2018.08能代CORE'S キッチン ミッション用プログラム

Dependencies:   BMP180 mbed

Fork of mission by hitomi shio

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Aug 03 01:09:43 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "BMP180.h"
+#define p0 1013.25f//海面気圧
+#define TIME_TOP      14
+#define TIME_WATER    20
+#define TIME_BUZZER   25
+#define NUM           5
+#define RATE          10
+//Serial         pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+PwmOut         servo_crack1(p26);   
+PwmOut         servo_crack2(p25);
+PwmOut         servo_open1(p24);   
+PwmOut         servo_open2(p23);
+DigitalIn      rec1(p5);
+DigitalIn      rec2(p6);
+DigitalOut     heat(p22);
+DigitalOut     buzzer(p20);
+DigitalOut     myled1(LED1);
+DigitalOut     myled2(LED2);
+DigitalOut     myled3(LED3);
+BMP180 bmp     (p28, p27);
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); 
+Timer          timer_acc;
+Timer          timer_top;
+Timer          timer_all;
+Ticker         tic_mission;
+Ticker         tic_buzzer;
+void           _mission(); 
+void           _heater_acc();
+void           _buzzer();
+float          _getAlt(float press, float temp);
+float          _median(float data[], int num);
+float          Med_alt,Maeno_alt;
+float          Pressure,Temperature,Altitude;
+float          alt[NUM],max=-1000;
+int            Cnt_top=0,Cnt_water=0;
+int            altitude;
+int            med_alt; 
+int main(){ 
+    _heater_acc();   
+    Phase=EGG;
+    tic_mission.attach(&_mission,1.0/RATE);
+    tic_buzzer.attach(&_buzzer,1.0/RATE);
+    while(1){
+        if(timer_top.read()>=TIME_BUZZER){
+            buzzer=0;
+        }
+    }
+void _mission(){
+    switch(Phase){
+        case EGG:            
+                        buzzer=0;
+                        myled1=0;
+                        myled2=0;
+                        timer_all.start();
+                        FILE *fp;
+                            fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a"); 
+                            fprintf(fp,"%f:ヒーターON\n\r",timer_all);
+                            timer_acc.start();
+                            servo_crack1.pulsewidth(0.005);
+                            servo_crack2.pulsewidth(0.024);
+                            fprintf(fp, "%f:サーボ_割る\n\r",timer_all);
+                            wait(1.0);
+                            servo_open1.pulsewidth(0.005);
+                            servo_open2.pulsewidth(0.024);
+                            fprintf(fp, "%f:サーボ_開く\n\r",timer_all);
+                            fclose(fp);
+                            Phase=RISE;
+                            break;
+        case RISE:                        
+                        bmp.Initialize(BMP180_OSS_ULTRA_LOW_POWER);
+                        //pc.printf("Temperature ,Pressure, Altitude\r\n");
+                        int j;
+                        for(j=0;j<NUM;j++){
+                            bmp.ReadData(&Temperature,&Pressure);
+                            altitude = _getAlt(Pressure,Temperature);
+                            alt[j]=altitude;
+                        }
+                        Med_alt=_median(alt,NUM);
+                        //pc.printf("%f,%f\n\r",Med_alt,max);
+                        if(med_alt>max){
+                            max=Med_alt;
+                            Cnt_top=0;
+                        }else if(max-Med_alt>=2.0){
+                            Cnt_top++;
+                        }
+                        //pc.printf("%d\n\r",Cnt_top);
+                        if(Cnt_top>=3||timer_acc.read()>=TIME_TOP){
+                            fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a");
+                            //pc.printf("頂点判定");
+                            fprintf(fp, "%f:頂点判定\n\r",timer_all);
+                            myled1=1;
+                            timer_top.start();
+                            Phase=DROP;
+                        }
+                        break;
+        case DROP:
+                        Maeno_alt=Med_alt;
+                        int i;
+                        for(i=0;i<NUM;i++){
+                            bmp.ReadData(&Temperature,&Pressure);
+                            altitude = _getAlt(Pressure,Temperature);
+                            alt[i]=altitude;
+                        }
+                        Med_alt=_median(alt,NUM);
+                        //pc.printf("%f,%f\n\r",Med_alt,max);
+                        if(Maeno_alt-Med_alt>=-1.0&&Maeno_alt-Med_alt<=1.0){
+                            Cnt_water++;
+                        }else{
+                            Cnt_water=0;
+                        }
+                        //pc.printf("%d\n\r",Cnt_water);
+                        if(Cnt_water>=3||timer_top.read()>=TIME_WATER){
+                            fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a"); 
+                            //pc.printf("着水判定");
+                            myled2=1;
+                            heat=0;
+                            buzzer=1;
+                            fprintf(fp, "%f:ヒーターOFF\nブザーON\n\r",timer_all);
+                            fclose(fp);
+                            Phase=BUZZER;
+                            tic_mission.detach();
+                        }
+                        //break;
+        /*case BUZZER:
+                        if(timer_top>=TIME_BUZZER){
+                            fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a"); 
+                            buzzer=0;
+                            fprintf(fp, "%f:ブザーOFF\n\r",timer_all);
+                            fclose(fp);
+                        }
+                        break;*/
+    }
+void _heater_acc(){
+        heat=0;
+        while(1){
+            if(rec1==1){
+                heat=1;
+            }else if(rec1==0){
+                heat=0;
+            }
+            if(rec2==1){
+                break;
+            }else if(rec2==0){
+            }
+        }
+void _buzzer(){
+        myled3=!myled3;
+        if(rec2==1){
+            buzzer=0;
+        }else if(rec2==0){
+            buzzer=0;
+        }
+float _getAlt(float press, float temp){
+    return (pow((p0/press), (1.0f/5.257f))-1.0f)*(temp+273.15f)/0.0065f;
+float _median(float data[], int num){
+    float *data_cpy, ans;
+    data_cpy = new float[num];
+    memcpy(data_cpy,data,sizeof(float)*num);
+    for(int i=0; i<num; i++){
+        for(int j=0; j<num-i-1; j++){
+            if(data_cpy[j]>data_cpy[j+1]){
+                float buff = data_cpy[j+1];
+                data_cpy[j+1] = data_cpy[j];
+                data_cpy[j] = buff;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(num%2!=0) ans = data_cpy[num/2];
+    else         ans = (data_cpy[num/2-1]+data_cpy[num/2])/2.0;
+    delete[] data_cpy;
+    return ans;
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