The official code that runs on the FRDM board for the chlorine sensor.

Dependencies:   MBed_Adafruit-GPS-Library SDFileSystem mbed GSM_Library

Fork of DCS by Brandon Crofts

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Sensor.cpp	Fri Mar 06 22:13:58 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "MBed_Adafruit_GPS.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "QAM.h"
+#include "param.h"
+DigitalOut led_red(LED_RED);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+Timer t;
+ **          SD FILE SYSTEM                       **
+ **************************************************/
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd");
+FILE *fp;
+ **          GPS                                 **
+ **************************************************/
+Serial * gps_Serial;
+ **          SENSOR INPUTS                       **
+ **************************************************/
+AnalogIn AnLong(A0);
+AnalogIn AnShort(A1);
+AnalogIn AnRefLong(A2);
+AnalogIn AnRefShort(A3);
+Ticker sample_tick;
+bool takeSample = false;
+void tick(){takeSample = true;}
+ **          SIN OUTPUT                          **
+ **************************************************/
+AnalogOut dac0(DAC0_OUT);
+int sinRes = (int)1/(CARRIER_FREQ*TIME_CONST);
+float sinWave[SIN_LENGTH] = {};
+int sinIndex = 0;
+ **          QAM                                 **
+ **************************************************/
+float sLQ[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sLI[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sSQ[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sSI[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sRefLQ[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sRefLI[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sRefSQ[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float sRefSI[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float Iarray[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+float Qarray[SAMPLE_LENGTH] = {};
+int sampleIndex = 0;
+float I = 0;
+float Q = 0;
+float lon = 0;
+float lonRef = 0;
+float shor = 0;
+float shorRef = 0;
+void buildIQ(){
+    for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_LENGTH; i++){
+        Iarray[i] = cos(2*PI*CARRIER_FREQ*i*TIME_CONST);
+        Qarray[i] = -sin(2*PI*CARRIER_FREQ*i*TIME_CONST);
+    }
+void create_sinWave(){
+    int i = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < sinRes; i++){
+        sinWave[i] = 0.25 * sin(2.0*PI*i/sinRes) + 0.75;
+    }
+int main () {
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf("hello\r\n");
+    // GPS INITIALIZATION //////////////////////////////
+    gps_Serial = new Serial(D1,D0);
+    Adafruit_GPS myGPS(gps_Serial);
+    char c;
+    myGPS.begin(9600);
+    myGPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ);
+    myGPS.sendCommand(PGCMD_ANTENNA);
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    buildIQ();
+    create_sinWave();
+    float filteredLong = 0;
+    float filteredShort = 0;
+    float filteredLongRef = 0;
+    float filteredShortRef = 0;
+    sample_tick.attach(&tick, 0.0001);
+    t.start();
+    while(1){
+        if(takeSample){ //3.46 us per loop
+            takeSample = false;
+            dac0 = sinWave[sinIndex];
+            sinIndex++;
+            if((sinIndex+1) > sinRes){
+                sinIndex = 0;
+            }
+            lon =;
+            lonRef =;
+            shor =;
+            shorRef =;
+            I = Iarray[sampleIndex];
+            Q = Qarray[sampleIndex];
+            sLI[sampleIndex] = lon*I;
+            sLQ[sampleIndex] = lon*Q;
+            sSI[sampleIndex] = shor*I;
+            sSQ[sampleIndex] = shor*Q;
+            sRefLI[sampleIndex] = lonRef*I;
+            sRefLQ[sampleIndex] = lonRef*Q;
+            sRefSI[sampleIndex] = shorRef*I;
+            sRefSQ[sampleIndex] = shorRef*Q;
+            sampleIndex++;
+            if(sampleIndex+1 > SAMPLE_LENGTH){
+                sampleIndex--;
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        if(sampleIndex+2 > SAMPLE_LENGTH){ //0.50 seconds
+            sampleIndex = 0;
+            filteredLong = QAM(sLI, sLQ, &pc);
+            filteredLongRef = QAM(sRefLI, sRefLQ, &pc);
+            filteredShort = QAM(sSI, sSQ, &pc);
+            filteredShortRef = QAM(sRefSI, sRefSQ, &pc);
+        }  
+        c =;
+        if ( myGPS.newNMEAreceived() ) {
+            if ( !myGPS.parse(myGPS.lastNMEA()) ) {
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        if(t.read_ms()>1000){
+            led_red = !led_red;
+            pc.printf("Long = %f\r\n", filteredLong);
+            pc.printf("LongRef = %f\r\n", filteredLongRef);
+            pc.printf("Short = %f\r\n", filteredShort);
+            pc.printf("ShortRef = %f\r\n", filteredShortRef);
+            pc.printf("Time: %d:%d:%d \r\n", myGPS.hour, myGPS.minute, myGPS.seconds);
+            if (myGPS.fix) pc.printf("Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\r\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+            else           pc.printf("No GPS fix\r\n");
+            pc.printf("--------------------------------\r\n");
+            //fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "w");
+            if (fp != NULL){
+                fprintf(fp, "Long = %f\r\n", filteredLong);
+                fprintf(fp, "LongRef = %f\r\n", filteredLongRef);
+                fprintf(fp, "Short = %f\r\n", filteredShort);
+                fprintf(fp, "ShortRef = %f\r\n", filteredShortRef);
+                fprintf(fp, "Time: %d:%d:%d \r\n", myGPS.hour, myGPS.minute, myGPS.seconds);
+                if (myGPS.fix) fprintf(fp, "Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\r\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+                else           fprintf(fp, "No GPS fix\r\n");
+                //fclose(fp);    
+            }
+            t.reset();
+        }
+        /*
+        if (sampleIndex+2 > SAMPLE_LENGTH) { // 0.25 seconds
+            sampleIndex = 0;
+            pc.printf("Time: %d:%d:%d \r\n", myGPS.hour, myGPS.minute, myGPS.seconds);
+            fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "w");
+            if (fp != NULL){
+                fprintf(fp,"Time: %d:%d:%d.%u \r\n", myGPS.hour, myGPS.minute, myGPS.seconds, myGPS.milliseconds);
+                fclose(fp);
+            }
+            if (myGPS.fix) {
+                pc.printf("Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\r\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+                led_red = !led_red;
+                fp = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "w");
+                if (fp != NULL){
+                    fprintf(fp,"Location: %5.2f%c, %5.2f%c\r\n", myGPS.latitude,, myGPS.longitude, myGPS.lon);
+                    fclose(fp);
+                }
+            }else{
+                fprintf(fp,"no gps fix\r\n");
+                fclose(fp);
+            }    
+        }
+        */
+    }
\ No newline at end of file