Final Project files for mBed development.

Dependencies:   m3pi mbed


John Wilkey

File content as of revision 6:00b7198f0b51:

 * @file    project.h
 * @brief   Main header file for includes and whatnot 
 *          for the other project files.
 * @author  John Wilkey
#ifndef _PROJECT_H
#define _PROJECT_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mbed.h"
#include "m3pi.h"
#define TURN_SPEED 0.25
#define DRIVE_SPEED 0.5
#define ERR_SUCCESS 0
#define ERR_FAILURE 1

 * @brief   Provides access to the digital outputs on the mbed controller.
 * Note that by default these output pins are hardwired to the 6 LEDs that 
 * stripe the development extension board. 
typedef struct {
    DigitalOut pin15(p15),
    DigitalOut pin15(p15),
    DigitalOut pin15(p15),
    DigitalOut pin15(p16),
    DigitalOut pin15(p17),
    DigitalOut pin15(p18),
    DigitalOut pin15(p19),
    DigitalOut pin15(p20)
} digi_out_pins;

 * @brief Driver forward.
 * @param[in]   amt     Amount to drive forward.
 * @param[in]   spd     Drive speed.
 * @return              Success or failure. 
int foward(float amt, float spd);

 * @brief Drive backward.
 * @param[in]   amt     Amount to drive backward.
 * @param[in]   spd     Drive speed.
 * @return              Success or failure. 
int backward(float amt);

 * @brief Turn right.
 * @param[in]   deg     Desired final turn angle from starting position.
 * @param[in]   spd     Desired turning speed.
 * @return              Success or failure. 
int right(float deg);

 * @brief Turn left.
 * @param[in]   deg     Desired final turn angle from starting position.
 * @param[in]   spd     Desired turning speed.
 * @return              Success or failure. 
int left (float deg);

 * @brief Controller decision logic.
 * Decide what to do next based on the status of the drawing so far.
void next_action();

 * @brief Print a formatted message to the LCD
void pretty_print(char* msg);
