
Dependents:   cobaLCDJoyMotor_Thread odometry_omni_3roda_v3 odometry_omni_3roda_v1 odometry_omni_3roda_v2 ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r b74591d5ab33 tools/test_webapi.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/test_webapi.py	Mon Dec 11 17:54:04 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Author: Przemyslaw Wirkus <Przemyslaw.wirkus@arm.com>
+import sys
+import json
+import optparse
+from flask import Flask
+from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
+# Be sure that the tools directory is in the search path
+ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), ".."))
+sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
+# Imports related to mbed build api
+from tools.utils import construct_enum
+from tools.build_api import mcu_toolchain_matrix
+# Imports from TEST API
+from test_api import SingleTestRunner
+from test_api import SingleTestExecutor
+from test_api import get_json_data_from_file
+from test_api import print_muts_configuration_from_json
+from test_api import print_test_configuration_from_json
+from test_api import get_avail_tests_summary_table
+from test_api import get_default_test_options_parser
+class SingleTestRunnerWebService(SingleTestRunner):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(SingleTestRunnerWebService, self).__init__()
+        # With this lock we should control access to certain resources inside this class
+        self.resource_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
+        self.RestRequest = construct_enum(REST_MUTS='muts',
+                                          REST_TEST_SPEC='test_spec',
+                                          REST_TEST_RESULTS='test_results')
+    def get_rest_result_template(self, result, command, success_code):
+        """ Returns common part of every web service request
+        """
+        result = {"result" : result,
+                  "command" : command,
+                  "success_code": success_code} # 0 - OK, >0 - Error number
+        return result
+    # REST API handlers for Flask framework
+    def rest_api_status(self):
+        """ Returns current test execution status. E.g. running / finished etc.
+        """
+        with self.resource_lock:
+            pass
+    def rest_api_config(self):
+        """ Returns configuration passed to SingleTest executor
+        """
+        with self.resource_lock:
+            pass
+    def rest_api_log(self):
+        """ Returns current test log """
+        with self.resource_lock:
+            pass
+    def rest_api_request_handler(self, request_type):
+        """ Returns various data structures. Both static and mutable during test
+        """
+        result = {}
+        success_code = 0
+        with self.resource_lock:
+            if request_type == self.RestRequest.REST_MUTS:
+                result = self.muts # Returns MUTs
+            elif request_type == self.RestRequest.REST_TEST_SPEC:
+                result = self.test_spec # Returns Test Specification
+            elif request_type == self.RestRequest.REST_TEST_RESULTS:
+                pass # Returns test results
+            else:
+                success_code = -1
+        return json.dumps(self.get_rest_result_template(result, 'request/' + request_type, success_code), indent=4)
+def singletest_in_webservice_mode():
+    # TODO Implement this web service functionality
+    pass
+def get_default_test_webservice_options_parser():
+    """ Get test script web service options used by CLI, webservices etc.
+    """
+    parser = get_default_test_options_parser()
+    # Things related to web services offered by test suite scripts
+    parser.add_argument('', '--rest-api',
+                        dest='rest_api_enabled',
+                        default=False,
+                        action="store_true",
+                        help='Enables REST API.')
+    parser.add_argument('', '--rest-api-port',
+                        dest='rest_api_port_no',
+                        type=int,
+                        help='Sets port for REST API interface')
+    return parser
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Command line options
+    parser = get_default_test_options_parser()
+    parser.description = """This script allows you to run mbed defined test cases for particular MCU(s) and corresponding toolchain(s)."""
+    parser.epilog = """Example: singletest.py -i test_spec.json -M muts_all.json"""
+    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    # Print summary / information about automation test status
+    if opts.test_automation_report:
+        print get_avail_tests_summary_table()
+        exit(0)
+    # Print summary / information about automation test status
+    if opts.test_case_report:
+        test_case_report_cols = ['id', 'automated', 'description', 'peripherals', 'host_test', 'duration', 'source_dir']
+        print get_avail_tests_summary_table(cols=test_case_report_cols, result_summary=False, join_delim='\n')
+        exit(0)
+    # Only prints matrix of supported toolchains
+    if opts.supported_toolchains:
+        print mcu_toolchain_matrix(platform_filter=opts.general_filter_regex)
+        exit(0)
+    # Open file with test specification
+    # test_spec_filename tells script which targets and their toolchain(s)
+    # should be covered by the test scenario
+    test_spec = get_json_data_from_file(opts.test_spec_filename) if opts.test_spec_filename else None
+    if test_spec is None:
+        if not opts.test_spec_filename:
+            parser.print_help()
+        exit(-1)
+    # Get extra MUTs if applicable
+    MUTs = get_json_data_from_file(opts.muts_spec_filename) if opts.muts_spec_filename else None
+    if MUTs is None:
+        if not opts.muts_spec_filename:
+            parser.print_help()
+        exit(-1)
+    # Only prints read MUTs configuration
+    if MUTs and opts.verbose_test_configuration_only:
+        print "MUTs configuration in %s:"% opts.muts_spec_filename
+        print print_muts_configuration_from_json(MUTs)
+        print
+        print "Test specification in %s:"% opts.test_spec_filename
+        print print_test_configuration_from_json(test_spec)
+        exit(0)
+    # Verbose test specification and MUTs configuration
+    if MUTs and opts.verbose:
+        print print_muts_configuration_from_json(MUTs)
+    if test_spec and opts.verbose:
+        print print_test_configuration_from_json(test_spec)
+    if opts.only_build_tests:
+        # We are skipping testing phase, and suppress summary
+        opts.suppress_summary = True
+    single_test = SingleTestRunner(_global_loops_count=opts.test_global_loops_value,
+                                   _test_loops_list=opts.test_loops_list,
+                                   _muts=MUTs,
+                                   _test_spec=test_spec,
+                                   _opts_goanna_for_mbed_sdk=opts.goanna_for_mbed_sdk,
+                                   _opts_goanna_for_tests=opts.goanna_for_tests,
+                                   _opts_shuffle_test_order=opts.shuffle_test_order,
+                                   _opts_shuffle_test_seed=opts.shuffle_test_seed,
+                                   _opts_test_by_names=opts.test_by_names,
+                                   _opts_test_only_peripheral=opts.test_only_peripheral,
+                                   _opts_test_only_common=opts.test_only_common,
+                                   _opts_verbose_skipped_tests=opts.verbose_skipped_tests,
+                                   _opts_verbose_test_result_only=opts.verbose_test_result_only,
+                                   _opts_verbose=opts.verbose,
+                                   _opts_firmware_global_name=opts.firmware_global_name,
+                                   _opts_only_build_tests=opts.only_build_tests,
+                                   _opts_suppress_summary=opts.suppress_summary,
+                                   _opts_test_x_toolchain_summary=opts.test_x_toolchain_summary,
+                                   _opts_copy_method=opts.copy_method
+                                   )
+    try:
+        st_exec_thread = SingleTestExecutor(single_test)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+        print "\n[CTRL+c] exit"
+    st_exec_thread.start()
+    if opts.rest_api_enabled:
+        # Enable REST API
+        app = Flask(__name__)
+        @app.route('/')
+        def hello_world():
+            return 'Hello World!'
+        @app.route('/status')
+        def rest_api_status():
+            return single_test.rest_api_status() # TODO
+        @app.route('/config')
+        def rest_api_config():
+            return single_test.rest_api_config() # TODO
+        @app.route('/log')
+        def rest_api_log():
+            return single_test.rest_api_log() # TODO
+        @app.route('/request/<request_type>') # 'muts', 'test_spec', 'test_results'
+        def rest_api_request_handler(request_type):
+            result = single_test.rest_api_request_handler(request_type) # TODO
+            return result
+        rest_api_port = int(opts.rest_api_port_no) if opts.rest_api_port_no else 5555
+        app.debug = False
+        app.run(port=rest_api_port) # Blocking Flask REST API web service
+    else:
+        st_exec_thread.join()