFOn[1] |= 0x20;
-trf797xWriteSingle(turnRFOn, 2);
+    trf797xReadSingle(turnRFOn, 1);
+    turnRFOn[1] &= 0x3F;
+    turnRFOn[1] |= 0x00;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(turnRFOn, 2);
-testcommand[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
-testcommand[1] = 0x02;                  // 6.78 MHz, OOK 100%
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_MASK; 
-testcommand[1] = 0x3F;                 
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x02;                  // 6.78 MHz, OOK 100%
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_MASK;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x3F;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
 void RegisterReInitNFC(void)
-{testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_HIGH;
-testcommand[1] = 0xC1;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_LOW ;
-testcommand[1] = 0xC1;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = TX_PULSE_LENGTH_CONTROL ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x00;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x30;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] =  RX_WAIT_TIME ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x1F;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x21;     //0x34 100%ook@13MHz             
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = RX_SPECIAL_SETTINGS ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x40;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
-testcommand[0] = REGULATOR_CONTROL ;
-testcommand[1] = 0x87;                  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    //testcommand[0] =NFC_TARGET_LEVEL  ;
+//testcommand[1] = 0x00;
+//trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_HIGH;
+    testcommand[1] = 0xC1;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_LOW ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0xC1;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_PULSE_LENGTH_CONTROL ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x00;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x30;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] =  RX_WAIT_TIME ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x1F;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x81;     //0x34 100%ook@13MHz
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = RX_SPECIAL_SETTINGS ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x40;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+    testcommand[0] = REGULATOR_CONTROL ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0x07;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
 void RegistersReadNFC(void)
-trf797xReadSingle(turnRFOn, 1);
-testcommand[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
-testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_HIGH;          //0xC1; 
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);     
-testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_LOW ;          //0xC1; 
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);     
-testcommand[0] = TX_PULSE_LENGTH_CONTROL ;   //0x00; 
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);  
-testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ; //0x30;
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);              
-testcommand[0] =  RX_WAIT_TIME ;             //0x1F;
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);  
-testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL ;         //0x21; 
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);    
-testcommand[0] = RX_SPECIAL_SETTINGS ;       //0x40;
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
-testcommand[0] = REGULATOR_CONTROL ;        //0x87; 
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    trf797xReadSingle(turnRFOn, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_HIGH;          //0xC1;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_TIMER_EPC_LOW ;          //0xC1;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = TX_PULSE_LENGTH_CONTROL ;   //0x00;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ; //0x30;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] =  RX_WAIT_TIME ;             //0x1F;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL ;         //0x21;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = RX_SPECIAL_SETTINGS ;       //0x40;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = REGULATOR_CONTROL ;        //0x87;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
 void InventoryReqNFC(void)
 //send inventory command==================================================
-buf[0]=0x8F; //Send Inventory(8B)[0x8F 0x91 0x3D 0x00 0x30 0x26 0x01 0x00] 
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-/*====================================read tag ID
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-testcommand[0] = FIFO_COUNTER;           //Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C)    
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
-testcommand[0] = 0x7F & testcommand[0];   // Determine the number of bytes left in FIFO
-buf[0] = FIFO;   
-trf797xReadContinuous(&buf[0], testcommand[0]);
-testcommand[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;            //Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F)           
-trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1); 
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-testcommand[0] = RESET;                  //Reset FIFO(0x0F/0x8F)
-trf797xRunDecoders();  */
+    buf[0]=0x8F; //Send Inventory(8B)[0x8F 0x91 0x3D 0x00 0x30 0x26 0x01 0x00]
+    buf[1]=0x91;
+    buf[2]=0x3D;
+    buf[3]=0x00;
+    buf[4]=0x30;
+    buf[5]=0x26;
+    buf[6]=0x01;
+    buf[7]=0x00;
+    trf797xRawWrite(&buf[0],8);
+//read rssi register and interchange rx input to main and aux receiver blocks
+//{add code block here
+//    }
+    wait_ms(2);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    wait_ms(5);
+//testcommand[0] = CHECK_EXTERNAL_RF;
+    testcommand[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;            //Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F)
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    printf("RSSI:%X \r\n", testcommand[0]);
+    /*====================================read tag ID
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    testcommand[0] = FIFO_COUNTER;           //Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C)
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = 0x7F & testcommand[0];   // Determine the number of bytes left in FIFO
+    buf[0] = FIFO;
+    trf797xReadContinuous(&buf[0], testcommand[0]);
+    testcommand[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;            //Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F)
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    testcommand[0] = RESET;                  //Reset FIFO(0x0F/0x8F)
+    trf797xDirectCommand(testcommand);
+    trf797xStopDecoders();
+    trf797xRunDecoders();  */
 //=====================================read Tag ID
 void FindNFC(uint8_t *irqStatus)
+    //found=0;
 //static uint8_t sg;
-//printf("%X \r\n", *irqStatus); 
-  switch(*irqStatus)
-  {case BIT0: found=BIT0; WAIT=10; break;
-   case BIT1: found=BIT1; break;
-  // case BIT2://found=BIT2; // break;
-   //case BIT3:found=BIT3; WAIT=0;break;
+//printf("%X \r\n", *irqStatus);
+    switch(*irqStatus) {
+        case BIT0:
+            found=BIT0;
+            WAIT=10;
+            break;
+        case BIT1:
+            found=BIT1;
+            break;
+            // case BIT2://found=BIT2; // break;
+            //case BIT3:found=BIT3; WAIT=0;break;
 //   case BIT4:found=BIT4; WAIT=0;break;
 //   case BIT5:found=BIT5; WAIT=0;break;
-   case 0x40: found=0x40; break;
-   case BIT7: found=BIT7; break;
-   default: found=0;
+        case 0x40:
+            found=0x40;
+            break;
+        case BIT7:
+            found=BIT7;
+            break;
+        default:
+            found=0;
+    }
 void handlerNFC(void)
-testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
+    testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    FindNFC(testcommand);
 //=============================use if trf7970a irq_status is not cleared
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
+//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
 void MemReadReqNFC(void)
-{testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ;
-testcommand[1] = 0xFF;  
-trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
- //send inventory command==================================================
-buf[0]=0x8F; //Send Inventory(8B)[0x8F 0x91 0x3D 0x00 0x30 0x26 0x01 0x00] 
+    testcommand[0] = RX_NO_RESPONSE_WAIT_TIME  ;
+    testcommand[1] = 0xFF;
+    trf797xWriteSingle(testcommand, 2);
+//send inventory command==================================================
+    buf[0]=0x8F; //Send Inventory(8B)[0x8F 0x91 0x3D 0x00 0x30 0x26 0x01 0x00]
+    buf[1]=0x91;
+    buf[2]=0x3D;
+    buf[3]=0x00;
+    buf[4]=0x30;
+    buf[5]=0x02;
+    buf[6]=0x20;
+    buf[7]=0x00;
+    trf797xRawWrite(&buf[0],8);
+//read rssi register and interchange rx input to main and aux receiver blocks
+//{add code block here
+//    }
 //=========================use to clear irq_status register of trf7970a
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
+//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    wait_ms(5);
+//testcommand[0] = CHECK_EXTERNAL_RF;
+    testcommand[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;
+    //Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F)
+    trf797xReadSingle(testcommand, 1);
+    rssi=testcommand[0];
+    printf("RSSI:%X \r\n", testcommand[0]);
-void ReadNFC(void) 
-{/*========================================== read irqstatus reg. of trf7970a
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                clear irqstatus reg of trf7970a  
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
+void ReadNFC(void)
+    /*========================================== read irqstatus reg. of trf7970a
+    //testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                clear irqstatus reg of trf7970a
+    //trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    //testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+    //trf797xReadSingle(testcommand,1);
+    ===========================================*/
-noBytes = FIFO_COUNTER;           //Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C)    
-trf797xReadSingle(&noBytes, 1);
-noBytes = 0x7F & noBytes;   // Determine the number of bytes left in FIFO
-buf[0] = FIFO;   
+    noBytes = FIFO_COUNTER;           //Read FIFO Status Register(0x1C/0x5C)
+    trf797xReadSingle(&noBytes, 1);
+    noBytes = 0x7F & noBytes;   // Determine the number of bytes left in FIFO
+    buf[0] = FIFO;
+    trf797xReadContinuous(&buf[0],noBytes);
 //==use if trf7970a irq_status is not cleared
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
-//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;                  
+//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
+//testcommand[0] = IRQ_STATUS;
-testcommand[0] = RESET;                  //Reset FIFO(0x0F/0x8F)
+    testcommand[0] = RESET;                  //Reset FIFO(0x0F/0x8F)
+    trf797xDirectCommand(testcommand);
-bool PollNFC(void)
-MemReadReqNFC(); //InventoryReqNFC()
+bool PollNFC(void)
+    printf("PollNFC \r\n");
+  //  PowerUpNFC();
+   // NFCInit();
+   // RegisterReInitNFC();
+    MemReadReqNFC();
+    printf("back from MemReadReqNFC \r\n");
+    if (rssi>0x50)
+    {rssi_flag=1;}
+    else{rssi_flag=0;}
+     nfc++;
+    wait_ms(WAIT);
-{case BIT0:
- printf("no response:");
- printf("%X \r\n",found);
- found=0;
- WAIT=0;
- break;
+    switch(found) {
+        case BIT0:
+            printf("no response:");
+            printf("%X \r\n",found);
+            found=0;
+            WAIT=0;
+            break;
 // //case BIT1:
 // //case BIT2:
 // //case BIT3:
 //// case BIT4:
 //// case BIT5:
- case BIT6:
- ReadNFC();
- PowerDownNFC();                       //SleepNFC() //StandByNFC()
- found=1;
- WAIT=0;
- break;
- case BIT7:   
- printf("tx complete:");
- printf("%X \r\n",found);
- found=0;
- WAIT=0;
-default: found=0;
-////printf("tag id:");
-////for(uint8_t i=0; i<noBytes; i++)
-////printf("%X ", buf[i]);
-//{printf("tnf2 \r\n");
+        case BIT6:
+            ReadNFC();
+//PowerDownNFC();                       //SleepNFC() //StandByNFC()
+            found=1;
+            WAIT=0;
+            break;
+        case BIT7:
+            printf("tx complete:");
+            printf("%X \r\n",found);
+            found=0;
+            WAIT=0;
+            break;
+        default:
+            if((nfc>10)&&(rssi_flag=1));
+            {rssi_flag=0;
+             nfc=0;
+                PowerUpNFC();
+                NFCInit();
+                RegisterReInitNFC();
+                printf("resetting 7970 \r\n:");
+                found=0;
+            }
+    }
-return found;
+    return found;
\ No newline at end of file