Webserver basic for CDU

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of EasyWebCR by Igor Skochinsky

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/easyweb.c	Fri Jan 29 21:46:31 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ *****                                                        *****
+ *****  Name: easyweb.c                                       *****
+ *****  Ver.: 1.0                                             *****
+ *****  Date: 07/05/2001                                      *****
+ *****  Auth: Andreas Dannenberg                              *****
+ *****        HTWK Leipzig                                    *****
+ *****        university of applied sciences                  *****
+ *****        Germany                                         *****
+ *****        adannenb@et.htwk-leipzig.de                     *****
+ *****  Func: implements a dynamic HTTP-server by using       *****
+ *****        the easyWEB-API                                 *****
+ *****  Rem.: In IAR-C, use  linker option                    *****
+ *****        "-e_medium_write=_formatted_write"              *****
+ *****                                                        *****
+ ******************************************************************/
+// Modifications by Code Red Technologies for NXP LPC1768
+// CodeRed - removed header for MSP430 microcontroller
+//#include "msp430x14x.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "easyweb.h"
+// CodeRed - removed header for original ethernet controller
+//#include "cs8900.c"                              // ethernet packet driver
+//CodeRed - added for LPC ethernet controller
+#include "ethmac.h"
+// CodeRed - include .h rather than .c file
+// #include "tcpip.c"                               // easyWEB TCP/IP stack
+#include "tcpip.h"                               // easyWEB TCP/IP stack
+// CodeRed - added NXP LPC register definitions header
+// CodeRed - include renamed .h rather than .c file
+// #include "webside.c"                             // webside for our HTTP server (HTML)
+#include "webside.h"                             // webside for our HTTP server (HTML)
+// CodeRed - added for use in dynamic side of web page
+unsigned int aaPagecounter=0;
+unsigned int adcValue = 0;
+int main (void)
+// CodeRed - removed init functions as not required for LPC1776
+//  InitOsc();
+//  InitPorts();
+// CodeRed - added info message
+    printf("Setting up TCP/IP with IP address: ");
+    printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n",MYIP_1,MYIP_2,MYIP_3,MYIP_4);
+    TCPLowLevelInit();
+  *(unsigned char *)RemoteIP = 24;               // uncomment those lines to get the
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 1) = 8;          // quote of the day from a real
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 2) = 69;         // internet server! (gateway must be
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 3) = 7;          // set to your LAN-router)
+  TCPLocalPort = 2025;
+  TCPRemotePort = TCP_PORT_QOTD;
+  TCPActiveOpen();
+  while (SocketStatus & SOCK_ACTIVE)             // read the quote from memory
+  {                                              // by using the hardware-debugger
+    DoNetworkStuff();
+  }
+  HTTPStatus = 0;                                // clear HTTP-server's flag register
+  TCPLocalPort = TCP_PORT_HTTP;                  // set port we want to listen to
+// CodeRed - added info message
+  printf("Webserver started\n");
+  while (1)                                      // repeat forever
+  {
+    if (!(SocketStatus & SOCK_ACTIVE)) TCPPassiveOpen();   // listen for incoming TCP-connection
+    DoNetworkStuff();                                      // handle network and easyWEB-stack
+                                                           // events
+    HTTPServer();
+  }
+// This function implements a very simple dynamic HTTP-server.
+// It waits until connected, then sends a HTTP-header and the
+// HTML-code stored in memory. Before sending, it replaces
+// some special strings with dynamic values.
+// NOTE: For strings crossing page boundaries, replacing will
+// not work. In this case, simply add some extra lines
+// (e.g. CR and LFs) to the HTML-code.
+void HTTPServer(void)
+  if (SocketStatus & SOCK_CONNECTED)             // check if somebody has connected to our TCP
+  {
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE)      // check if remote TCP sent data
+      TCPReleaseRxBuffer();                      // and throw it away
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED)     // check if buffer is free for TX
+    {
+      if (!(HTTPStatus & HTTP_SEND_PAGE))        // init byte-counter and pointer to webside
+      {                                          // if called the 1st time
+        HTTPBytesToSend = sizeof(WebSide) - 1;   // get HTML length, ignore trailing zero
+        PWebSide = (unsigned char *)WebSide;     // pointer to HTML-code
+      }
+      if (HTTPBytesToSend > MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE)     // transmit a segment of MAX_SIZE
+      {
+        if (!(HTTPStatus & HTTP_SEND_PAGE))           // 1st time, include HTTP-header
+        {
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, GetResponse, sizeof(GetResponse) - 1);
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF + sizeof(GetResponse) - 1, PWebSide, MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1);
+          HTTPBytesToSend -= MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1;
+          PWebSide += MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, PWebSide, MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE);
+          HTTPBytesToSend -= MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;
+          PWebSide += MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;
+        }
+        TCPTxDataCount = MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;   // bytes to xfer
+        InsertDynamicValues();                   // exchange some strings...
+        TCPTransmitTxBuffer();                   // xfer buffer
+      }
+      else if (HTTPBytesToSend)                  // transmit leftover bytes
+      {
+        memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, PWebSide, HTTPBytesToSend);
+        TCPTxDataCount = HTTPBytesToSend;        // bytes to xfer
+        InsertDynamicValues();                   // exchange some strings...
+        TCPTransmitTxBuffer();                   // send last segment
+        TCPClose();                              // and close connection
+        HTTPBytesToSend = 0;                     // all data sent
+      }
+      HTTPStatus |= HTTP_SEND_PAGE;              // ok, 1st loop executed
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    HTTPStatus &= ~HTTP_SEND_PAGE;               // reset help-flag if not connected
+// Code Red - GetAD7Val function replaced
+// Rather than using the AD convertor, in this version we simply increment
+// a counter the function is called, wrapping at 1024. 
+volatile unsigned int aaScrollbar = 400;
+unsigned int GetAD7Val(void)
+  aaScrollbar = (aaScrollbar +16) % 1024;
+  adcValue = (aaScrollbar / 10) * 1000/1024;
+  return aaScrollbar;
+// Code Red - Original MSP430 version of GetAD7Val() removed
+// samples and returns the AD-converter value of channel 7
+// (associated with Port P6.7)
+unsigned int GetAD7Val(void)
+  ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON | SHT0_15 | REF2_5V | REFON;   // ADC on, int. ref. on (2,5 V),
+                                                     // single channel single conversion
+  ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SSEL_2 | ADC12DIV_7 | CSTARTADD_0 | SHP;// MCLK / 8 = 1 MHz
+  ADC12MCTL0 = SREF_1 | INCH_7;                  // int. ref., channel 7
+  ADC12CTL0 |= ENC;                              // enable conversion
+  ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC;                          // sample & convert
+  while (ADC12CTL0 & ADC12SC);                   // wait until conversion is complete
+  ADC12CTL0 &= ~ENC;                             // disable conversion
+  return ADC12MEM0 / 41;                         // scale 12 bit value to 0..100%
+// End of Original MSP430 version of GetAD7Val()
+// Code Red - Original GetTempVal() removed
+// Function no longer used
+// samples and returns AD-converter value of channel 10
+// (MSP430's internal temperature reference diode)
+// NOTE: to get a more exact value, 8-times oversampling is used
+unsigned int GetTempVal(void)
+  unsigned long ReturnValue;
+  ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON | SHT0_15 | MSH | REFON;   // ADC on, int. ref. on (1,5 V),
+                                                 // multiple sample & conversion
+  ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SSEL_2 | ADC12DIV_7 | CSTARTADD_0 | CONSEQ_1 | SHP;   // MCLK / 8 = 1 MHz
+  ADC12MCTL0 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL1 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL2 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL3 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL4 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL5 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL6 = SREF_1 | INCH_10;                 // int. ref., channel 10
+  ADC12MCTL7 = EOS | SREF_1 | INCH_10;           // int. ref., channel 10, last seg.
+  ADC12CTL0 |= ENC;                              // enable conversion
+  ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12SC;                          // sample & convert
+  while (ADC12CTL0 & ADC12SC);                   // wait until conversion is complete
+  ADC12CTL0 &= ~ENC;                             // disable conversion
+  ReturnValue = ADC12MEM0;                       // sum up values...
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM1;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM2;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM3;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM4;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM5;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM6;
+  ReturnValue += ADC12MEM7;
+  ReturnValue >>= 3;                             // ... and divide by 8
+  if (ReturnValue < 2886) ReturnValue = 2886;    // lower bound (0% = 20�C)
+  ReturnValue = (ReturnValue - 2886) / 2.43;     // convert AD-value to a temperature from
+                                                 // 20�C...45�C represented by a value
+                                                 // of 0...100%
+  if (ReturnValue > 100) ReturnValue = 100;      // upper bound (100% = 45�C)
+  return ReturnValue;
+// End of Original MSP430 version of GetTempVal()
+// searches the TX-buffer for special strings and replaces them
+// with dynamic values (AD-converter results)
+// Code Red - new version of InsertDynamicValues()
+void InsertDynamicValues(void)
+  unsigned char *Key;
+           char NewKey[6];
+  unsigned int i;
+  if (TCPTxDataCount < 4) return;                     // there can't be any special string
+  Key = TCP_TX_BUF;
+  for (i = 0; i < (TCPTxDataCount - 3); i++)
+  {
+    if (*Key == 'A')
+     if (*(Key + 1) == 'D')
+       if (*(Key + 3) == '%')
+         switch (*(Key + 2))
+         {
+           case '8' :                                 // "AD8%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%04d", GetAD7Val());     // insert pseudo-ADconverter value
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 4);                  
+             break;
+           }
+           case '7' :                                 // "AD7%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%3u", adcValue);     // copy saved value from previous read
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 3);                 
+             break;
+           }
+           case '1' :                                 // "AD1%"?
+           {
+              sprintf(NewKey, "%4u", ++aaPagecounter);    // increment and insert page counter
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 4);  
+//             *(Key + 3) = ' ';  
+             break;
+           }
+         }
+    Key++;
+  }
+// Code Red - commented out original InsertDynamicValues()
+void InsertDynamicValues(void)
+  unsigned char *Key;
+  unsigned char NewKey[5];
+  unsigned int i;
+  if (TCPTxDataCount < 4) return;                     // there can't be any special string
+  Key = TCP_TX_BUF;
+  for (i = 0; i < (TCPTxDataCount - 3); i++)
+  {
+    if (*Key == 'A')
+     if (*(Key + 1) == 'D')
+       if (*(Key + 3) == '%')
+         switch (*(Key + 2))
+         {
+           case '7' :                                 // "AD7%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%3u", GetAD7Val());     // insert AD converter value
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 3);                  // channel 7 (P6.7)
+             break;
+           }
+           case 'A' :                                 // "ADA%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%3u", GetTempVal());    // insert AD converter value
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 3);                  // channel 10 (temp.-diode)
+             break;
+           }
+         }
+    Key++;
+  }
+// Code Red - End of original InsertDynamicValues ()
+// Code Red - Deleted InitOsc() and InitPorts() as not required
+// by LPC 1776
+// enables the 8MHz crystal on XT1 and use
+// it as MCLK
+void InitOsc(void)
+  WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;                      // stop watchdog timer
+  BCSCTL1 |= XTS;                                // XT1 as high-frequency
+  _BIC_SR(OSCOFF);                               // turn on XT1 oscillator
+  do                                             // wait in loop until crystal is stable 
+    IFG1 &= ~OFIFG;
+  while (IFG1 & OFIFG);
+  BCSCTL1 |= DIVA0;                              // ACLK = XT1 / 2
+  BCSCTL1 &= ~DIVA1;
+  IE1 &= ~WDTIE;                                 // disable WDT int.
+  IFG1 &= ~WDTIFG;                               // clear WDT int. flag
+  WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTTMSEL | WDTCNTCL | WDTSSEL | WDTIS1; // use WDT as timer, flag each
+                                                           // 512 pulses from ACLK
+  while (!(IFG1 & WDTIFG));                      // count 1024 pulses from XT1 (until XT1's
+                                                 // amplitude is OK)
+  IFG1 &= ~OFIFG;                                // clear osc. fault int. flag
+  BCSCTL2 = SELM0 | SELM1;                       // set XT1 as MCLK
+void InitPorts(void)
+  P1SEL = 0;                                     // switch all unused ports to output
+  P1OUT = 0;                                     // (rem.: ports 3 & 5 are set in "cs8900.c")
+  P1DIR = 0xFF;
+  P2SEL = 0;
+  P2OUT = 0;
+  P2DIR = 0xFF;
+  P4SEL = 0;
+  P4OUT = 0;
+  P4DIR = 0xFF;
+  P6SEL = 0x80;                                  // use P6.7 for the ADC module
+  P6OUT = 0;
+  P6DIR = 0x7F;                                  // all output except P6.7
\ No newline at end of file