Simple library for interfacing to Nokia 5110 LCD display (as found on the SparkFun website). Edited to include additional feaatures, such as 2d array loading, multiple screen buffers, and better backlight control

Dependencies:   N5110

Dependents:   Main_code_ver18

Fork of N5110 by Craig Evans



File content as of revision 6:adb79338d40f:

@file N5110.cpp

@brief Member functions implementations

#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h"

N5110::N5110(PinName pwrPin, PinName scePin, PinName rstPin, PinName dcPin, PinName mosiPin, PinName sclkPin, PinName ledPin)
    spi = new SPI(mosiPin,NC,sclkPin); // create new SPI instance and initialise
    // set up pins as required
    led = new PwmOut(ledPin);
    pwr = new DigitalOut(pwrPin);
    sce = new DigitalOut(scePin);
    rst = new DigitalOut(rstPin);
    dc = new DigitalOut(dcPin);


// initialise function - powers up and sends the initialisation commands
void N5110::init()
    turnOn();     // power up
    wait_ms(10);  // small delay seems to prevent spurious pixels during mbed reset
    reset();      // reset LCD - must be done within 100 ms

    // function set - extended
    // Don't completely understand these parameters - they seem to work as they are
    // Consult the datasheet if you need to change them
    sendCommand(CMD_VOP_7V38);    // operating voltage - these values are from Chris Yan's Library
    sendCommand(CMD_TC_TEMP_2);   // temperature control
    sendCommand(CMD_BI_MUX_48);   // bias

    // function set - basic
    normalMode();  // normal video mode by default
    sendCommand(CMD_DC_NORMAL_MODE);  // black on white

    // RAM is undefined at power-up so clear

// sets normal video mode (black on white) 
void N5110::normalMode() {

// sets normal video mode (white on black) 
void N5110::inverseMode() {

// function to power up the LCD and backlight
void N5110::turnOn()
    // set brightness of LED - 0.0 to 1.0 - default is 50%
    pwr->write(1);  // apply power

// function to power down LCD
void N5110::turnOff()
    setBrightness(0.0);  // turn backlight off
    clearRAM();   // clear RAM to ensure specified current consumption
    // send command to ensure we are in basic model
    // clear the display
    // enter the extended mode and power down
    // small delay and then turn off the power pin


// function to change LED backlight brightness
void N5110::setBrightness(float brightness)
    // check whether brightness is within range
    if (brightness < 0.0)
        brightness = 0.0;
    if (brightness > 1.0)
        brightness = 1.0;
    // set PWM duty cycle

// pulse the active low reset line
void N5110::reset()
    rst->write(0);  // reset the LCD

// function to initialise SPI peripheral
void N5110::initSPI()
    spi->format(8,1);    // 8 bits, Mode 1 - polarity 0, phase 1 - base value of clock is 0, data captured on falling edge/propagated on rising edge
    spi->frequency(4000000);  // maximum of screen is 4 MHz

// send a command to the display
void N5110::sendCommand(unsigned char command)
    dc->write(0);  // set DC low for command
    sce->write(0); // set CE low to begin frame
    spi->write(command);  // send command
    dc->write(1);  // turn back to data by default
    sce->write(1); // set CE high to end frame (expected for transmission of single byte)


// send data to the display at the current XY address
// dc is set to 1 (i.e. data) after sending a command and so should
// be the default mode.
void N5110::sendData(unsigned char data)
    sce->write(0);   // set CE low to begin frame
    sce->write(1);  // set CE high to end frame (expected for transmission of single byte)

// this function writes 0 to the 504 bytes to clear the RAM
void N5110::clearRAM()
    int i;
    sce->write(0);  //set CE low to begin frame
    for(i = 0; i < 504; i++) { // 48 x 84 bits = 504 bytes
        spi->write(0x00);  // send 0's
    sce->write(1); // set CE high to end frame


// function to set the XY address in RAM for subsequenct data write 
void N5110::setXYAddress(int x, int y)
    // check whether address is in range
    if (x > 83)
    if (y > 5)
    if (x < 0)
    if (y < 0)

    sendCommand(0x80 | x);  // send addresses to display with relevant mask
    sendCommand(0x40 | y);

// These functions are used to set, clear and get the value of pixels in the display
// Pixels are addressed in the range of 0 to 47 (y) and 0 to 83 (x).  The refresh()
// function must be called after set and clear in order to update the display
void N5110::setPixel(int x, int y)
    // calculate bank and shift 1 to required position in the data byte
    buffer[x][y/8] |= (1 << y%8);

void N5110::clearPixel(int x, int y)
    // calculate bank and shift 1 to required position (using bit clear)
    buffer[x][y/8] &= ~(1 << y%8);

unsigned char N5110::getPixel(int x, int y)
    // return relevant bank and mask required bit
    return buffer[x][y/8] & (1 << y%8);


// function to refresh the display
void N5110::refresh()
    int i,j;
    sce->write(0);  //set CE low to begin frame

    for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) {  // be careful to use correct order (j,i) for horizontal addressing
        for(i = 0; i < 84; i++) {
            spi->write(buffer[i][j]);  // send buffer
    sce->write(1); // set CE high to end frame


// fills the buffer with random bytes.  Can be used to test the display.
// The rand() function isn't seeded so it probably creates the same pattern everytime
void N5110::randomiseBuffer()
    int i,j;
    for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) {  // be careful to use correct order (j,i) for horizontal addressing
        for(i = 0; i < 84; i++) {
            buffer[i][j] = rand()%256;  // generate random byte


// function to print 5x7 font
void N5110::printChar(char c)
    int i;
    // loop through 5 columns
    for (i = 0; i < 5 ; i++ ) {
        sendData(font5x7[(c - 32)*5 + i]);
        // array is offset by 32 relative to ASCII, each character is 5 pixels wide
        // the X address is automatically incremented after each data write
    sendData(0); // send an empty byte to introduce space between characters


// function to print string at specified position
void N5110::printString(const char * str,int x,int y)
    int n = 0 ; // counter for number of characters in string
    // loop through string and print character
    while(*str) {

        setXYAddress(x+6*n,y);  // leave 1 pixel (6 = 5 + 1) between each character
        printChar(*str);   // print the char - can probably so *str++ and remove next line
        str++;  // go to next character in string
        n++;    // increment index


// function to clear the screen
void N5110::clear()
    clearBuffer();  // clear the buffer then call the refresh function

// function to clear the buffer
void N5110::clearBuffer()
    int i,j;
    for (i=0; i<84; i++) {  // loop through the banks and set the buffer to 0
        for (j=0; j<6; j++) {