Example using the support package for LPC4088 DisplayModule

Dependencies:   DMBasicGUI DMSupport

Example using a lot of the features in the software package for the LPC4088 Display Module.

This project can be selected as a template when creating a new project based on the LPC4088 Display Module.


This project works on the 4.3" display modules.

Some of the apps works on the 5" display modules. The ImageViewer and Slideshow app will show the images distorted as it does not take the resolution into consideration.


The USB Status app is disabled. The Image viewer looks for images in the root of SD cards, USB memory sticks or the file system on the QSPI flash. The Slideshow app expects to find a slideshow script in /mci/elec14/ea_logo.txt.

This is what it looks like on the 4.3" display:

/media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_000.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_001.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_003.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_004.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_006.png /media/uploads/embeddedartists/everything_cap_008.png

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Dec 02 15:23:10 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "mbed_interface.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "HTTPServer.h"
+#include "mbed_rpc.h"
+#include "USBHostMSD.h"
+#include "DMBoard.h"
+#include "Graphics.h"
+ * Typedefs and defines
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* Number of colors in 565 mode */
+#define NUM_COLORS    65536
+/* Number of red colors in 565 mode */
+#define RED_COLORS    0x20
+/* Number of green colors in 565 mode */
+#define GREEN_COLORS  0x40
+/* Number of blue colors in 565 mode */
+#define BLUE_COLORS   0x20
+/* Black color, 565 mode */
+#define BLACK         0x0000
+ * Local variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+EthernetInterface eth;
+ * Global variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * Local functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void verticalLine16(uint16_t* framebuffer, int w, int x, int y0, int y1, uint16_t color)
+    if (x < w) {
+        int h = y1 - y0 + 1;
+        uint16_t* fb = framebuffer;
+        fb += x;
+        fb += y0 * w;
+        for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
+            *fb = color;
+            fb += w;
+        }
+    }
+ * Draw color bars to the display
+ */
+static void drawBars565(uint16_t* framebuffer, int w, int h)
+  uint16_t clr;
+  uint16_t xgs, ygs, curx, cury, curym, xidx;
+  int idx;
+  /* Compute vertical size for bars */
+  ygs = h / 3;
+  /* Draw Red bars */
+  cury = 0;
+  curx = 0;
+  curym = ygs - 1;
+  xgs = w / RED_COLORS;
+  clr = BLACK;
+  for (xidx = 0; xidx < RED_COLORS; xidx++)
+  {
+      //swim_set_pen_color(win1, clr);
+      for (idx = 0; idx <= xgs; idx++)
+      {
+          //swim_put_line(win1, curx, cury, curx, curym);
+        //g.put_line(curx, cury, curx, curym, clr);
+          verticalLine16(framebuffer, w, curx, cury, curym, clr);
+        curx++;
+      }
+      clr = clr + 0x0800;
+  }
+  /* Draw green bars */
+  cury = cury + ygs;
+  curx = 0;
+  curym = cury + (ygs - 1);
+  xgs = w / GREEN_COLORS;
+  clr = BLACK;
+  for (xidx = 0; xidx < GREEN_COLORS; xidx++)
+  {
+      //swim_set_pen_color(win1, clr);
+      for (idx = 0; idx <= xgs; idx++)
+      {
+          //swim_put_line(win1, curx, cury, curx, curym);
+        //g.put_line(curx, cury, curx, curym, clr);
+          verticalLine16(framebuffer, w, curx, cury, curym, clr);
+          curx++;
+      }
+      clr = clr + 0x0020;
+  }
+  /* Draw blue bars */
+  cury = cury + ygs;
+  curx = 0;
+  curym = h - 1;//cury + (ygs - 1);
+  xgs = w / BLUE_COLORS;
+  clr = BLACK;
+  for (xidx = 0; xidx < BLUE_COLORS; xidx++)
+  {
+      //swim_set_pen_color(win1, clr);
+      for (idx = 0; idx <= xgs; idx++)
+      {
+          //swim_put_line(win1, curx, cury, curx, curym);
+        //g.put_line(curx, cury, curx, curym, clr);
+          verticalLine16(framebuffer, w, curx, cury, curym, clr);
+          curx++;
+      }
+      clr = clr + 0x0001;
+  }
+void aliveTask(void const* args)
+  DMBoard* board = &DMBoard::instance();
+  while(true)
+  {
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led4, false);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led1, true);
+    Thread::wait(300);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led1, false);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led2, true);
+    Thread::wait(300);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led2, false);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led3, true);
+    Thread::wait(300);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led3, false);
+    board->setLED(DMBoard::Led4, true);
+    Thread::wait(300);
+  }
+ * Reads the /message.txt file from the file system and prints the content
+ */
+void readMessageFile(const char* prefix)
+  RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
+  log->printf("%sTesting to read from USB\n", prefix);
+  FILE * fp = fopen("/usb/test1.txt", "r");
+  if (fp != NULL) {
+    uint8_t* buff = (uint8_t*)malloc(1024+1);
+    if (buff == NULL) {
+      log->printf("%sFailed to allocate memory for test\n", prefix);
+    } else {
+      int num = fread(buff, 1, 1024, fp);
+      if (num <= 0) {
+        log->printf("%sUnable to read file, got %d as result\n", prefix, num);
+      } else if (num < 1024) {
+        log->printf("%sHave read all %d bytes in the file\n", prefix, num);
+        buff[num] = '\0';
+        log->printf((const char*)buff);
+      } else {
+        log->printf("%sHave read %d bytes with more to read\n", prefix, num);
+      }
+      free(buff);
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+  } else {
+    log->printf("%sFILE == NULL\r\n", prefix);
+  }
+#if defined(DM_BOARD_USE_DISPLAY)
+void displayTask(void const* args)
+  // Start display in default mode (16-bit)
+  RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
+  Display* disp = DMBoard::instance().display();
+  Display::DisplayError disperr;
+  uint16_t* fb = (uint16_t*)disp->allocateFramebuffer();
+  if (fb == NULL) {
+    log->printf(DISPLAY_TASK_PREFIX"Failed to allocate memory for framebuffer\r\n");
+    mbed_die();
+  }
+  drawBars565(fb, disp->width(), disp->height());
+  disperr = disp->powerUp(fb);
+  if (disperr != Display::Ok) {
+    log->printf(DISPLAY_TASK_PREFIX"Failed to initialize the display, got error %d\r\n", disperr);
+    mbed_die();
+  }
+  int h = disp->height();
+  int w = disp->width();
+  uint16_t COLORS[] = { 0xFFF0, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0x07FF, 0xF81F };
+  int i = 0;
+  while(true) {
+    uint16_t color = COLORS[i++ % (sizeof(COLORS)/sizeof(COLORS[0]))];
+    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
+      for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
+        fb[y*w+x] = color;
+      }
+      Thread::wait(30);
+    }
+    // test to read the message file
+    //readMessageFile(DISPLAY_TASK_PREFIX);
+  }
+#define MSD_TASK_PREFIX  "[MSD] "
+void msdTask(void const* args)
+  USBHostMSD msd("usb");
+  USBHost* host = USBHost::getHostInst();
+  RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
+  log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"msdTask started\n");
+    while(1) {
+        log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Attempting to connect...\n");
+        // try to connect a MSD device
+        while(!msd.connect()) {
+//            log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Failed to connect, waiting 5s and trying again!\n");
+//            Thread::wait(5000);
+            log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Failed to connect, press button to try again!\n");
+            while(!DMBoard::instance().buttonPressed()) {
+                Thread::wait(20);
+            }
+            Thread::wait(40);
+            while(DMBoard::instance().buttonPressed()) {
+                Thread::wait(20);
+            }
+            log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Attempting to connect...\n");
+        }
+        log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Connected!\n");
+        // read a file
+        readMessageFile(MSD_TASK_PREFIX);
+        // if/when the device is disconnected, we try to connect it again
+        while(1) {
+            Thread::wait(500);
+            // if device disconnected, try to connect again
+            if (!msd.connected())
+                break;
+        }
+        log->printf(MSD_TASK_PREFIX"Disconnected\n");
+    }
+#define NET_TASK_PREFIX  "[NET] "
+void netTask(void const* args)
+  RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();
+  log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"EthernetInterface Setting up...\r\n");
+  if(eth.init()!=0) {                             //for DHCP Server
+     //if(eth.init(IPAddress,NetMasks,Gateway)!=0) { //for Static IP Address
+     log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"EthernetInterface Initialize Error \r\n");
+     mbed_die();
+  }
+  if(eth.connect()!=0) {
+     log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"EthernetInterface Connect Error \r\n");
+     mbed_die();
+  }
+  log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+  log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"NetMask is %s\r\n", eth.getNetworkMask());
+  log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"Gateway Address is %s\r\n", eth.getGateway());
+  log->printf(NET_TASK_PREFIX"Ethernet Setup OK\r\n");
+  HTTPServerAddHandler<SimpleHandler>("/hello"); //Default handler
+  FSHandler::mount("/usb", "/");
+  HTTPServerAddHandler<FSHandler>("/");
+  //HTTPServerAddHandler<RPCHandler>("/rpc");
+  //lcd.locate(0,0);
+  //lcd.printf("%s",eth.getIPAddress());
+  HTTPServerStart(80);
+ * Main function
+ *****************************************************************************/
+int main()
+  DMBoard::BoardError err;
+  DMBoard* board = &DMBoard::instance();
+  RtosLog* log = board->logger();
+  err = board->init();
+  if (err != DMBoard::Ok) {
+    log->printf("Failed to initialize the board, got error %d\r\n", err);
+    mbed_die();
+  }
+  log->printf("\n\n---\nMulti-threaded demo\nBuilt: " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n\n");
+  log->printf("Press button to start...\r\n");
+  while(!board->buttonPressed());
+  while(board->buttonPressed());
+  Thread tAlive(aliveTask);
+#if defined(DM_BOARD_USE_DISPLAY)
+  Thread tDisplay(displayTask, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 8192);
+  Thread tMemstick(msdTask, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 8192);
+  Thread tNetwork(netTask, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 8192);
+  while(1) { wait(5); }