HTTP Client with ESP8266 working example

Dependencies:   ESP8266Interface HTTPClient-SSL WebSocketClient mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of ESP8266_WebSockets_HelloWorld by ESP8266

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This is a basic Hello World program for interfacing the ESP8266 chip with HTTP. It will execute a GET on, and a POST to


  1. change ssid and passphrase to match your wifi connection
  2. Initialize ESP8266 with DHCP enabled
  3. Get
    1. Print the information retrieved
  4. Post to
    1. Print the information retrieved

You can view the information retrieved through a serial terminal set to 9600 baud.

Successful Execution

you should see something like the following on the terminal if the program successfully executes. /media/uploads/mbedAustin/httpclient.png

diff -r 000000000000 -r 6a891da014a3 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 24 19:02:13 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ESP8266Interface.h"
+#include "nsdl_support.h"
+#include "dbg.h"
+#include "UDPSocket.h"
+#include "Endpoint.h"
+// Include resources
+#include "light.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Configuration section
+// Ethernet configuration
+/* Define this to enable DHCP, otherwise manual address configuration is used */
+#define DHCP
+/* Manual IP configurations, if DHCP not defined */
+#define IP      ""
+#define MASK    ""
+#define GW      ""
+// NSP configuration
+/* Change this IP address to that of your NanoService Platform installation */
+//static const char* NSP_ADDRESS = ""; //
+static const char* NSP_ADDRESS = ""; //
+//static const char* NSP_ADDRESS = ""; // local mDS server
+static const int NSP_PORT = 5683;
+char endpoint_name[24] = "mbedDEMO-";
+uint8_t ep_type[] = {"DEMO"};
+uint8_t lifetime_ptr[] = {"60"};
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Ethernet initialization
+ESP8266Interface wifi(PA_15,PB_7,PA_14,"demo","ARMDEMO1");
+static void ethernet_init()
+    pc.printf("init\r\n");
+    wifi.init(); // initialize the interface, reset the module
+    pc.printf("join\r\n");
+    wifi.join(); // join AP and get DHCP settings
+// ****************************************************************************
+// NSP initialization
+UDPSocket server;
+Endpoint nsp;
+bool UDP_blocking = false;
+unsigned int UDP_timeout = 100;
+uint8_t macbytes[6] = {0};
+char MAC[20] = "776655443322";
+static void nsp_init()
+    //pc.printf("socket init\r\n");
+    server.init();
+    //pc.printf("socket bind\r\n");
+    server.bind(0);
+    pc.printf("set blocking option\r\n");
+    server.set_blocking(UDP_blocking, UDP_timeout);
+    pc.printf("set ep address\r\n");
+    nsp.set_address(NSP_ADDRESS, NSP_PORT);
+    strncat(endpoint_name, MAC, 12);
+    NSDL_DEBUG("name: %s", endpoint_name);
+    NSDL_DEBUG("NSP=%s - port %d\n", NSP_ADDRESS, NSP_PORT);
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Resource creation
+static int create_resources()
+    sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *resource_ptr = NULL;
+    sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_ptr = NULL;
+    NSDL_DEBUG("Creating resources");
+    /* Create resources */
+    resource_ptr = (sn_nsdl_resource_info_s*)nsdl_alloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s));
+    if(!resource_ptr)
+        return 0;
+    memset(resource_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s));
+    resource_ptr->resource_parameters_ptr = (sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_s*)nsdl_alloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_s));
+    if(!resource_ptr->resource_parameters_ptr)
+    {
+        nsdl_free(resource_ptr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    memset(resource_ptr->resource_parameters_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_s));
+    // Static resources
+    nsdl_create_static_resource(resource_ptr, sizeof("3/0/0")-1, (uint8_t*) "3/0/0", 0, 0,  (uint8_t*) "mbedDEMO", sizeof("mbedDEMO")-1);
+    nsdl_create_static_resource(resource_ptr, sizeof("3/0/1")-1, (uint8_t*) "3/0/1", 0, 0,  (uint8_t*) "DEMO", sizeof("DEMO")-1);
+    // Dynamic resources
+    create_light_resource(resource_ptr);
+        /* Register with NSP */
+    endpoint_ptr = nsdl_init_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr, (uint8_t*)endpoint_name, ep_type, lifetime_ptr);
+    if(sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(endpoint_ptr) != 0)
+        pc.printf("NSP registering failed\r\n");
+    else
+        pc.printf("NSP registering OK\r\n");
+    nsdl_clean_register_endpoint(&endpoint_ptr);
+    nsdl_free(resource_ptr->resource_parameters_ptr);
+    nsdl_free(resource_ptr);
+    return 1;
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Program entry point
+int main()
+    pc.printf("SystemCoreClock=: %d\r\n", SystemCoreClock / 1000000) ;
+    NSDL_DEBUG("Hello mDS Demo Endpoint Application\n");
+    // Initialize Ethernet interface first
+    ethernet_init();
+    // Initialize NSP node
+    nsp_init();
+    // Initialize NSDL stack
+    nsdl_init();
+    // Create NSDL resources
+    create_resources();
+    // Run the NSDL event loop (never returns)
+    nsdl_event_loop();