Robin Milward Cooney 200849894

Dependencies:   N5110 SDFileSystem gameCharacters mbed

diff -r 158d57cdbf1e -r 4b254b4bd6d4 main.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.h	Thu May 05 14:59:45 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+@file main.h
+@brief Revision 1.0.
+@author Robin Milward Cooney
+@date   May 2015
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "gameCharacters.h"
+#define joystickTolerance 0.05f
+@namespace lcd
+@brief Output pins for lcd screen pin order: VCC,SCE,RST,D/C,MOSI,SCLK,LED
+N5110 lcd(PTE26,PTA0,PTC4,PTD0,PTD2,PTD1,PTC3);
+@namespace led
+@brief LED bus output, each pinout represents a LED on a LED bar, from bottom to top
+BusOut led(PTC8,PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTC5);
+@namespace sd
+@brief SD card output, the pins are in the following order: MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd");
+@namespace red_led
+@brief Red LED output on mbed, used for error messages and debugging when reading and or writing on SD card
+DigitalOut red_led(LED_RED);
+@namespace green_led
+@brief Green LED output on mbed, used for success messages when reading and or writing on SD card
+DigitalOut green_led(LED_GREEN);
+@namespace swJoy
+@brief Switch on potentiomiter. DigitalIn and to be polled using a ticker
+DigitalIn swJoy(PTB18);                                 //define potentiomiter switch
+@namespace xPot
+@brief AnalogIn that correspods the horizontal movement of the joystick
+AnalogIn xPot(PTB2);
+@namespace yPot
+@brief AnalogIn that correspods the virtical movement of the joystick
+AnalogIn yPot(PTB3);
+@namespace b_A
+@brief Additional pushbutton (PullDown). DigitalIn and to be polled using a ticker
+DigitalIn b_A(PTE24);
+@namespace b_A
+@brief Additional pushbutton (PullDown). DigitalIn and to be polled using a ticker
+DigitalIn b_B(PTE25);
+@namespace press_bA
+@brief IterruptIn corresponding to the pushbutton A (PullDown). To be used when polling using a ticker is inconvinient or inefficient
+InterruptIn press_b_A(PTE24);
+@namespace press_bA
+@brief IterruptIn corresponding to the pushbutton B (PullDown). To be used when polling using a ticker is inconvinient or inefficient
+InterruptIn press_b_B(PTE25);
+@namespace PWM
+@brief Pulse width modulation output conected to buzzer to contol the music
+PwmOut PWM(PTC11);
+@namespace Ticker_Menu
+@brief Ticker used for polling the joysick and the digital inputs while the menu funtions are running
+Ticker Ticker_Menu;
+@namespace Ticker_Game
+@brief Ticker used for polling the joysick and the digital inputs while the game funtion is running
+Ticker Ticker_Game;
+@namespace Ticker_ds
+@brief Ticker used to create a more energy efficient wait() funtion
+Ticker Ticker_ds;
+@namespace tOut
+@brief Timeout used to implement music. It turns the buzzer off at the correct moment
+Timeout tOut;
+@namespace Highscores
+@brief File that stores an array of the top 5 highscores
+FILE *Highscores;
+@namespace Progress
+@brief File that stores the progress (i.e unlocked chapeters) of the Story Mode
+FILE *Progress;
+int i=0;                   /*!< Loop counter for the game() funtion */
+int recks_movement=2;      /*!< Global variable that deffines the direction of all mobs with respect to Recks (main character)*/
+int g_jump=36;             /*!< Global variable that deffines the vertical possition of Recks and the bullet during the jumping action*/
+int jumpUp;                /*!< Global variable that flags depending on the direction of Recks while jumping. 0 when going up, 1 when going down*/
+int accel=0;               /*!< Global variable that changes every loop during the jump to increase or decrease the velociry of Recks during the jump. Providing real time physics*/
+int hound_jump=0;          /*!< Global variable that changes every loop during the jump to increase or decrease the velociry of the hound during the jump. Providing real time physics*/
+int fall=37;               /*!< Variable that deffines the vertical possition of Recks when he is in Quick sand, decreases at a constant velocity*/
+int bullet=9;              /*!< Global variable that deffines the horizontal possition of the bullet*/
+int bullet_height;         /*!< Global variable that deffines the vertical possition of the bullet*/
+int menu_select;            /*!< Global variable, it the output of the fsm that deffines what item on the menus have been selected*/
+int menuState=0;            /*!< Global variable, it is the current state of the fsm*/
+double lives=4;                 /*!< Global variable that indicates the number of lives Recks has*/
+int score=0;                /*!< Global variable inticating the overall number of points achieved duning the game, it is the variable saved to the highscores[] array after.
+                            Score=h_movement/10+killscore-shield_score*/
+int kill_score;             /*!< Global variable inticating the number of points achieved duning by destroying the mobsr*/
+int shield_score;           /*!< Global variable counting the ammount of times the shield has been used and for every time it decreases the overall score by 10 points*/
+int shield_counter=0;       /*!< Global variable that counts the number of loops the shield has been "On" for*/
+int h_movement=0;           /*!< Global variable that counts the distance travelled by Recks, and is used
+                                 to contol the horizontal possition of the clouds. Diffrent to recks_movement in order so the
+                                 forgrond can move faster than than the background giving it a sense of perspective. Also used
+                                 to calcualte the score.*/
+int ammo=24;                /*!< Global variable indicating the number of bullets left to use, decreases when a bullet is shot, increasis when ammo is picked up*/
+int g_shoot_loop=0;             /*!< Global variable that prevents a bullet beeing shot while there is already a bullet on screen, when the bullet is onscreen it is >0 otherwhise it is 0*/
+int fire_on_screen=0;           /*!< Global variable that prevents another fireball beeing shot while there is already a fire ball on screen, when the fire ball is onscreen it is >0 otherwhise it is 0*/
+int story_mode_flag=0;          /*!< Global variable that flags when the player is in the story mode, rather than in the minigame */
+int lose_lives_delay_flag=0;    /*!< Global variable that flags when the player loses a life and resets to 0 after 1 second. This means that there is a recovery time after losing a life*/
+int lives_delay_loop=0;         /*!< Global variable indicating the number of times the lose_lives_delay_flag statement has iterated, after a certain numeer of itterations it resets the
+                                    flag and the value to 0. Mening the revovery time is over*/
+int difficulty=2;               /*!< Global variable that dictates the probability of certain flags swtiching, i.e it it's low then less enemies appear therefore the game is easier*/
+int story_progress=1;           /*!< Global variable that indicates the story mode progress, it increases after each chapter then autosaves to the Progress file on SD card*/
+int g_story_mode_win=0;         /*!< Global variable that indicates whether the final chapter is complete*/
+int bear_lives=0;               /*!< Global vairable that indicates the number of bullets taken by the bear/3*/
+int t_rex_lives=0;              /*!< Global vairable that indicates the number of bullets taken by the T Rex/3*/
+int g_music_count=1;            /*!< Global vairable that indicates the location of the note in the song array*/
+int g_top_scores[6];            /*!< Global array that stores the 6 top scores, only the 5 highest are printed*/
+float brightness=0.5;           /*!< Global vairable that indicated the brighntness of the lcd screen*/
+int random_num;                 /*!< Global vairable, random number created in the generate_random_number() funtion*/
+int g_g1;                       /*!< Global vaiable that is is 1 when the players selects revolver*/
+int g_g2;                       /*!< Global vaiable that is is 1 when the players selects rifle*/
+//******************MOVEMENT GLOBAL VARIABLES*******************
+// These global variables indicate the horizontal (or vertical) movement of all the different interactive elements (mobs, pick ups, speed boosts...)
+//If it's horizontal movement it is indicated by either "element name"_movement or "element name"_hMovement the vertical movement is indicaded by "element name"_vMovement
+int rat_movement=95;        /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the rat*/
+int hound_hMovement=98;     /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the hound*/
+int hound_vMovement=40;     /*!< Global variable indicating the vertical movement of the hound*/
+int bear_movement=100;      /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the bear*/
+int bird_hMovement=95;      /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the bird*/
+int bird_vMovement=20;      /*!< Global variable indicating the vertical movement of the bird*/
+int cactus_movement=110;    /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the cactus*/
+int t_rex_movement=120;     /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the T Rex*/
+int quick_sand_movement=85; /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the Quick sand*/
+int fire_ball_hMovement=t_rex_movement-6; /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the fire ball made by the T Rex*/
+int fire_ball_vMovement=25;               /*!< Global variable indicating the vertical movement of the fire ball made by the T Rex*/
+int heart_movement=90;      /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the fire ball made by the heart pick up*/
+int ammo_movement=100;      /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the fire ball made by the ammo pick up*/
+int speed_boost_movement=130;   /*!< Global variable indicating the horizontal movement of the fire ball made by the speed boost pick up*/
+//These falgs are randomly activated (more or less frequently depending on the difficulty). For interactive elements when the flag is "On" (=1) the
+//element is printed, the flag is then cleared when the element either moves offscreen or is destroyed or picked up. For the action flags (jump, shoot
+//shield) the flag is cleared when the action is over.
+int jump_flag=0;            /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) when the jump button is pressed and unflags(=0) when the jump has finished*/
+int shoot_flag=0;           /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) when the shoot button is pressed and unflags(=0) when the bulllet has left the screen*/
+int shield_flag=0;          /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) when the shield is activated (joystick pointed upwards)and unflags(=0) after 1 second*/
+int print_rat_flag=0;       /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the rat onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the rat leaves the screen*/
+int print_hound_flag=0;     /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the hound onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the hound leaves the screen or is destroyed*/
+int hound_jump_flag=0;      /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly to make the hound jump. It unflags(=0) when the jump is over*/
+int print_bear_flag=0;      /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the bear onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the bear leaves the screen or is destroyed*/
+int print_bird_flag=0;      /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the bird onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the bird leaves the screen or is destroyed*/
+int print_heart_flag=0;     /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the heart pickup onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the pickup leaves the screen or is picked up*/
+int print_ammo_flag=0;       /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the ammo pickup onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the pickup leaves the screen or is picked up*/
+int print_speed_boost_flag=0;    /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the speed boost pickup onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the pickup leaves the screen or is picked up*/
+int print_cactus_flag=0;      /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the cactus onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the cactus leaves the screen*/
+int print_t_rex_flag=0;        /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the T Rex onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the T Rex leaves the screen or is destroyed*/
+int print_fire_ball_flag=0;     /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly when the print_t_rex_flag is flagged and prints the T Rex onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the fire ball leaves the screen*/
+int print_quick_sand_flag=0;    /*!< Global variable that flags (=1) randomly and prints the quicksand onscreen. It unflags(=0) when the quicksand leaves the screen*/
+//*******************FLAGS FOR TICKERS AND INTERRUPTS*************
+volatile int g_Ticker_Menu_flag=0;  /*!<Global variable to flag the menu ticker*/
+volatile int g_Ticker_Game_flag=0;  /*!<Global variable to flag the game ticker*/
+volatile int g_Ticker_Music_flag=0; /*!<Global variable to flag the music ticker*/
+volatile int g_Ticker_ds_flag=0;    /*!<Global variable to flag the ticker for the ticker wait funtion*/
+volatile int g_press_b_A_flag=0;    /*!<Global variable to flag the Interrupt of button A*/
+volatile int g_press_b_B_flag=0;    /*!<Global variable to flag the Interrupt of button B*/
+//***********************FINITE STATE MACHINE**********************
+struct menuState {      /*!<Struct declaring the fsm */
+    int menu_select;
+    int nextState[5];
+typedef const struct menuState STyp;
+STyp fsm_main_menu[5] = {
+    {0,{0,1,4,0,0}},
+    {8,{1,2,0,1,1}},
+    {16,{2,3,1,2,2}},
+    {24,{3,4,2,3,3}},
+    {32,{4,0,3,4,4}}
+STyp fsm_settings_menu[5] = {
+    {0,{0,1,2,0,0}},
+    {8,{1,2,0,1,1}},
+    {16,{2,3,1,2,2}},
+    {24,{3,0,2,3,3}},
+    {32,{4,4,4,4,4}}
+enum joystickDirection {    //enum type for every neccessary direction of the joystick
+    CENTRE,                 //when the joystick isn't moved
+    DOWN,
+    UP,
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+typedef struct JoyStick Joystick;       //struct for Joystick
+struct JoyStick {
+    float x;    // current x value
+    float x0;   // 'centred' x value
+    float y;    // current y value
+    float y0;   // 'centred' y value
+    int swJoy; // button state (assume pull-down used, so 1 = pressed, 0 = unpressed)
+    joystickDirection direction;  // current direction
+// create struct variable
+Joystick joystick;
+/// Initializes all game values so that when the game ends everything returns to it's normal state
+void initialize_values();
+/**Waits for t/10 seconds, a more energy efficient but same funtionality as wait()
+@param t - time in 0.1*seconds*/
+void ticker_wait(int t);
+///Generates a random munber between 0 and 9999 using the clock on the mbed as a source for the srand() funtion
+void generate_random_number();
+///Displayes the current number of lives on the led bar
+void led_bar();
+///Plays the next note form song1 array on the piezo buzzer
+void play_music();
+//*******************TICKERS, INTERUPTS AND TIMEOUTS****************
+///Funtion that sets g_Ticker_Menu_flag=1
+void Ticker_Menu_isr();
+///Funtion that sets g_Ticker_Game_flag=1
+void Ticker_Game_isr();
+///Funtion that sets g_Ticker_ds_flag=1
+void Ticker_ds_isr();
+///Funtion that sets PWM.period=0.0, so that the tune stops when it times-out
+void music_tOut();
+///Funtion that sets g_press_b_A_flag=1
+void press_b_A_isr();
+///Funtion that sets g_press_b_B_flag=1
+void press_b_B_isr();
+/**Funtion that reads the joystick position when it is still and form those readings it allocates
+values of xPot and yPot that are equicalent to the directions UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, CENTRE*/
+void calibrateJoystick();
+/**Reads the current values of xPot and yPot and detemins the position of the joysick*/
+void updateJoystick();
+//*******************SD CARD & FILE MANAGEMENT***********************
+/**Reads the Pregress file on the SD card*/
+void readSD_progress();
+/**Writes the current game progress onto the Progress file on the SD card*/
+void writeSD_progress();
+/**Reads the Highscores file on the SD card and prints the 5 highest numbers in the Highscores array on the lcd screen*/
+void readSD_and_print_top_score();
+/**Writes the topscore on the 6th position in the Highscores array (so it doesn't overwrite any values that are already stored)*/
+void writeSD();
+///Sorts the values and orders them in descending order
+void sort_top_scores();
+/**Funtion to delete a file
+@param filename[] - Name of file that is to be deleted*/
+void delete_file(char filename[]);
+///Delete the Highscores file
+void Delete_Highscores();
+//************************PRINTING ON LCD**************************
+///Prints the name of the game for 3 seconds when it's turned on
+void intro();
+///Prints the credits on the LCD
+void Credits();
+///Prints the floor on the LCD
+void ground();
+///Prints the g_heart array on the LCD
+void print_heart();
+///Prints the g_ammo_pickUP on the LCD
+void print_ammo_pickUp();
+///Prints the g_speed_boost on the LCD
+void print_speed_boost();
+///Prints Recks (main character), the g_recks_still_gun array on the LCD
+void print_recks_still_gun();
+///Prints the g_recks_moving_gun array on the LCD
+void print_recks_moving_gun();
+///Prints the g_recks_crouch_gun array on the LCD
+void print_recks_crouch_gun();
+///Prints the g_recks_shield array on the LCD
+void print_recks_shield();
+///Prints the g_recks_jump_gun array on the LCD
+void print_recks_jump_gun();
+///Prints the g_recks_falling array on the LCD
+void print_recks_falling();
+///Prints the g_mob_rat_p1 (position 1) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_rat_p1();
+///Prints the g_mob_rat_p2 (position 2) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_rat_p2();
+///Prints the g_mob_hound_p1 (position 1) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_hound_p1();
+///Prints the g_mob_hound_p2 (position 2) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_hound_p2();
+///Prints the g_mob_hound_dead array on the LCD
+void print_mob_hound_dead();
+///Prints the g_mob_bear_p1 (position 1) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bear_p1();
+///Prints the g_mob_bear_p2 (position 2) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bear_p2();
+///Prints the g_mob_bear_dead array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bear_dead();
+///Prints the g_mob_bird_p1 (position 1) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bird_p1();
+///Prints the g_mob_bird_p2 (position 2) array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bird_p2();
+///Prints the g_mob_bear_dead array on the LCD
+void print_mob_bird_dead();
+///Prints the cactus array on the LCD
+void print_cactus();
+///Prints the g_t_rex array on the LCD
+void print_t_rex();
+///Prints the g_t_rex_moving array on the LCD
+void print_t_rex_moving();
+///Prints the g_t_rex_attack array on the LCD
+void print_t_rex_attack();
+///Prints the g_fire_ball_p1 (position 1) array on the LCD
+void print_fire_ball_p1();
+///Prints the g_fire_ball_p2 (position 2) array on the LCD
+void print_fire_ball_p2();
+///Prints the g_clouds array on the LCD
+void print_clouds();
+/**Prints the g_clouds array on the LCD. It prints it multiple times next to the
+corresponding chapter. They are either locked or unlocked depending on the 
+story_progress value*/
+void print_locks();
+/// Prints a line of lengh 16 one pixel above the ground
+void print_quick_sand();
+/// Prints animation of Recks sinking in quick sand
+void falling_animation();
+///Prints "SCORE" and the current score value on the top left of the LCD screen
+void print_score();
+///Pritns "AMMO" and the remaining ammo on the top right of the LCD screen
+void print_ammo();
+/**Funtion that pritns the main menu options and allows the user to select 
+one of the options by pressing the button A. */
+void main_menu();
+/**Funtion that pritns the story mode menu options and allows the user to select 
+one of the chapters by pressing the button A or returning to the main menu by
+pressing the button B. */
+void Story_Mode();
+/**Funtion that pritns the settings menu options and allows the user to select 
+one of the options by pressing the button A or returning to the main menu by
+pressing the button B. */
+void Settings();
+/**Funtion that pritns the brightness menu options and allows the user to select 
+one of the different brightnesses by pressing the button A or returning to the 
+main menu by pressing the button B. */
+void Brightness();
+/**Funtion that pritns the difficulty menu options and allows the user to select 
+one of the different difficulties by pressing the button A or returning to the 
+main menu by pressing the button B. */
+void Difficulty();
+/**Funtion that allows the user to view the highscores and returning to the main 
+menu by pressing the button B. */
+void Leaderboard();
+/**Funtion that pritns the guns options and allows the user to select 
+one of the different guns by pressing the button A or returning to the 
+main menu by pressing the button B. */
+void guns();
+//***************************GAME PHYSICS*************************
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of Recks with the other
+ interactive elements*/
+void Recks();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the rat with Recks*/
+void rat();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the hound with Recks*/
+void hound();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the bear with Recks*/
+void bear();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the bird with Recks*/
+void bird();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the cactus with Recks*/
+void cactus();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the T Rex with Recks*/
+void t_rex();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the fire ball with Recks*/
+void fire_ball();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the quick sand with Recks*/
+void quick_sand();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the heart pickup with Recks*/
+void heart();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the ammo pickup with Recks*/
+void pickUp_ammo();
+/**Funtion that contols the motion, physics and interations of the speed boost with Recks*/
+void speed_boost();
+/**Funtion that turns on the shield*/
+void shield();
+//***************************GAME MODES***************************
+/**This funtion sets flags for printing interactive elements, depending on the difficulty
+leavel selected*/
+void set_difficulty();
+/**Funtion that runs the game*/
+void Game();
+/**Funtion that runs the game without the sory mode*/
+void Minigame();
+/**Funtion that prints sequential text introducing the game, and the game funtions*/
+void Tutorial();
+/**Funtion that prints sequential text introducing the story and then runs the game
+on a easy difficulty setting*/
+void Chapter1();
+/**Funtion that prints sequential text expanding the story and then runs the game
+on a increased difficulty setting*/
+void Chapter2();
+/**Funtion that prints sequential text expanding the story and then runs the game
+on a increased difficulty setting*/
+void Chapter3();
+/**Funtion that prints sequential text expanding the story and then runs the game
+with a final boss fight*/
+void Chapter4();
+/**Funtion that runs when the lives global variable is 0. Printing a game over message
+@returns 0 or 1. 0 returns back to the main menu and 1 re-plays the game after initializing values
+int Game_over();
+/**Funtion that stops the game and powers down the LED's until the joystick button is pressed*/
+void Pause();