
Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r d2ec2e0bf935 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 16 14:07:14 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#include "mbed.h" //for use in mbed
+#define wheelc 0.1759292
+#define pi 3.141592654
+#define degreel 0.021988888
+//Status LED
+DigitalOut led(LED1);
+//Motor PWM (speed)
+PwmOut PWMA(PA_8);
+PwmOut PWMB(PB_4);
+//Motor Direction
+DigitalOut DIRA(PA_9);
+DigitalOut DIRB(PB_10);
+//Hall-Effect Sensor Inputs
+InterruptIn HEA1(PB_2);
+DigitalIn HEA2(PB_1);
+InterruptIn HEB1(PB_15);
+DigitalIn HEB2(PB_14);
+//On board switch
+DigitalIn SW1(USER_BUTTON);
+//Use the serial object so we can use higher speeds
+Serial terminal(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Timer used for measuring speeds
+Timer timer;
+//Enumerated types
+enum PULSE           {NOPULSE=0, PULSE};
+//Debug GPIO
+DigitalOut probe(D10);
+//Duty cycles
+float dutyA = 1.00f; //100%
+float dutyB = 1.00f; //100%
+//distance measurement
+float distanceA ;
+float distanceB ;
+float speedA ;
+float speedB ;
+float pretimerA;
+float afttimerA;
+float pretimerB;
+float afttimerB;
+float wheel_spacing = 0.128;
+//Completed Loop
+int loop=0;
+int turn();
+void ResetDistanceTimeSpeed()
+    distanceA=0;
+    distanceB=0;
+    speedA=0;
+    speedB=0;
+    pretimerA=0;
+    pretimerB=0;
+    afttimerA=0;
+    afttimerB=0;
+    timer.reset();
+    timer.start();
+void stopmotors()
+    PWMA.write(0.0f);       //0% duty cycle
+    PWMB.write(0.0f);       //0% duty cycle
+int forward(float distance, float speed)
+    //add forward to input with switch for scalability
+    // Set motor direction forward
+    //reset distance
+    ResetDistanceTimeSpeed();
+    // Set motor speed to input speed
+    PWMA.write(speed);          //Set duty cycle (%)
+    PWMB.write(speed);          //Set duty cycle (%)
+    //wait for run to complete
+    while (((distanceA+distanceB)/2) < distance) {
+        if (speedA<speed) {
+            dutyA += (float)0.0051;
+            PWMA.write(speed);
+        }
+        if( speedA>speed) {
+            dutyA -= (float)0.0051;
+            PWMA.write(speed);
+        }
+        if (speedB<speed) {
+            dutyB += (float)0.0051;
+            PWMB.write(speed);
+        }
+        if( speedB>speed) {
+            dutyB -= (float)0.0051;
+            PWMB.write(speed);
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+int turn(float degrees, float duty, int direction) // (Degrees of Turn, Speed, (Anti/Clock)wise)
+    // Calculate Turn Distance
+    float distance=0;
+    distance=((float)degreel*degrees);
+    //Set Initial Motor Direction
+    // Set Motor Speed for Outside Wheel
+    PWMA.write(duty);          //Set duty cycle (%)
+    PWMB.write(0.0f);          //Set duty cycle (%)
+    // Test for Loop Completion to Enter Victory Spin
+    if(direction==REVERSE) {
+        DIRA = REVERSE;
+        DIRB = REVERSE;
+        PWMB.write(duty);          //Set duty cycle (%)
+    }
+    // Reset Distance Travelled
+    ResetDistanceTimeSpeed();
+    // Wait for Turn to Complete
+    while (distanceA < distance) {
+    }
+    return 1;
+void set_distanceA()
+    float time = 0;
+    afttimerA = timer.read();                      //set latest timer to equal timer
+    distanceA += (wheelc/6);                //set distance travelled for this instruction i.e forward/turn etc
+    time = afttimerA - pretimerA;             //work out time taken for last 6th of a rotation
+    speedA = (dutyA/time);              //distance/time = average speed for last 6th rotation
+    pretimerA = afttimerA;                  //update pretimer for next calculation of time
+    terminal.printf("speedA %f\n\r", speedA);
+void set_distanceB()
+    float time = 0;
+    afttimerB = timer.read();
+    distanceB += (wheelc/6);
+    time = afttimerB - pretimerB;
+    speedB = (dutyB/time);
+    pretimerB = afttimerB;
+    terminal.printf("speedB %f\n\r", speedB);
+int main()
+    //Configure the terminal to high speed
+    terminal.baud(115200);
+    HEA1.rise(set_distanceA);
+    HEB1.rise(set_distanceB);
+    //Set initial motor speed to stop
+    stopmotors();
+    PWMA.period_ms(10);
+    PWMB.period_ms(10);
+    while(1) {
+        //wait for switch press
+        while (SW1 == PRESSED) {
+            wait(0.01);
+            while(SW1 == RELEASED) {
+                //navigate course
+                for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) {
+                    forward(12,0.75);
+                    //terminal.printf("turn\n\r");
+                    turn(100,1,0);
+                    //terminal.printf("forward\n\r");
+                    forward(7,0.75);
+                    //terminal.printf("turn\n\r");
+                    turn(100,1,0);
+                }
+                stopmotors();
+                wait(0.5);
+                //victory spin
+                turn(365,1,1);
+                stopmotors();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }