My ELEC2645 project. Nikollao Sulollari. 200804685

Dependencies:   N5110 SoftPWM mbed

Fork of Treasure_Hunt by ELEC2645 (2015/16)


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
21:6b02ef341358 2016-05-04 Nikollao Final Version for Submission! Well done! default tip
20:59aa6189a47d 2016-05-02 Nikollao levels finished, need to finish buzzer and button weapon! :)
19:70d40dac5ae0 2016-05-02 Nikollao obstacles, enemies done, except level 7!
18:5405ee7e243b 2016-05-02 Nikollao working on obstacles
17:2d424db3975f 2016-05-02 Nikollao FSM implemented!
16:a6ca6858af24 2016-05-02 Nikollao before testing Migel's way in my code
15:c7af2ea5f164 2016-04-29 Nikollao overlap done, menu done, keep improving!
14:91ae0afe9037 2016-04-29 Nikollao lcd normal and inverse!
13:359d3aa66352 2016-04-28 Nikollao working on overlap! before matrixes
12:f591f1965abd 2016-04-28 Nikollao working on settings menu
11:53caf3d944a9 2016-04-28 Nikollao settings are working
10:1d229362c134 2016-04-27 Nikollao components assigned to correct pins
9:ce2d9c42edea 2016-04-18 Nikollao Finished level 6, start level 7 with innovation and creativity
8:606a488fa720 2016-04-18 Nikollao Improve obstacles level 6
7:f31a4b4beb91 2016-04-04 Nikollao Hero is now controlled, buzzer connected, obstacles progressing, need to finish obstacles and enemies
6:c11bb31a06b3 2016-03-28 Nikollao close to getting overlap, needs improvement.
5:ffa498d7071f 2016-03-26 Nikollao Oxygen added to the code, working on intersection!
4:f31bdc212241 2016-03-24 Nikollao improvements, fixed the button, can press play again, need to improve obstacles, and enemies.
3:d2cc054e8605 2016-03-21 Nikollao intersection function needs improvement. Good progress!
2:af5b5d42e835 2016-03-21 Nikollao improve your man control and menu
1:12803d645d32 2016-03-07 Nikollao good progress! keep working on obstacles!
0:2d0f77943105 2016-03-07 Nikollao This is a good progress of the program. If any problems come back here!