My ELEC2645 project. Nikollao Sulollari. 200804685

Dependencies:   N5110 SoftPWM mbed

Fork of Treasure_Hunt by ELEC2645 (2015/16)

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for el14ns_project


main.cpp [code] Game implementation
main.h [code] Header file contains functions and variables


b_led Output for status of blue LED
blue_led Output for status of blue LED, lights when game tool is loaded
button Interrupt executes an event triggered task
buzzer Create PWM signal using the SoftPWM library to set buzzer duty cycle and period
DirectionName Define joystick's direction based on its x,y values
g_led Output for status of green LED
game_ticker Interrupt executes a time-triggered task
Joystick Create strcut Joystick
lcd Object of the N5110 class
led_output Output for status of left tries for the user to win the game
pc Serial connection between mbed and pc
ticker Interrupt executes a time-triggered task
timeout Interrupt calls a function after a specified amount of time
timer Interface is used to measure the time between start and stop
xPot Read x-axis position from the value of the joystick
yPot Read y-axis position from the value of the joystick