Robin Milward Cooney 200849894

Dependencies:   N5110 SDFileSystem gameCharacters mbed

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Robozoec_Era


main.cpp [code] Revision 1.0
main.h [code] Revision 1.0


b_A Additional pushbutton (PullDown)
green_led Green LED output on mbed, used for success messages when reading and or writing on SD card
Highscores File that stores an array of the top 5 highscores
lcd Output pins for lcd screen pin order: VCC,SCE,RST,D/C,MOSI,SCLK,LED
led LED bus output, each pinout represents a LED on a LED bar, from bottom to top
press_bA IterruptIn corresponding to the pushbutton A (PullDown)
Progress File that stores the progress (i.e unlocked chapeters) of the Story Mode
PWM Pulse width modulation output conected to buzzer to contol the music
red_led Red LED output on mbed, used for error messages and debugging when reading and or writing on SD card
sd SD card output, the pins are in the following order: MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS
swJoy Switch on potentiomiter
Ticker_ds Ticker used to create a more energy efficient wait() funtion
Ticker_Game Ticker used for polling the joysick and the digital inputs while the game funtion is running
Ticker_Menu Ticker used for polling the joysick and the digital inputs while the menu funtions are running
tOut Timeout used to implement music
xPot AnalogIn that correspods the horizontal movement of the joystick
yPot AnalogIn that correspods the virtical movement of the joystick