Library files for InAir9 module containing SX1272

Fork of SX1272Lib by Semtech

--- a/sx1272/sx1272-hal.cpp	Mon Apr 24 09:26:08 2017 +0000
+++ b/sx1272/sx1272-hal.cpp	Mon Nov 13 23:15:40 2017 +0000
@@ -103,6 +103,27 @@
                         :   SX1272( events, LORA_MOSI, LORA_MISO, LORA_SCK, LORA_NSS, LORA_RESET, LORA_DIO0, LORA_DIO1, LORA_DIO2, LORA_DIO3, LORA_DIO4, LORA_DIO5 ),
                             TxCtl( LORA_TXCTL ),
                             RxCtl( LORA_RXCTL )
+                        //Add definition case for NRF51 DK board with correct pins 
+                        #elif defined ( TARGET_NRF51_DK )
+                        /*
+                        *PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName nss,PinName reset,
+                        *PinName dio0, PinName dio1, PinName dio2, PinName dio3, PinName dio4, PinName dio5
+                        *
+                        *SPI_PSELMOSI0 is p25 
+                        *SPI_PSELMISO0 = p28
+                        *SPI_PSELSS0   = p24,
+                        *SPI_PSELSCK0  = p29,
+                        *P0_0  = p0,
+                        *P0_1  = p1,
+                        *P0_2  = p2,
+                        *P0_3  = p3,
+                        *P0_4  = p4,
+                        *P0_5  = p5,
+                        *use P0_19 = p19 for reset pin
+                        */
+                        :   SX1272( events, SPI_PSELMOSI0, SPI_PSELMISO0, SPI_PSELSCK0, SPI_PSELSS0, P0_19, P0_5, P0_4, P0_3, P0_2, P0_1, P0_0 ),
+                            AntSwitch( A4 )
                         :   SX1272( events, D11, D12, D13, D10, A0, D2, D3, D4, D5, D8, D9 ),
                             AntSwitch( A4 ),