change in mbed rtos library

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of rtos_basic by mbed official

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Feb 15 14:04:02 2017 -0600
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Feb 28 07:20:20 2018 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,95 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "rtos.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
+#include "RGB_LED.h"
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 Thread thread;
-void led2_thread() {
-    while (true) {
-        led2 = !led2;
-        Thread::wait(1000);
-    }
+Thread thread2;
+Thread thread3;
+Thread thread4;
+Mutex stdio_mutex;
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28,p27,p29);
+RGBLed myRGBled(p22,p23,p24);
+void printName() {
+  stdio_mutex.lock();
+  uLCD.printf("\nMy name is Barry Johnson-Smith\n");
+  //Time to dance at same time as color changing.
+  uLCD.cls();
+  stdio_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+void colorULCD() {
+  stdio_mutex.lock();
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,RED);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,BLUE);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,RED);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20, 255*65536+165*256+0);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,255*65536+255*256+0);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,GREEN);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,BLUE);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,75*65536+0*256+130);
+  Thread::wait(500);
+  uLCD.line(60,80,60,0,128*65536+128*256+128);
+  uLCD.filled_circle(60,60,20,128*65536+0*256+128);
+  stdio_mutex.unlock();
+ }
-int main() {
-    thread.start(led2_thread);
+void uLCD_thread1() {
+    while (true) {
+    colorULCD();
+    Thread::wait(500);
+    }
+void uLCD_thread2() {
     while (true) {
-        led1 = !led1;
-        Thread::wait(500);
+    printName();
+    Thread::wait(1000);    
+ }
+void RGB_LED() {
+  while(true) {
+  myRGBled.write(1.0f, 0, 0); // turn the RGB LED red 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  myRGBled.write(0, 0, 255); // turn the RGB LED blue 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  // Example blended myRGBled.writes: 
+  myRGBled.write(255,0,0); // turn the RGB LED red 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  myRGBled.write(237,109,0); // turn the RGB LED orange 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  myRGBled.write(255,215,0); // turn the RGB LED yellow 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  myRGBled.write(34,139,34); // turn the RGB LED green 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second 
+  myRGBled.write(0,0,255); // turn the RGB LED blue 
+  Thread::wait(050); // wait for 1 second
+  myRGBled.write(0,46,90); // turn the RGB LED indigo 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second
+  myRGBled.write(128,0,128); // turn the RGB LED purple 
+  Thread::wait(500); // wait for 1 second
+  }
+int main() {
+   thread.start(uLCD_thread1);
+    //thread2.start(uLCD_thread2);
+    thread3.start(RGB_LED);  