voor willem test

Dependencies:   4DGL MODSERIAL mbed mbos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CDU2FS_message_2.cpp	Tue Jan 29 14:54:14 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// L. van der Kolk, ELVEDEKA, Holland //
+// File:  CDU2FS_message_2.cpp 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+extern int CDU_FS_interface; 
+int key_hit_ID = 0;         // : number of key that was hit, 0 = no hit of any key. ( global flag ! )
+char key_message[20]   =  "$PCDUKEY,";  // : setup begin of KEY message to FS
+char val_message[50]   =  "$PCDUVAL,";  // : setup begin of VAL message to FS
+char alive_message[20] =  "$PCDUOKE,";  // : setup begin of ALIVE message to FS
+// ---- Key strings for FS-to-CDU key message SPCDUKEY ------------------------------------------------
+#define max_keys_CDUpanel 70 // : absolute max. number of keys found on CDU panel
+const char *key_value[max_keys_CDUpanel] =  // : array of pointers to keystrings terminated by '*'
+           { "???*",     // key 0 not valid
+             "LSK1*",    // key 1
+             "LSK2*",    // key 2
+             "LSK3*",    // key 3
+             "LSK4*",    // key 4         
+             "LSK5*",    // key 5
+             "LSK6*",    // key 6
+             "INITRF*",  // key 7
+             "RTE*",     // key 8             
+             "CLB*",     // key 9                                   
+             "CRZ*",     // key 10
+             "DES*",     // key 11           
+             "MENU*",    // key 12
+             "LEGS*",    // key 13            
+             "DEPARR*",  // key 14             
+             "HOLD*",    // key 15
+             "PROG*",    // key 16 
+             "EXEC*",    // key 17
+             "N1LMT*",   // key 18 
+             "FIX*",     // key 19
+             "PRPAGE*",  // key 20            
+             "NXPAGE*",  // key 21             
+             "1*",       // key 22
+             "2*",       // key 23             
+             "4*",       // key 24
+             "5*",       // key 25             
+             "6*",       // key 26             
+             "7*",       // key 27             
+             "8*",       // key 28             
+             "9*",       // key 29             
+             "0*",       // key 30
+             ".*",       // key 31
+             "+/-*",     // key 32
+             "A*",       // key 33
+             "B*",       // key 34             
+             "C*",       // key 35             
+             "D*",       // key 36
+             "E*",       // key 37                          
+             "F*",       // key 38
+             "G*",       // key 39
+             "H*",       // key 40
+             "I*",       // key 41                                                                                           
+             "J*",       // key 42
+             "K*",       // key 43             
+             "L*",       // key 44             
+             "M*",       // key 45             
+             "N*",       // key 46             
+             "O*",       // key 47  
+             "P*",       // key 48               
+             "Q*",       // key 49               
+             "R*",       // key 50               
+             "S*",       // key 51  
+             "T*",       // key 52               
+             "U*",       // key 53               
+             "V*",       // key 54               
+             "W*",       // key 55               
+             "X*",       // key 56               
+             "Y*",       // key 57  
+             "Z*",       // key 58 
+             "SPC*",     // key 59
+             "DEL*",     // key 60
+             "CLR*",     // key 61
+             "/*",       // key 62
+             "RSK1*",    // key 63
+             "RSK2*",    // key 64
+             "RSK3*",    // key 65
+             "RSK4*",    // key 67                                      
+             "RSK5*",    // key 68
+             "RSK6*"     // key 69             
+            }; 
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void send_message_to_FS(char *message_string) {
+    // Common fnction to send a created message string (VAL, KEY or OKE) to the FS.
+    // Parameter is pointer to char string that has to be sent.
+    // Interface can be USB port or Ethernet port.
+    if ( CDU_FS_interface == 0 ) {  // : messages will be sent by USB port
+        // Test if TX buffer is not full:
+        // Note: Only writing in the Tx buffer if there is enough space,
+        // prevents Tx buffer overflow, but caharcters can be lost when Tx buffersize is defined too small !
+        // In this case the Blue-Leds-Of-Death due to a TX overflow interrupt will never occur,
+        // and Mbed will keep running !
+        USB.puts(message_string); // : write total string in USB TX buffer <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  ????
+    }
+    //if ( CDU_FS_interface == 1 ) Ethernet.puts(message_string); // : messages will be sent by Ehternet
+void Send_VAL_message(int var, char *char_pntr) {
+     // Function creates a valid VAL message out of var parameter and out of value string
+     // which is addressed by parameter char_pntr.
+     // After adding a checksum, the total VAL message string will be sent.
+        //USB.printf("pseudo VAL message:  %d , %s\n",var,char_pntr); // debug only !
+        int i;
+        char byte_read;
+        char exor_byte = 0;
+        //  Create VAL message, starting with "$PCDUVAL," message header
+        i = 9; // : i points to first place after "$PCDUVAL," header
+        // : add 2 digit var number and comma to message:
+        sprintf(&val_message[i],"%02d,",var);
+        // Add value of var and extra '*' char to VAL message:
+        i = 12;
+        sprintf(&val_message[i],"%s*",char_pntr);
+        // Calculate checksum now : 
+        i = 1; // : i points to first place after '$' in message
+        do { byte_read = val_message[i];
+             if (byte_read == '*') break; // : exclude '*' from calculation
+             exor_byte = exor_byte ^ byte_read;
+             i++;
+        } while ( i < 50 );
+        i++;  // : i now points to first digit of checksum after '*'
+        // Add exor_byte in 2 hex digits and a CR + LF:
+        sprintf(&val_message[i],"%02x\r\n",exor_byte); // : extra NULL char added by sprintf
+        send_message_to_FS(val_message); // : send message to defined CDU-FS interface        
+void Send_ALIVE_message(int seconds){
+    int i;
+    char byte_read;
+    char exor_byte = 0;
+     //Create alive message:
+        i = 9; // : i points to first place after "$PCDUOKE,"
+        // Add seconds in 2 dec digits and a '*' char :
+        sprintf(&alive_message[i],"%02d*",seconds); 
+        // Calculate checksum now : 
+        i = 1; // : i points to first place after '$'
+        do { byte_read = alive_message[i];
+             if (byte_read == '*') break; // : exclude '*' from exor calculation
+             exor_byte = exor_byte ^ byte_read;
+             i++;
+        } while ( i < 20 );
+        i++;  // : i now points to first digit of checksum after '*'
+        // Add exor_byte in 2 hex chars (with upper case A-F) and a CR + LF:
+        sprintf(&alive_message[i],"%02X\r\n",exor_byte); // : + extra NULL char added by sprintf 
+        send_message_to_FS(alive_message); // : send message to defined CDU-FS interface
+void Send_KEY_message(int key_nr) {
+        // Function creates a valid KEY message out of key_nr parameter.
+        // Based on key_nr, a key char string is looked up and added to the message.
+        // After adding a checksum, the total KEY message will be sent.
+        int i;
+        char byte_read;
+        char exor_byte = 0;
+        //  Create key message, starting with "$PCDUKEY," message header
+        i = 9; // : i points to first position after "$PCDUKEY," message header 
+        // Add key string to message string including '*'
+        if ( key_nr != 0 && key_nr < max_keys_CDUpanel ) {
+             strcpy(&key_message[i],key_value[key_nr]); 
+        }
+        // Calculate checksum now : 
+        i = 1; // : i points to first place after '$' in message
+        do { byte_read = key_message[i];
+             if (byte_read == '*') break; // : exclude '*' from calculation
+             exor_byte = exor_byte ^ byte_read;
+             i++;
+        } while ( i < 20 );
+        i++;  // : i now points to first digit of checksum after '*'
+        // Add exor_byte in 2 hex digits and a CR + LF:
+        sprintf(&key_message[i],"%02x\r\n",exor_byte); // : extra NULL char added by sprintf
+        send_message_to_FS(key_message); // : send message to defined CDU-FS interface   
\ No newline at end of file