Mobile Security System - Revision 1.0

Dependencies:   FXOS8700Q N5110 SDFileSystem SRF02 mbed



File content as of revision 3:70a7b64fbd98:

@file main.h
@brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
@brief Revision 1.0.
@author Daniel Gibbons
@date   March 2016

#ifndef MAIN_H
#define MAIN_H

#define PI 3.14159265359

#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h"
#include "SRF02.h"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

@namespace lcd
@brief N5110 LCD connections
@namespace srf02
@brief SRF02 sensor connections
@namespace pc
@brief UART connection to PC for debugging
@namespace led_alarm
@brief LED to indicate status of the alarm: flashing -> setting or triggered ; constant -> set
@namespace buzzer
@brief indicates status of the alarm: buzzes when alarm is setting and when triggered
@namespace zero
@brief first button input
@namespace one
@brief second button input
@namespace confirm
@brief third button input
@namespace read_distance
@brief K64F fires to read distance
@namespace sw2
@brief K64F on-board switch
@namespace sw3
@brief K64F on-board switch
@namespace r_led
@brief K64F on-board red LED
@namespace g_led
@brief K64F on-board green LED
@namespace b_led
@brief K64F on-board blue LED


//         VCC, SCE, RST, D/C, MOSI, SCLK, LED
N5110 lcd(PTE26,PTA0,PTC4,PTD0,PTD2,PTD1,PTC3);
SRF02 srf02(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);
//              MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); 
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
PwmOut led_alarm(PTC10);
PwmOut buzzer(PTC11);
InterruptIn button_0(PTB23);
InterruptIn button_1(PTA2);
InterruptIn button_c(PTC2);
InterruptIn sw2(SW2);
InterruptIn sw3(SW3);
Ticker setting_distance;
Ticker intruder_distance;
Timeout transition;
DigitalOut r_led(LED_RED);
DigitalOut g_led(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut b_led(LED_BLUE);

struct State {
    int nextState[4];  // array of next states which depend on which button was pressed
typedef const struct State STyp;

STyp fsm[9] = {
    {0,0,0,0},  // 0 - initialisation (title screen)
    {2,1,3,3},  // 1 - main menu (Set alarm or set new password)
    {2,2,4,1}, // 2 - set alarm
    {3,3,1,1}, // 3 - set new password
    {4,4,4,4}, // 4 - setting calibration
    {7,5,6,6}, // 5 - alarm activated
    {6,6,1,5}, // 6 - deactivate without triggering (enter password)
    {7,7,1,8}, // 7 - alarm triggered (enter password)
    {8,8,1,1}   // 8 - display time when alarm was triggered

FILE *pin; // this is our file pointer

int entered_pin[4];
int set_pin[4];
int index_array[4];

int pin_counter;

int g_current_state;
int g_next_state;

float distance[10]; /*!< Stores 10 distance readings from SRF02 */
float one_second_distance;
double one_second_avg_distance;
double initial_setting_distance;

int setting_distance_counter;
int intruder_distance_counter;

volatile int g_setting_distance_flag; /*!< Flag in setting_distance_isr */
volatile int g_intruder_distance_flag; /*!< Flag in intruder_distance_isr */
volatile int g_button_0_flag; /*!< Flag in button_0_isr */
volatile int g_button_1_flag; /*!< Flag in button_1_isr */
volatile int g_button_c_flag; /*!< Flag in button_c_isr */

int setting_distance_ticker_status;
int intruder_distance_ticker_status;

char buffer[14]; /*!< Stores any string that is going to be displayed on the LCD */
int length; /*!< Stores the length of any string that is going to be displayed on the LCD  */

void error(); /*!< Hangs flashing on_board LED */
void init_serial(); /*!< Set-up the serial port */

void init_K64F(); /*!< Set-up the on-board LEDs and switches */

void init_buttons(); /*!< Set-up the three external buttons */

void setting_distance_isr(); /*!< Interrupt that triggers when setting_distance ticker fires */

void intruder_distance_isr(); /*!< Interrupt that triggers when intruder_distance ticker fires */

void button_0_isr(); /*!< Interrupt that triggers when button_0 is pressed by the user */

void button_1_isr(); /*!< Interrupt that triggers when button_1 is pressed by the user */

void button_c_isr(); /*!< Interrupt that triggers when button_c is pressed by the user */

void button_0_protocol();

void button_1_protocol();

void button_c_protocol();

void state_0_screen();

void state_1_screen();

void state_2_6_7_screen();

void state_3_screen();

void state_4_screen();

void state_5_screen();

void state_8_screen();

void screen_selection();

void get_setting_distance();

void get_intruder_distance();

void calculate_setting_distance();

void calculate_intruder_distance();

void screen_5_transition();

void change_pin();

void read_pin();

void delete_file(char filename[]);


