Webserver basic for CDU

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of EasyWebCR by Igor Skochinsky

diff -r 000000000000 -r 12b53511e212 ethmac.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ethmac.c	Fri Jan 29 21:46:31 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+ *****                                                        *****
+ *****  Name: cs8900.c                                        *****
+ *****  Ver.: 1.0                                             *****
+ *****  Date: 07/05/2001                                      *****
+ *****  Auth: Andreas Dannenberg                              *****
+ *****        HTWK Leipzig                                    *****
+ *****        university of applied sciences                  *****
+ *****        Germany                                         *****
+ *****        adannenb@et.htwk-leipzig.de                     *****
+ *****  Func: ethernet packet-driver for use with LAN-        *****
+ *****        controller CS8900 from Crystal/Cirrus Logic     *****
+ *****                                                        *****
+ ******************************************************************/
+// Modifications by Code Red Technologies for NXP LPC1776
+// Filename changed to ethmac.c as no longer for cs8900
+// CodeRed - updated include to match new filename
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ethmac.h"
+// CodeRed - add additional includes
+#include "tcpip.h"
+// CodeRed - new static pointers for receive and transmit
+static unsigned short *rxptr;
+static unsigned short *txptr;
+// CodeRed - function added to write to external ethernet PHY chip
+void WriteToPHY (int reg, int writeval)
+  unsigned int loop;
+  // Set up address to access in MII Mgmt Address Register
+  LPC_EMAC->MADR = DP83848C_DEF_ADR | reg;
+  // Write value into MII Mgmt Write Data Register
+  LPC_EMAC->MWTD = writeval;
+  // Loop whilst write to PHY completes
+  for (loop = 0; loop < MII_WR_TOUT; loop++) {
+    if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & MIND_BUSY) == 0) { break; }
+  }
+// CodeRed - function added to read from external ethernet PHY chip
+unsigned short ReadFromPHY (unsigned char reg) 
+  unsigned int loop;
+  // Set up address to access in MII Mgmt Address Register
+  LPC_EMAC->MADR = DP83848C_DEF_ADR | reg;
+  // Trigger a PHY read via MII Mgmt Command Register
+  // Loop whilst read from PHY completes
+  for (loop = 0; loop < MII_RD_TOUT; loop++) {
+    if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & MIND_BUSY) == 0)  { break; }
+  }
+  LPC_EMAC->MCMD = 0; // Cancel read
+  // Returned value is in MII Mgmt Read Data Register
+  return (LPC_EMAC->MRDD);
+// CodeRed - Init8900() replaced by Init_EthMAC()
+// configure port-pins for use with LAN-controller,
+// reset it and send the configuration-sequence
+// (InitSeq[])
+void Init8900(void)
+  unsigned int i;
+  P3SEL = 0x30;                                  // reserve P3.4 and P3.5 for rs232
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW;                             // reset outputs, control lines high
+  P3DIR = 0xFF;                                  // port 3 as output (all pins but rs232)
+  P5SEL = 0;                                     // select standard port functions
+  P5OUT = 0;                                     // reset outputs
+  P5DIR = 0xFF;                                  // switch data port to output
+  Write8900(ADD_PORT, PP_SelfCTL);
+  Write8900(DATA_PORT, POWER_ON_RESET);          // Reset the Ethernet-Controller
+  Write8900(ADD_PORT, PP_SelfST);
+  while (!(Read8900(DATA_PORT) & INIT_DONE));    // wait until chip-reset is done
+  for (i = 0; i < sizeof InitSeq / sizeof (TInitSeq); i++) // configure the CS8900
+  {
+    Write8900(ADD_PORT, InitSeq[i].Addr);
+    Write8900(DATA_PORT, InitSeq[i].Data);
+  }
+// Ethernet power/clock control bit in PCONP register
+#define PCENET 0x40000000
+// Ethernet configuration for PINSEL2, as per user guide section 5.3
+#define ENET_PINSEL2_CONFIG 0x50150105
+// Ethernet configuration for PINSEL3, as per user guide section 5.4
+#define ENET_PINSEL3_CONFIG 0x00000005
+// Only bottom byte of PINSEL3 relevant to Ethernet
+#define ENET_PINSEL3_MASK 0x0000000F
+void Init_EthMAC(void)
+  unsigned int loop, value, phyid1, phyid2;
+  unsigned phy_in_use = 0;
+  unsigned phy_linkstatus_reg;
+  unsigned phy_linkstatus_mask;  
+  // Set Ethernet power/clock control bit
+  //Enable Ethernet pins through PINSEL registers
+  // Set up MAC Configuration Register 1
+  // Set up MAC Command Register
+  // Short delay
+  for (loop = 100; loop; loop--);
+  // Set up MAC Configuration Register 1 to pass all receive frames
+  // Set up MAC Configuration Register 2 to append CRC and pad out frames
+  // Set Ethernet Maximum Frame Register
+  // Set Collision Window / Retry Register
+  // Set Non Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register
+   // Set MAC Command Register to enable Reduced MII interface
+   // and prevent runt frames being filtered out
+  // Put DP83848C PHY into reset mode
+  WriteToPHY (PHY_REG_BMCR, 0x8000);
+  // Loop until hardware reset completes
+  for (loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; loop++) {
+    value = ReadFromPHY (PHY_REG_BMCR);
+    if (!(value & 0x8000)) {
+      // Reset has completed
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Just check this actually is a DP83848C PHY
+  phyid1 = ReadFromPHY (PHY_REG_IDR1);
+  phyid2 = ReadFromPHY (PHY_REG_IDR2);
+  if (((phyid1 << 16) | (phyid2 & 0xFFF0)) == DP83848C_ID) {
+      phy_in_use =  DP83848C_ID;
+  }
+  else if (((phyid1 << 16) | (phyid2 & 0xFFF0)) == LAN8720_ID) {
+      phy_in_use = LAN8720_ID;
+  }
+  if (phy_in_use != 0) {      
+      // Safe to configure the PHY device
+    // Set PHY to autonegotiation link speed
+    // loop until autonegotiation completes
+    for (loop = 0; loop < 0x100000; loop++) {
+      value = ReadFromPHY (PHY_REG_BMSR);
+      if (value & 0x0020) {
+        // Autonegotiation has completed
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  phy_linkstatus_reg = PHY_REG_STS;        // Default to DP83848C
+  phy_linkstatus_mask = 0x0001; 
+  if (phy_in_use == LAN8720_ID) {
+      phy_linkstatus_reg = PHY_REG_BMSR;
+      phy_linkstatus_mask = 0x0002;       
+  }
+  // Now check the link status
+  for (loop = 0; loop < 0x10000; loop++) {
+    value = ReadFromPHY (phy_linkstatus_reg);
+    if (value & phy_linkstatus_mask) {
+      // The link is on
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Now configure for full/half duplex mode 
+  if (value & 0x0004) {
+    // We are in full duplex is enabled mode
+      LPC_EMAC->MAC2    |= MAC2_FULL_DUP;
+      LPC_EMAC->Command |= CR_FULL_DUP;
+  }
+  else {
+    // Otherwise we are in half duplex mode
+  }
+  // Now configure 100MBit or 10MBit mode
+  if (value & 0x0002) {
+    // 10MBit mode
+      LPC_EMAC->SUPP = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    // 100MBit mode
+  }
+  // Now set the Ethernet MAC Address registers
+  // NOTE - MAC address must be unique on the network!
+  LPC_EMAC->SA0 = (MYMAC_1 << 8) | MYMAC_2; // Station address 0 Reg
+  LPC_EMAC->SA1 = (MYMAC_3 << 8) | MYMAC_4; // Station address 1 Reg
+  LPC_EMAC->SA2 = (MYMAC_5 << 8) | MYMAC_6; // Station address 2 Reg
+  // Now initialise the Rx descriptors    
+  for (loop = 0; loop < NUM_RX_FRAG; loop++) {
+    RX_DESC_PACKET(loop)  = RX_BUF(loop);
+    RX_DESC_CTRL(loop)    = RCTRL_INT | (ETH_FRAG_SIZE-1);
+    RX_STAT_INFO(loop)    = 0;
+    RX_STAT_HASHCRC(loop) = 0;
+  }
+  // Set up the Receive Descriptor Base address register
+  LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptor    = RX_DESC_BASE;
+  // Set up the Receive Status Base address register
+  LPC_EMAC->RxStatus        = RX_STAT_BASE;
+  // Setup the Receive Number of Descriptor register
+  LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptorNumber = NUM_RX_FRAG-1;
+  //  Set Receive Consume Index register to 0
+  LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex  = 0;
+  // Now initialise the Tx descriptors 
+  for (loop = 0; loop < NUM_TX_FRAG; loop++) {
+    TX_DESC_PACKET(loop) = TX_BUF(loop);
+    TX_DESC_CTRL(loop)   = 0;
+    TX_STAT_INFO(loop)   = 0;
+  }
+  // Set up the Transmit Descriptor Base address register
+  LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptor    = TX_DESC_BASE;
+  // Set up the Transmit Status Base address register
+  LPC_EMAC->TxStatus        = TX_STAT_BASE;
+  // Setup the Transmit Number of Descriptor register
+  LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptorNumber = NUM_TX_FRAG-1;
+  //  Set Transmit Consume Index register to 0
+  LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex  = 0;
+  // Receive Broadcast and Perfect Match Packets
+  LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl = RFC_BCAST_EN | RFC_PERFECT_EN;                     
+  // Enable interrupts MAC Module Control Interrupt Enable Register
+  // Reset all ethernet interrupts in MAC module
+  LPC_EMAC->IntClear  = 0xFFFF;
+  // Finally enable receive and transmit mode in ethernet core
+  LPC_EMAC->Command  |= (CR_RX_EN | CR_TX_EN);
+  LPC_EMAC->MAC1     |= MAC1_REC_EN;
+// CodeRed - Write8900() not needed
+// for  RDB1768 port
+// writes a word in little-endian byte order to
+// a specified port-address
+void Write8900(unsigned char Address, unsigned int Data)
+  P5DIR = 0xFF;                                  // data port to output
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | Address;                   // put address on bus
+  P5OUT = Data;                                  // write low order byte to data bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOW;                                 // toggle IOW-signal
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (Address + 1);             // and put next address on bus
+  P5OUT = Data >> 8;                             // write high order byte to data bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOW;                                 // toggle IOW-signal
+  P3OUT |= IOW;
+// Code Red - updated for LPC1776 port
+// writes a word in little-endian byte order to TX_FRAME_PORT
+void WriteFrame8900(unsigned int Data)
+  P5DIR = 0xFF;                                  // data port to output
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | TX_FRAME_PORT;             // put address on bus
+  P5OUT = Data;                                  // write low order byte to data bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOW;                                 // toggle IOW-signal
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (TX_FRAME_PORT + 1);       // and put next address on bus
+  P5OUT = Data >> 8;                             // write high order byte to data bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOW;                                 // toggle IOW-signal
+  P3OUT |= IOW;
+// writes a word in little-endian byte order to TX_BUFFER
+void WriteFrame_EthMAC(unsigned short Data)
+  *txptr++ = Data;
+// copies bytes from MCU-memory to frame port
+// NOTES: * an odd number of byte may only be transfered
+//          if the frame is written to the end!
+//        * MCU-memory MUST start at word-boundary
+// Code Red - rewritten for LPC1776
+void CopyToFrame8900(void *Source, unsigned int Size)
+  P5DIR = 0xFF;                                  // data port to output
+  while (Size > 1) {
+    WriteFrame8900(*((unsigned int *)Source)++);
+    Size -= 2;
+  }
+  if (Size)                                      // if odd num. of bytes...
+    WriteFrame8900(*(unsigned char *)Source);    // write leftover byte (the LAN-controller
+}                                                // ignores the highbyte)
+void CopyToFrame_EthMAC(void *Source, unsigned int Size)
+  unsigned int index;
+  unsigned short *pSource;
+  pSource = (unsigned short *)Source;
+  Size = (Size + 1) & 0xFFFE;    // round up Size to next even number
+  while (Size > 0) {
+    WriteFrame_EthMAC(*pSource++);
+    Size -= 2;
+  }
+  index = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;
+  if (++index == NUM_TX_FRAG)
+    index = 0;
+  LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex = index;
+// CodeRed - Read8900() not needed
+// for  LPC1768 port
+// reads a word in little-endian byte order from
+// a specified port-address
+unsigned int Read8900(unsigned char Address)
+  unsigned int ReturnValue;
+  P5DIR = 0x00;                                  // data port to input
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | Address;                   // put address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue = P5IN;                            // get low order byte from data bus
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (Address + 1);             // IOR high and put next address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue |= P5IN << 8;                      // get high order byte from data bus
+  P3OUT |= IOR;
+  return ReturnValue;
+// reads a word in little-endian byte order from RX_FRAME_PORT
+// Code Red - ReadFrame8900 rewritten for RDB1768 port
+unsigned int ReadFrame8900(void)
+  unsigned int ReturnValue;
+  P5DIR = 0x00;                                  // data port to input
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | RX_FRAME_PORT;             // access to RX_FRAME_PORT
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue = P5IN;                            // get 1st byte from data bus (low-byte)
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (RX_FRAME_PORT + 1);       // IOR high and put next address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue |= P5IN << 8;                      // get 2nd byte from data bus (high-byte)
+  P3OUT |= IOR;
+  return ReturnValue;
+// reads a word in little-endian byte order from RX_BUFFER
+unsigned short ReadFrame_EthMAC(void)
+  return (*rxptr++);
+// reads a word in big-endian byte order from RX_FRAME_PORT
+// (useful to avoid permanent byte-swapping while reading
+// TCP/IP-data)
+// CodeRed - rewritten for LPC1768
+unsigned int ReadFrameBE8900(void)
+  unsigned int ReturnValue;
+  P5DIR = 0x00;                                  // data port to input
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | RX_FRAME_PORT;             // access to RX_FRAME_PORT
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue = P5IN << 8;                       // get 1st byte from data bus (high-byte)
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (RX_FRAME_PORT + 1);       // IOR high and put next address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue |= P5IN;                           // get 2nd byte from data bus (low-byte)
+  P3OUT |= IOR;
+  return ReturnValue;
+unsigned short ReadFrameBE_EthMAC(void)
+  unsigned short ReturnValue;
+  ReturnValue = SwapBytes (*rxptr++);
+  return (ReturnValue);
+// CodeRed  - not required for RDB1768 port
+// reads a word in little-endian byte order from
+// a specified port-address
+// NOTE: this func. xfers the high-byte 1st, must be used to
+//       access some special registers (e.g. RxStatus)
+unsigned int ReadHB1ST8900(unsigned char Address)
+  unsigned int ReturnValue;
+  P5DIR = 0x00;                                  // data port to input
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | (Address + 1);             // put address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue = P5IN << 8;                       // get high order byte from data bus
+  P3OUT = IOR | IOW | Address;                   // IOR high and put next address on bus
+  P3OUT &= ~IOR;                                 // IOR-signal low
+  ReturnValue |= P5IN;                           // get low order byte from data bus
+  P3OUT |= IOR;
+  return ReturnValue;
+// copies bytes from frame port to MCU-memory
+// NOTES: * an odd number of byte may only be transfered
+//          if the frame is read to the end!
+//        * MCU-memory MUST start at word-boundary
+// Code Red - rewritten for LPC1776 port
+void CopyFromFrame8900(void *Dest, unsigned int Size)
+  while (Size > 1) {
+    *((unsigned int *)Dest)++ = ReadFrame8900();
+    Size -= 2;
+  }
+  if (Size)                                      // check for leftover byte...
+    *(unsigned char *)Dest = ReadFrame8900();    // the LAN-Controller will return 0
+}                                                // for the highbyte
+void CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(void *Dest, unsigned short Size)
+  unsigned short *pDest; 
+  pDest = (unsigned short *)Dest;
+  while (Size > 1) {
+    *pDest++ = ReadFrame_EthMAC();
+    Size -= 2;
+  }
+  if (Size) {                                         // check for leftover byte...
+    *(unsigned char *)pDest = (char)ReadFrame_EthMAC();// the LAN-Controller will return 0
+  }                                                   // for the highbyte
+// does a dummy read on frame-I/O-port
+// NOTE: only an even number of bytes is read!
+// Code Red - updated for LPC1776
+//void DummyReadFrame8900(unsigned int Size)       // discards an EVEN number of bytes
+void DummyReadFrame_EthMAC(unsigned short Size)       // discards an EVEN number of bytes
+{                                                // from RX-fifo
+  while (Size > 1) {
+// Code Red - updated for LPC1776      
+//    ReadFrame8900();
+    ReadFrame_EthMAC();
+    Size -= 2;
+  }
+// requests space in CS8900's on-chip memory for
+// storing an outgoing frame
+// CodeRed - updated for LPC1768 port
+void RequestSend(unsigned int FrameSize)
+  Write8900(TX_LEN_PORT, FrameSize);
+void RequestSend(unsigned short FrameSize)
+  unsigned int index;
+  index  = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;
+  txptr = (unsigned short *)TX_DESC_PACKET(index);
+  TX_DESC_CTRL(index) = FrameSize | TCTRL_LAST;
+// check if CS8900 is ready to accept the
+// frame we want to send
+unsigned int Rdy4Tx(void)
+// Code Red - updated for LPC1768
+//  Write8900(ADD_PORT, PP_BusST);
+//  return (Read8900(DATA_PORT) & READY_FOR_TX_NOW);
+  // One the LPC the ethernet controller transmits
+  // much faster than the CPU can load its buffers
+  // so will always be ready to accept frame    
+  return (1); 
+               // 
+// CodeRed - New function
+// Reads  length of received ethernet frame and checks
+// if destination address is a broadcast message or not.
+// Then returns the frame length
+unsigned short StartReadingFrame(void)
+  unsigned short ReceiveLength;
+  unsigned int index;
+  index = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+  ReceiveLength = (RX_STAT_INFO(index) & RINFO_SIZE) - 3;
+  rxptr = (unsigned short *)RX_DESC_PACKET(index);
+  return(ReceiveLength);
+// CodeRed - new function
+void StopReadingFrame(void)
+  unsigned int index;
+  index = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;
+  if (++index == NUM_RX_FRAG) index = 0;
+  LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex = index;
+// CodeRed - new function to check if frame has been received
+unsigned int CheckIfFrameReceived(void)
+  if (LPC_EMAC->RxProduceIndex != LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex) 
+    return(1); // Yes, packet received
+  else 
+    return(0);