Library for using HC-SR04 with some API Documentation added

Fork of HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library by EJ Teb

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ultrasonic Class Reference

ultrasonic Class Reference

ultrasonic class. More...

#include <ultrasonic.h>

Public Member Functions

 ultrasonic (PinName trigPin, PinName echoPin, float updateSpeed, float timeout)
 iniates the class with the specified trigger pin, echo pin, update speed and timeout
 ultrasonic (PinName trigPin, PinName echoPin, float updateSpeed, float timeout, void onUpdate(int))
 iniates the class with the specified trigger pin, echo pin, update speed, timeout and method to call when the distance changes
int getCurrentDistance (void)
 returns the last measured distance
void pauseUpdates (void)
 auses measuring the distance
void startUpdates (void)
 tarts mesuring the distance
void attachOnUpdate (void method(int))
 attachs the method to be called when the distances changes
void changeUpdateSpeed (float updateSpeed)
 Method: changes the speed at which updates are made.
int isUpdated (void)
 gets whether the distance has been changed since the last call of isUpdated() or checkDistance()
float getUpdateSpeed (void)
 gets the speed at which updates are made
void checkDistance (void)
 call this as often as possible in your code, eg.

Detailed Description

ultrasonic class.

Used for HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "ultrasonic.h"

 ultrasonic usensor(PA_6, PA_7, 0.1, 0.25, &dist);

 int main() {
  //start mesuring the distance

Definition at line 25 of file ultrasonic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ultrasonic ( PinName  trigPin,
PinName  echoPin,
float  updateSpeed,
float  timeout 

iniates the class with the specified trigger pin, echo pin, update speed and timeout

trigPinThe "trigger" pin for the ultrasonic sensor. This is DigitalOut.
echoPinThe "echo" pin for the ultrasonic sensor. This is InterruptIn.
updateSpeedHow often the ultrasonic sensor pings and listens for a response.
timeoutHow long to wait before giving up on listening for a ping.

Definition at line 3 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

ultrasonic ( PinName  trigPin,
PinName  echoPin,
float  updateSpeed,
float  timeout,
void   onUpdateint 

iniates the class with the specified trigger pin, echo pin, update speed, timeout and method to call when the distance changes

trigPinThe "trigger" pin for the ultrasonic sensor. This is DigitalOut.
echoPinThe "echo" pin for the ultrasonic sensor. This is InterruptIn.
updateSpeedHow often the ultrasonic sensor pings and listens for a response.
timeoutHow long to wait before giving up on listening for a ping.
onUpdate(int)The function to be called when the distance is detected to have changed.

Definition at line 9 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void attachOnUpdate ( void   methodint )

attachs the method to be called when the distances changes

method(int)The function to be called when the distance is detected to have changed.

Definition at line 61 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

void changeUpdateSpeed ( float  updateSpeed )

Method: changes the speed at which updates are made.

updateSpeedhow often to update the ultrasonic sensor

Definition at line 65 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

void checkDistance ( void   )

call this as often as possible in your code, eg.

at the end of a while(1) loop, and it will check whether the method you have attached needs to be called

Definition at line 80 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

int getCurrentDistance ( void   )

returns the last measured distance

Definition at line 47 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

float getUpdateSpeed ( void   )

gets the speed at which updates are made

Definition at line 69 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

int isUpdated ( void   )

gets whether the distance has been changed since the last call of isUpdated() or checkDistance()

Definition at line 73 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

void pauseUpdates ( void   )

auses measuring the distance

Definition at line 51 of file ultrasonic.cpp.

void startUpdates ( void   )

tarts mesuring the distance

Definition at line 57 of file ultrasonic.cpp.