Sampling ldr temp and pressure data into 120 sample FIFO buffer.

Dependencies:   BME280 BMP280

Fork of Task690-mbed-os-FZ429ZI by University of Plymouth - Stages 1, 2 and 3

diff -r cc1b9f5c27a0 -r c2299e3de428 LCD/LCD.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LCD/LCD.h	Sat Dec 23 18:44:37 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <string>
+class NewLCD : public Stream {
+    public:
+        /*  Create a new LCD interface
+        RS      :   Intruction/data register control pin. 0 = Instruction register. 1 = Data register.
+        E       :   Start data read/write.
+        D0-3    :   Data lines.
+        */
+        NewLCD(PinName RS, PinName E, PinName D0, PinName D1, PinName D2, PinName D3);
+        /*  Write a character to the display
+        c   :   The character to display
+        */
+        //int putc(int txt);
+        /*  Write a string to the display
+        stringToDisplay  :  A string to display on the LCD, followed by potential variables that are
+                            used in the string.
+        */        
+        //int printf(const char* stringToDisplay, ...);
+        /*  Move starting point of where the display will start printing
+        column  :   The horizontal position from the left, starting at 0
+        row     :   The row selection from the top, starting at 0
+        */
+        void cursorLocation(int column, int row);
+        /*  Clear the screen    */
+        void clearScreen();
+        /*  Function to shift the cursor left or right. 0 for left, 1 for right */
+        void shiftCursor(string direction);
+        /*  Variables used to set the time and date */
+        char hours;
+        char minutes;
+        char day;
+        char month;
+        int year;
+        /*  Function to set the time and date using the switches    */
+        void setDateAndTime(int sw1s, int sw2s);
+        void updateClock();
+        void startClock();
+    protected:
+        //Function to print characters. This gets called from printf.
+        virtual int _putc(int txt);
+        virtual int _getc();
+        virtual int _repc(int txt);
+        //Sets DDRAM Address (this corresponds to the cursor location)
+        int DDRAMAddress(int column, int row);
+        //Function to write a single character to the display in a given location
+        void charDisp(int column, int row, char c);
+        //Function to send information down the data lines to instruction/data register
+        void writeByte(char byteToSend);
+        //Function to set RS pin low and call writeByte to send command
+        void writeCommand(char commandToSend);
+        //Function to set RS pin high and call writeByte to send data
+        void writeData(char dataToSend);
+        DigitalOut _RS, _E;
+        BusOut _D;
+        int _column;
+        int _row;
+        bool firstSet;
\ No newline at end of file