Mobile Security System - Revision 1.0

Dependencies:   FXOS8700Q N5110 SDFileSystem SRF02 mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for el14dg_Project


main.cpp [code]
main.h [code] Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables


acc K64F FXOS8700Q on-board Accelerometer connections
accelerometer This ticker fires whilst in the setting screen to get accelerometer data
alerts This ticker fires to turn and off the led and buzzer
b_led K64F on-board blue LED
button_0 First button interrupt
button_1 Second button interrupt
button_c Third button interrupt
buzz This timeout turns off the buzzer one second after the device is set
buzzer Indicates status of the alarm: buzzes when alarm is setting and when triggered
confirm This timeout transitions to a screen asking the user to confirm the pin that they have just entered
g_led K64F on-board green LED
i2c K64F I2C connections for FXOS8700Q on-board Accelerometer
intruder_distance This ticker fires to read the distance when the system is set
lcd N5110 LCD connections
led_alarm LED to indicate status of the alarm: flashing -> setting or triggered ; constant -> set
pc UART connection to PC for debugging
pin_timeout This ticker fires to timeout the user if they don't enter the pin within an alotted time of triggering the device
r_led K64F on-board red LED
sd SD card connections
setting_distance This ticker fires to read the distance when the system is setting
setting_screen This ticker fires to display the setting animation on the setting screen
srf02 SRF02 sensor connections
sw2 K64F on-board switch
sw3 K64F on-board switch
tamper_transition This timeout transitions the system to the menu if the device is moved in the setting state
transition This timeout transitions the system to the set state, five seconds after entering the setting state, or to the menu if the device is moved in the setting state