(Working) Code to interface 3 LoadCells to ADISense1000 and display values using the Labview code.

Fork of 4Bridge_ADISense1000_Example_copy by CAC_smartcushion

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/adi_sense_1000/ADISENSE1000_REGISTERS_typedefs.h	Thu Jan 25 16:00:23 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1929 @@
+/* ================================================================================
+     Created by   : sherry
+     Created on   : 2017 Nov 14, 10:55 GMT
+     Project      :   ADISENSE1000_REGISTERS
+     File         :   ADISENSE1000_REGISTERS_typedefs.h
+     Description  :   C Register Structures
+     !! ADI Confidential !!
+     Copyright (c) 2017 Analog Devices, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+     This software is proprietary and confidential to Analog Devices, Inc. and
+     its licensors.
+     This file was auto-generated. Do not make local changes to this file.
+     Auto generation script information:
+       Script:        /usr/cadtools/bin/yoda.dir/generators/inc/genHeaders
+       Last modified: 26-SEP-2017
+   ================================================================================ */
+/* pickup integer types */
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLER__))
+#include <stdint.h>
+#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
+#pragma push
+#pragma anon_unions
+/** @defgroup Interface_Config_A Interface Configuration A (Interface_Config_A) Register
+ *  Interface Configuration A (Interface_Config_A) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Addr_Ascension
+ *! \brief  Determines Sequential Addressing Behavior (Addr_Ascension) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_A_DESCEND = 0,  /**< Address accessed is decremented by one for each data byte when streaming */
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_A_ASCEND  = 1   /**< Address accessed is incremented by one for each data byte when streaming */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Addr_Ascension;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_Struct
+ *! \brief  Interface Configuration A Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t SW_ResetX  :  1;  /**< Second  of Two of SW_RESET Bits. */
+      uint8_t reserved1  :  3;
+      uint8_t SDO_Enable :  1;  /**< SDO Pin Enable */
+      uint8_t Addr_Ascension :  1;  /**< Determines Sequential Addressing Behavior */
+      uint8_t reserved6      :  1;
+      uint8_t SW_Reset       :  1;  /**< First of Two of SW_RESET Bits. */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_A_t;
+/** @defgroup Interface_Config_B Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register
+ *  Interface Configuration B (Interface_Config_B) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst
+ *! \brief  Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode (Single_Inst) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_STREAMING_MODE          = 0,  /**< Streaming mode is enabled          */
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_B_SINGLE_INSTRUCTION_MODE = 1   /**< Single Instruction mode is enabled */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Single_Inst;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_Struct
+ *! \brief  Interface Configuration B Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t reserved0   :  7;
+      uint8_t Single_Inst :  1;  /**< Select Streaming or Single Instruction Mode */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_B_t;
+/** @defgroup Device_Config Device Configuration (Device_Config) Register
+ *  Device Configuration (Device_Config) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Operating_Modes
+ *! \brief  Power Modes (Operating_Modes) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_DEVICE_CONFIG_NORMAL = 0,  /**< Normal Operating Mode */
+  ADISENSE_SPI_DEVICE_CONFIG_SLEEP  = 3   /**< Low Power Mode        */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Operating_Modes;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_Struct
+ *! \brief  Device Configuration Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Operating_Modes :  2;  /**< Power Modes */
+      uint8_t reserved2       :  6;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Device_Config_t;
+/** @defgroup Chip_Type Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register
+ *  Chip Type (Chip_Type) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Type_Struct
+ *! \brief  Chip Type Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Type_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Chip_Type  :  4;  /**< Precision ADC */
+      uint8_t reserved4  :  4;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Type_t;
+/** @defgroup Product_ID_L Product ID Low (Product_ID_L) Register
+ *  Product ID Low (Product_ID_L) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_L_Struct
+ *! \brief  Product ID Low Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_L_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Product_ID_Trim_Bits :  4;  /**< These Bits Vary on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
+      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  4;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[3:0] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Product_ID_H Product ID High (Product_ID_H) Register
+ *  Product ID High (Product_ID_H) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_H_Struct
+ *! \brief  Product ID High Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Product_ID_H_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Product_ID_Fixed_Bits :  8;  /**< Product_ID_Fixed_Bits[11:4] These Bits are Fixed on Die Configured for Multiple Generics */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Chip_Grade Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register
+ *  Chip Grade (Chip_Grade) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_Struct
+ *! \brief  Chip Grade Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Device_Revision :  4;  /**< This is the Device Hardware Revision */
+      uint8_t Grade           :  4;  /**< This is the Device Performance Grade */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Chip_Grade_t;
+/** @defgroup Scratch_Pad Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register
+ *  Scratch Pad (Scratch_Pad) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_Struct
+ *! \brief  Scratch Pad Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Scratch_Value :  8;  /**< Software Scratchpad */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Scratch_Pad_t;
+/** @defgroup SPI_Revision SPI Revision (SPI_Revision) Register
+ *  SPI Revision (SPI_Revision) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Version
+ *! \brief  SPI Version (Version) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_REVISION_REV1_0 = 2   /**< Revision 1.0 */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Version;
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_SPI_Type
+ *! \brief  Always Reads as 0x2 (SPI_Type) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_Struct
+ *! \brief  SPI Revision Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_SPI_Revision_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Version    :  6;  /**< SPI Version */
+      uint8_t SPI_Type   :  2;  /**< Always Reads as 0x2 */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Vendor_L Vendor ID Low (Vendor_L) Register
+ *  Vendor ID Low (Vendor_L) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_L_Struct
+ *! \brief  Vendor ID Low Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_L_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t VID        :  8;  /**< VID[7:0] Analog Devices Vendor ID */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Vendor_H Vendor ID High (Vendor_H) Register
+ *  Vendor ID High (Vendor_H) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_H_Struct
+ *! \brief  Vendor ID High Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Vendor_H_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t VID        :  8;  /**< VID[15:8] Analog Devices Vendor ID */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Stream_Mode Stream Mode (Stream_Mode) Register
+ *  Stream Mode (Stream_Mode) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_Struct
+ *! \brief  Stream Mode Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Loop_Count :  8;  /**< Sets the Data Byte Count Before Looping to Start Address */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Stream_Mode_t;
+/** @defgroup Transfer_Config Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register
+ *  Transfer Config (Transfer_Config) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode
+ *! \brief  When Streaming, Controls Master-Slave Transfer (Stream_Mode) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_WRITE        = 0,  /**< Transfers after each byte/mulit-byte register */
+  ADISENSE_SPI_TRANSFER_CONFIG_UPDATE_ON_ADDRESS_LOOP = 1   /**< Transfers when address loops                  */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Stream_Mode;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_Struct
+ *! \brief  Transfer Config Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t reserved0   :  1;
+      uint8_t Stream_Mode :  1;  /**< When Streaming, Controls Master-Slave Transfer */
+      uint8_t reserved2   :  6;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Transfer_Config_t;
+/** @defgroup Interface_Config_C Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register
+ *  Interface Configuration C (Interface_Config_C) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access
+ *! \brief  Multi-byte Registers Must Be Read/Written in Full (Strict_Register_Access) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_NORMAL_ACCESS = 0,  /**< Normal mode, no access restrictions                              */
+  ADISENSE_SPI_INTERFACE_CONFIG_C_STRICT_ACCESS = 1   /**< Strict mode, multi-byte registers require all bytes read/written */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Strict_Register_Access;
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable
+ *! \brief  CRC Enable (CRC_Enable) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_CRC_Enable;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_Struct
+ *! \brief  Interface Configuration C Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t CRC_EnableB :  2;  /**< Inverted CRC Enable */
+      uint8_t reserved2              :  3;
+      uint8_t Strict_Register_Access :  1;  /**< Multi-byte Registers Must Be Read/Written in Full */
+      uint8_t CRC_Enable             :  2;  /**< CRC Enable */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Config_C_t;
+/** @defgroup Interface_Status_A Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register
+ *  Interface Status A (Interface_Status_A) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_Struct
+ *! \brief  Interface Status A Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Address_Invalid_Error :  1;  /**< Attempt to Read/Write Non-existent Register Address */
+      uint8_t Register_Partial_Access_Error :  1;  /**< Set When Fewer Than Expected Number of Bytes Read/Written */
+      uint8_t Wr_To_Rd_Only_Reg_Error       :  1;  /**< Write to Read-Only Register Attempted */
+      uint8_t CRC_Error                     :  1;  /**< Invalid/No CRC Received */
+      uint8_t Clock_Count_Error             :  1;  /**< Incorrect Number of Clocks Detected in a Transaction */
+      uint8_t reserved5                     :  2;
+      uint8_t Not_Ready_Error               :  1;  /**< Device Not Ready for Transaction */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_SPI_Interface_Status_A_t;
+/** @defgroup Command Special Command (Command) Register
+ *  Special Command (Command) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Special_Command
+ *! \brief  Special Command (Special_Command) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_NOP              = 0,   /**< No Command                                    */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_CONVERT          = 1,   /**< Start ADC Conversions                         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_CONVERT_WITH_RAW = 2,   /**< Start Conversions with Added RAW ADC Data     */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_RUN_DIAGNOSTICS  = 3,   /**< Initiate a Diagnostics Cycle                  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SELF_CALIBRATION = 4,   /**< Initiate a Self-Calibration Cycle             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_CONFIG      = 5,   /**< Load Registers with Configuration from FLASH  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_CONFIG      = 6,   /**< Store Current Register Configuration to FLASH */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LATCH_CONFIG     = 7,   /**< Latch Configuration.                          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_LOAD_LUT         = 8,   /**< Load LUT from FLASH                           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SAVE_LUT2        = 9,   /**< Save LUT to FLASH                             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_COMMAND_SYSTEM_CHECK     = 10   /**< Full Suite of Measurement Diagnostics         */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Special_Command;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_Struct
+ *! \brief  Special Command Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Command_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Special_Command :  8;  /**< Special Command */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Mode Operating Mode and DRDY Control (Mode) Register
+ *  Operating Mode and DRDY Control (Mode) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Conversion_Mode
+ *! \brief  Conversion Mode (Conversion_Mode) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_SINGLECYCLE = 0,  /**< Single Cycle          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_MULTICYCLE  = 1,  /**< Multi Cycle           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_CONTINUOUS  = 2,  /**< Continuous Conversion */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_MODE3       = 3   /**< Undefined             */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Conversion_Mode;
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Drdy_Mode
+ *! \brief  Indicates Behavior of DRDY with Respect to FIFO State (Drdy_Mode) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CONVERSION = 0,  /**< Data Ready Per Conversion */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_CYCLE      = 1,  /**< Data Ready Per Cycle      */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_PER_FIFO_FILL  = 2,  /**< Data Ready Per FIFO Fill  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_MODE_DRDY_MODE3          = 3   /**< Undefined                 */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Drdy_Mode;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_Struct
+ *! \brief  Operating Mode and DRDY Control Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Mode_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Conversion_Mode :  2;  /**< Conversion Mode */
+      uint8_t Drdy_Mode       :  2;  /**< Indicates Behavior of DRDY with Respect to FIFO State */
+      uint8_t reserved4       :  4;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Power_Config General Configuration (Power_Config) Register
+ *  General Configuration (Power_Config) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Power_Mode_ADC
+ *! \brief  ADC Power Mode (Power_Mode_ADC) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_POWER_CONFIG_ADC_LOW_POWER   = 0,  /**< ADC Low Power Mode   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_POWER_CONFIG_ADC_MID_POWER   = 1,  /**< ADC Mid Power Mode   */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Power_Mode_ADC;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_Struct
+ *! \brief  General Configuration Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Power_Mode_ADC :  2;  /**< ADC Power Mode */
+      uint8_t Power_Mode_MCU :  2;  /**< MCU Power Mode */
+      uint8_t Stdby_En       :  1;  /**< Standby */
+      uint8_t reserved5      :  3;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Power_Config_t;
+/** @defgroup Cycle_Control Measurement Cycle (Cycle_Control) Register
+ *  Measurement Cycle (Cycle_Control) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Cycle_Time_Units
+ *! \brief  Units for Cycle Time (Cycle_Time_Units) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_SECONDS      = 2,  /**< Seconds       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CYCLE_CONTROL_UNDEFINED    = 3   /**< Undefined     */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Cycle_Time_Units;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_Struct
+ *! \brief  Measurement Cycle Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Cycle_Time : 12;  /**< Duration of a Full Measurement Cycle */
+      uint16_t reserved12       :  2;
+      uint16_t Cycle_Time_Units :  2;  /**< Units for Cycle Time */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Cycle_Control_t;
+/** @defgroup Fifo_Num_Cycles Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO (Fifo_Num_Cycles) Register
+ *  Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO (Fifo_Num_Cycles) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_Struct
+ *! \brief  Number of Measurement Cycles to Store in FIFO Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Fifo_Num_Cycles :  8;  /**< How Many Cycles to Fill FIFO */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Fifo_Num_Cycles_t;
+/** @defgroup Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... (Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval) Register
+ *  Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... (Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_Struct
+ *! \brief  Time Between Repeats of Multi-Cycle Conversions.... Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint32_t Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval : 24;  /**< Defines Time Between Repetitions of Measurement Cycles. */
+      uint32_t reserved24                  :  8;
+    };
+    uint32_t VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Multi_Cycle_Repeat_Interval_t;
+/** @defgroup Status General Status (Status) Register
+ *  General Status (Status) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Status_Struct
+ *! \brief  General Status Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Status_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t reserved0    :  1;
+      uint8_t Alert_Active :  1;  /**< Indicates One or More Sensors Alerts are Active */
+      uint8_t Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates an Error */
+      uint8_t Drdy         :  1;  /**< Indicates a New Sensor Result is Available to Be Read */
+      uint8_t Cmd_Running  :  1;  /**< Indicates a Special Command is Active */
+      uint8_t FIFO_Error   :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with FIFO */
+      uint8_t reserved6    :  2;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Diagnostics_Status Diagnostics Status (Diagnostics_Status) Register
+ *  Diagnostics Status (Diagnostics_Status) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_Struct
+ *! \brief  Diagnostics Status Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Diag_Checksum_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Internal Checksum Calculations */
+      uint16_t Diag_Comms_Error    :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Internal Device Communications */
+      uint16_t Diag_Supply_Monitor_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Low Voltage on Internal Supply Voltages */
+      uint16_t Diag_Supply_Cap_Error     :  1;  /**< Indicates Fault on Internal Supply Regulator Capacitor */
+      uint16_t reserved4                 :  4;
+      uint16_t Diag_Ainm_UV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Under-Voltage Error on Negative Analog Input */
+      uint16_t Diag_Ainm_OV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Over-Voltage Error on Negative Analog Input */
+      uint16_t Diag_Ainp_UV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Under-Voltage Error on Positive Analog Input */
+      uint16_t Diag_Ainp_OV_Error        :  1;  /**< Indicates Over-Voltage Error on Positive Analog Input */
+      uint16_t Diag_Conversion_Error     :  1;  /**< Indicates Error During Internal ADC Conversions */
+      uint16_t Diag_Calibration_Error    :  1;  /**< Indicates Error During Internal Device Calibrations */
+      uint16_t Diagnostics_Status_Sundry :  2;  /**< Sundry Diagnostics Status */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Status_t;
+/** @defgroup Channel_Alert_Status Alert Status Summary (Channel_Alert_Status) Register
+ *  Alert Status Summary (Channel_Alert_Status) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_Struct
+ *! \brief  Alert Status Summary Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch0  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch1  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch2  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch3  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch4  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch5  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch6  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch7  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch8  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch9  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch10 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch11 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t Alert_Ch12 :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Alert is Active */
+      uint16_t reserved13 :  3;
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Alert_Status_t;
+/** @defgroup Alert_Status_2 Additional Alert Status Information (Alert_Status_2) Register
+ *  Additional Alert Status Information (Alert_Status_2) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_Struct
+ *! \brief  Additional Alert Status Information Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t reserved0  :  1;
+      uint16_t LUT_Error  :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with One or More Look-Up-Tables */
+      uint16_t Configuration_Error :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with Programmed Configuration */
+      uint16_t reserved3           : 13;
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Status_2_t;
+/** @defgroup Alert_Detail_Ch Detailed Error Information (Alert_Detail_Ch) Register
+ *  Detailed Error Information (Alert_Detail_Ch) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_Struct
+ *! \brief  Detailed Error Information Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Time_Out   :  1;  /**< Indicates Time-Out Error from Digital Sensor */
+      uint16_t Under_Range :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Under-Range */
+      uint16_t Over_Range  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Over-Range */
+      uint16_t Low_Limit   :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Result is Less Than Low Limit */
+      uint16_t High_Limit  :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Result is Greater Than High Limit */
+      uint16_t Sensor_Open :  1;  /**< Indicates Sensor Input is Open Circuit */
+      uint16_t Ref_Detect  :  1;  /**< Indicates Whether ADC Reference is Valid */
+      uint16_t reserved7   :  1;
+      uint16_t Config_Err  :  1;  /**< Indicates Configuration Error on Channel */
+      uint16_t LUT_Error_Ch :  1;  /**< Indicates Error with Channel Look-Up-Table */
+      uint16_t Under_Voltage :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Under-Voltage */
+      uint16_t Over_Voltage  :  1;  /**< Indicates Channel Over-Voltage */
+      uint16_t Correction_UnderRange :  1;  /**< Indicates Result Less Than LUT/Equation Range */
+      uint16_t Correction_OverRange  :  1;  /**< Indicates Result Larger Than LUT/Equation Range */
+      uint16_t Sensor_Not_Ready      :  1;  /**< Indicates Digital Sensor Not Ready When Read */
+      uint16_t Comp_Not_Ready        :  1;  /**< Indicates Compensation Channel Not Ready When Required */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Detail_Ch_t;
+/** @defgroup Error_Code Code Indicating Source of Error (Error_Code) Register
+ *  Code Indicating Source of Error (Error_Code) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Error_Code_Struct
+ *! \brief  Code Indicating Source of Error Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Error_Code_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Error_Code : 16;  /**< Code Indicating Type of Error */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Error_Code_t;
+/** @defgroup Alert_Code Code Indicating Source of Alert (Alert_Code) Register
+ *  Code Indicating Source of Alert (Alert_Code) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Struct
+ *! \brief  Code Indicating Source of Alert Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Alert_Code : 16;  /**< Code Indicating Type of Alert */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_t;
+/** @defgroup External_Reference1 External Reference Information (External_Reference1) Register
+ *  External Reference Information (External_Reference1) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_Struct
+ *! \brief  External Reference Information Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Ext_Refin1_Value;  /**< Refin1 Value */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference1_t;
+/** @defgroup External_Reference2 External Reference Information (External_Reference2) Register
+ *  External Reference Information (External_Reference2) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_Struct
+ *! \brief  External Reference Information Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Ext_Refin2_Value;  /**< Refin2 Value */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_External_Reference2_t;
+/** @defgroup AVDD_Voltage AVDD Voltage (AVDD_Voltage) Register
+ *  AVDD Voltage (AVDD_Voltage) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_AVDD_Voltage_Struct
+ *! \brief  AVDD Voltage Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_AVDD_Voltage_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Avdd_Voltage;  /**< AVDD Voltage */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Diagnostics_Control Diagnostic Control (Diagnostics_Control) Register
+ *  Diagnostic Control (Diagnostics_Control) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Diag_OSD_Freq
+ *! \brief  Diagnostics Open Sensor Detect Frequency (Diag_OSD_Freq) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_OFF             = 0,  /**< No Open-Circuit Detection During Measurement                          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_1_CYCLE     = 1,  /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Measurement Cycle           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_100_CYCLES  = 2,  /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Hundred Measurement Cycles  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_DIAGNOSTICS_CONTROL_OCD_PER_1000_CYCLES = 3   /**< Open-Circuit Detection Performed Once Per Thousand Measurement Cycles */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Diag_OSD_Freq;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_Struct
+ *! \brief  Diagnostic Control Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Diag_Global_En :  1;  /**< Diagnostics Global Enable */
+      uint16_t Diag_Meas_En   :  1;  /**< Diagnostics Measure Enable */
+      uint16_t Diag_OSD_Freq  :  2;  /**< Diagnostics Open Sensor Detect Frequency */
+      uint16_t reserved4         :  4;
+      uint16_t Diagnostics_Extra :  8;  /**< Additional Diagnostics Control */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Diagnostics_Control_t;
+/** @defgroup Data_FIFO FIFO of Sensor Results (Data_FIFO) Register
+ *  FIFO of Sensor Results (Data_FIFO) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Data_FIFO_Struct
+ *! \brief  FIFO of Sensor Results Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Data_FIFO_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float32_t Sensor_Result;      /**< Linearized and Compensated Sensor Result */
+      uint32_t Channel_ID    :  4;  /**< Indicates Which Channel This FIFO Data Corresponds to */
+      uint32_t Ch_Error      :  1;  /**< Indicates Error on Channel */
+      uint32_t Ch_Alert      :  1;  /**< Indicates Alert on Channel */
+      uint32_t Ch_Raw        :  1;  /**< Indicates If RAW Data is Valid */
+      uint32_t Ch_Valid      :  1;  /**< Indicates Whether Valid Data Read from FIFO */
+      uint32_t Raw_Sample    : 24;  /**< ADC Result */
+    };
+    uint64_t VALUE64;
+  };
+/** @defgroup LUT_Select Read/Write Strobe (LUT_Select) Register
+ *  Read/Write Strobe (LUT_Select) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Select_LUT_RW
+ *! \brief  Read or Write LUT Data (LUT_RW) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_SELECT_LUT_READ  = 0,  /**< Read Addressed LUT Data  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_SELECT_LUT_WRITE = 1   /**< Write Addressed LUT Data */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Select_Struct
+ *! \brief  Read/Write Strobe Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Select_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t reserved0  :  7;
+      uint8_t LUT_RW     :  1;  /**< Read or Write LUT Data */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup LUT_Offset Offset into Selected LUT (LUT_Offset) Register
+ *  Offset into Selected LUT (LUT_Offset) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Offset_Struct
+ *! \brief  Offset into Selected LUT Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Offset_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t LUT_Offset : 14;  /**< Offset into Look-Up-Table */
+      uint16_t reserved14 :  2;
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+/** @defgroup LUT_Data Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry (LUT_Data) Register
+ *  Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry (LUT_Data) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Data_Struct
+ *! \brief  Data to Read/Write from Addressed LUT Entry Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_LUT_Data_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t LUT_Data   :  8;  /**< Data Byte to Write to / Read from Look-Up-Table */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup CAL_Offset Offset into Selected Calibration Values (CAL_Offset) Register
+ *  Offset into Selected Calibration Values (CAL_Offset) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Offset_Struct
+ *! \brief  Offset into Selected Calibration Values Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Offset_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t CAL_Offset : 14;  /**< Offset into Calibration Data */
+      uint16_t reserved14 :  2;
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+/** @defgroup CAL_Data Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values (CAL_Data) Register
+ *  Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values (CAL_Data) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Data_Struct
+ *! \brief  Data to Read/Write from Addressed Calibration Values Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_CAL_Data_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t CAL_Data   :  8;  /**< Data to Write to / Read from Calibration Data */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+/** @defgroup Revision Hardware, Firmware Revision (Revision) Register
+ *  Hardware, Firmware Revision (Revision) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Revision_Struct
+ *! \brief  Hardware, Firmware Revision Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Revision_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint32_t Firmware_Revision :  8;  /**< ID Info */
+      uint32_t Hardware_Revision :  8;  /**< ID Info */
+      uint32_t Comms_Protocol    :  8;  /**< ID Info */
+      uint32_t reserved24        :  8;
+    };
+    uint32_t VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Revision_t;
+/** @defgroup Channel_Count Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle (Channel_Count) Register
+ *  Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle (Channel_Count) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_Struct
+ *! \brief  Number of Channel Occurrences per Measurement Cycle Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Channel_Count :  7;  /**< How Many Times Channel Should Appear in One Cycle */
+      uint8_t Channel_Enable :  1;  /**< Enable Channel in Measurement Cycle */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Count_t;
+/** @defgroup Sensor_Type Sensor Select (Sensor_Type) Register
+ *  Sensor Select (Sensor_Type) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Sensor_Type
+ *! \brief  Sensor Type (Sensor_Type) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_T_DEF_L1                   = 0,     /**< Thermocouple T-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_J_DEF_L1                   = 1,     /**< Thermocouple J-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_K_DEF_L1                   = 2,     /**< Thermocouple K-Type Sensor Defined Level 1       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_1_DEF_L2                   = 12,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 1 Defined Level 2            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_2_DEF_L2                   = 13,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 2 Defined Level 2            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_3_DEF_L2                   = 14,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 3 Defined Level 2            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_4_DEF_L2                   = 15,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 4 Defined Level 2            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_T_ADV_L1                   = 16,    /**< Thermocouple T-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_J_ADV_L1                   = 17,    /**< Thermocouple J-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_K_ADV_L1                   = 18,    /**< Thermocouple K-Type Sensor Advanced Level 1      */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_1_ADV_L2                   = 28,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_2_ADV_L2                   = 29,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_3_ADV_L2                   = 30,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMOCOUPLE_4_ADV_L2                   = 31,    /**< Thermocouple Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 32,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 33,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_1_DEF_L2                         = 44,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_2_DEF_L2                         = 45,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_3_DEF_L2                         = 46,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_4_DEF_L2                         = 47,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 48,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 49,    /**< RTD 2 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_1_ADV_L2                         = 60,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_2_ADV_L2                         = 61,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_3_ADV_L2                         = 62,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_2W_4_ADV_L2                         = 63,    /**< RTD 2 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 64,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 65,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_1_DEF_L2                         = 76,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_2_DEF_L2                         = 77,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_3_DEF_L2                         = 78,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_4_DEF_L2                         = 79,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 80,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 81,    /**< RTD 3 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_1_ADV_L2                         = 92,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_2_ADV_L2                         = 93,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_3_ADV_L2                         = 94,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_3W_4_ADV_L2                         = 95,    /**< RTD 3 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT100_DEF_L1                     = 96,    /**< RTD 4 Wire PT100 Sensor Defined Level 1          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT1000_DEF_L1                    = 97,    /**< RTD 4 Wire PT1000 Sensor Defined Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_1_DEF_L2                         = 108,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_2_DEF_L2                         = 109,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_3_DEF_L2                         = 110,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_4_DEF_L2                         = 111,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT100_ADV_L1                     = 112,   /**< RTD 4 Wire PT100 Sensor Advanced Level 1         */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_PT1000_ADV_L1                    = 113,   /**< RTD 4 Wire PT1000 Sensor Advanced Level 1        */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_1_ADV_L2                         = 124,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_2_ADV_L2                         = 125,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_3_ADV_L2                         = 126,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_RTD_4W_4_ADV_L2                         = 127,   /**< RTD 4 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_A_10K_DEF_L1                 = 128,   /**< Thermistor Type A 10kOhm Sensor Defined Level 1  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_B_10K_DEF_L1                 = 129,   /**< Thermistor Type B 10kOhm Sensor Defined Level 1  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_1_DEF_L2                     = 140,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 1 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_2_DEF_L2                     = 141,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 2 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_3_DEF_L2                     = 142,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 3 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_4_DEF_L2                     = 143,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 4 Defined Level 2              */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_A_10K_ADV_L1                 = 144,   /**< Thermistor Type A 10kOhm Sensor Advanced Level 1 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_B_10K_ADV_L1                 = 145,   /**< Thermistor Type B 10kOhm Sensor Advanced Level 1 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_1_ADV_L2                     = 156,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_2_ADV_L2                     = 157,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_3_ADV_L2                     = 158,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_THERMISTOR_4_ADV_L2                     = 159,   /**< Thermistor Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2             */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_1_DEF_L2                      = 160,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_2_DEF_L2                      = 161,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_3_DEF_L2                      = 162,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_4_DEF_L2                      = 163,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_1_ADV_L2                      = 176,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_2_ADV_L2                      = 177,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_3_ADV_L2                      = 178,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_4W_4_ADV_L2                      = 179,   /**< Bridge 4 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_1_DEF_L2                      = 192,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 1 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_2_DEF_L2                      = 193,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 2 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_3_DEF_L2                      = 194,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 3 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_4_DEF_L2                      = 195,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 4 Defined Level 2           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_1_ADV_L2                      = 208,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 1 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_2_ADV_L2                      = 209,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 2 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_3_ADV_L2                      = 210,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 3 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_BRIDGE_6W_4_ADV_L2                      = 211,   /**< Bridge 6 Wire Sensor 4 Advanced Level 2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE                                 = 256,   /**< Voltage Input                                    */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_TRUSTABILITY = 272,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 1                 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_AMPHENOL_NPA300X       = 273,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 2                 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_VOLTAGE_PRESSURE_3_DEF                  = 274,   /**< Voltage Output Pressure Sensor 3                 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT                                 = 384,   /**< Current Input                                    */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_PX2          = 385,   /**< Current Output Pressure Sensor 1                 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_CURRENT_PRESSURE_2                      = 386,   /**< Current Output Pressure Sensor 2                 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_CUSTOM1                                        = 512,   /**< Custom1                                          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_PRESSURE_1                          = 2048,  /**< I2C Pressure Sensor 1                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_PRESSURE_2                          = 2049,  /**< I2C Pressure Sensor 2                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_HUMIDITY_HONEYWELL_HUMIDICON        = 2112,  /**< I2C Humidity Sensor 1                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_I2C_HUMIDITY_SENSIRION_SHT3X            = 2113,  /**< I2C Humidity Sensor 2                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_PRESSURE_HONEYWELL_TRUSTABILITY     = 3072,  /**< SPI Pressure Sensor 1                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_PRESSURE_2                          = 3073,  /**< SPI Pressure Sensor 2                            */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_HUMIDITY_1                          = 3136,  /**< SPI Humidity Sensor Type 1                       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_HUMIDITY_2                          = 3137,  /**< SPI Humidity Sensor Type 2                       */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_ACCELEROMETER_1                     = 3200,  /**< SPI Accelerometer Sensor Type 1 3-Axis           */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_TYPE_SENSOR_SPI_ACCELEROMETER_2                     = 3201   /**< SPI Accelerometer Sensor Type 2 3-Axis           */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Sensor_Type;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Select Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Sensor_Type : 12;  /**< Sensor Type */
+      uint16_t reserved12  :  4;
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Type_t;
+/** @defgroup Sensor_Details Sensor Details (Sensor_Details) Register
+ *  Sensor Details (Sensor_Details) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Measurement_Units
+ *! \brief  Units of Sensor Measurement (Measurement_Units) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Measurement_Units;
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Reference_Select
+ *! \brief  Reference Selection (Reference_Select) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_INT   = 0,  /**< Internal Reference          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_AVDD  = 1,  /**< AVDD                        */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_VEXT1 = 2,  /**< External Voltage on Refin1  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_VEXT2 = 3,  /**< External Voltage on Refin2  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_RINT1 = 4,  /**< Internal Resistor1          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_RINT2 = 5,  /**< Internal Resistor2          */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_REXT1 = 6,  /**< External Resistor on Refin1 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_REXT2 = 7,  /**< External Resistor on Refin2 */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_REF_EXC   = 8   /**< Bridge Excitation Voltage   */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Reference_Select;
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_PGA_Gain
+ *! \brief  PGA Gain (PGA_Gain) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_1   = 0,  /**< Gain of 1   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_2   = 1,  /**< Gain of 2   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_4   = 2,  /**< Gain of 4   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_8   = 3,  /**< Gain of 8   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_16  = 4,  /**< Gain of 16  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_32  = 5,  /**< Gain of 32  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_64  = 6,  /**< Gain of 64  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_SENSOR_DETAILS_PGA_GAIN_128 = 7   /**< Gain of 128 */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_PGA_Gain;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Details Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint32_t Measurement_Units :  4;  /**< Units of Sensor Measurement */
+      uint32_t Compensation_Channel :  4;  /**< Indicates Which Channel is Used to Compensate Sensor Result */
+      uint32_t Compensation_Channel2 :  4;  /**< Indicates Channel for Second Term of Compensation */
+      uint32_t Compensation_Channel3 :  4;  /**< Indicates Channel for Third Term of Compensation */
+      uint32_t reserved16            :  1;
+      uint32_t Do_Not_Publish        :  1;  /**< Do Not Publish Channel Result */
+      uint32_t Reference_Buffer_Disable :  1;  /**< Enable or Disable ADC Reference Buffer */
+      uint32_t Vbias                    :  1;  /**< Controls ADC Vbias Output */
+      uint32_t Reference_Select         :  4;  /**< Reference Selection */
+      uint32_t PGA_Gain                 :  3;  /**< PGA Gain */
+      uint32_t reserved27               :  1;
+      uint32_t Averaging                :  3;  /**< Number of ADC Results to Average */
+      uint32_t reserved31               :  1;
+    };
+    uint32_t VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Details_t;
+/** @defgroup Channel_Excitation Excitation Current (Channel_Excitation) Register
+ *  Excitation Current (Channel_Excitation) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_IOUT_Excitation_Current
+ *! \brief  Current Source Value (IOUT_Excitation_Current) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_OFF      = 0,  /**< Disabled   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_50UA     = 1,  /**< 50 \mu;A   */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_100UA    = 2,  /**< 100 \mu;A  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_250UA    = 3,  /**< 250 \mu;A  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_500UA    = 4,  /**< 500 \mu;A  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_750UA    = 5,  /**< 750 \mu;A  */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_1000UA   = 6,  /**< 1000 \mu;A */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_CHANNEL_EXCITATION_IEXC_1000UA_2 = 7   /**< 1000 \mu;A */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_IOUT_Excitation_Current;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_Struct
+ *! \brief  Excitation Current Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t IOUT_Excitation_Current :  3;  /**< Current Source Value */
+      uint8_t IOUT0_Disable           :  1;  /**< Disable First Current Source */
+      uint8_t IOUT1_Disable           :  1;  /**< Disable Second Current Source */
+      uint8_t reserved5               :  1;
+      uint8_t IOUT_Static_Swap_3Wire  :  1;  /**< Indicates 3-Wire Excitation Currents Should Be Swapped */
+      uint8_t IOUT_Dont_Swap_3Wire    :  1;  /**< Indicates 3-Wire Excitation Currents Should Not Be Swapped */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Channel_Excitation_t;
+/** @defgroup Settling_Time Settling Time (Settling_Time) Register
+ *  Settling Time (Settling_Time) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_Struct
+ *! \brief  Settling Time Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Settling_Time : 16;  /**< Settling Time to Allow When Switching to Channel */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Settling_Time_t;
+/** @defgroup Filter_Select ADC Digital Filter Selection (Filter_Select) Register
+ *  ADC Digital Filter Selection (Filter_Select) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_ADC_Filter_Type
+ *! \brief  ADC Digital Filter Type (ADC_Filter_Type) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_FILTER_SELECT_FILTER_SINC4     = 2,  /**< Sinc4 Filter      */
+  ADISENSE_CORE_FILTER_SELECT_FILTER_TBD       = 3   /**< TBD Filter        */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_ADC_Filter_Type;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_Struct
+ *! \brief  ADC Digital Filter Selection Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint32_t ADC_FS     : 11;  /**< ADC Digital Filter Select */
+      uint32_t ADC_Filter_Type :  5;  /**< ADC Digital Filter Type */
+      uint32_t reserved16      : 16;
+    };
+    uint32_t VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Filter_Select_t;
+/** @defgroup High_Threshold_Limit High Threshold (High_Threshold_Limit) Register
+ *  High Threshold (High_Threshold_Limit) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_Struct
+ *! \brief  High Threshold Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float High_Threshold;  /**< Upper Limit for Sensor Alert Comparison */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_High_Threshold_Limit_t;
+/** @defgroup Low_Threshold_Limit Low Threshold (Low_Threshold_Limit) Register
+ *  Low Threshold (Low_Threshold_Limit) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_Struct
+ *! \brief  Low Threshold Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Low_Threshold;  /**< Lower Limit for Sensor Alert Comparison */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Low_Threshold_Limit_t;
+/** @defgroup Sensor_Offset Sensor Offset Adjustment (Sensor_Offset) Register
+ *  Sensor Offset Adjustment (Sensor_Offset) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Offset Adjustment Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Sensor_Offset;  /**< Sensor Offset Adjustment */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Offset_t;
+/** @defgroup Sensor_Gain Sensor Gain Adjustment (Sensor_Gain) Register
+ *  Sensor Gain Adjustment (Sensor_Gain) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Gain Adjustment Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Sensor_Gain;  /**< Sensor Gain Adjustment */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Sensor_Gain_t;
+/** @defgroup Alert_Code_Ch Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information (Alert_Code_Ch) Register
+ *  Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information (Alert_Code_Ch) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_Struct
+ *! \brief  Per-Channel Detailed Alert-Code Information Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Alert_Code_Ch : 16;  /**< Per-Channel Code Indicating Type of Alert */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Alert_Code_Ch_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Config Digital Sensor Data Coding (Digital_Sensor_Config) Register
+ *  Digital Sensor Data Coding (Digital_Sensor_Config) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/*  =========================================================================
+ *! \enum   ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Digital_Sensor_Coding
+ *! \brief  Data Encoding of Sensor Result (Digital_Sensor_Coding) Enumerations
+ *  ========================================================================= */
+typedef enum
+  ADISENSE_CORE_DIGITAL_SENSOR_CONFIG_CODING_NONE          = 0,  /**< None/Invalid */
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Digital_Sensor_Coding;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_Struct
+ *! \brief  Digital Sensor Data Coding Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Coding         :  2;  /**< Data Encoding of Sensor Result */
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_LittleEndian   :  1;  /**< Data Endianness of Sensor Result */
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_LeftAligned    :  1;  /**< Data Alignment within the data frame */
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Bit_Offset     :  4;  /**< Data Bit Offset, relative to alignment */
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Bytes     :  3;  /**< Number of bytes to read from the sensor, minus 1 */
+      uint16_t Digital_Sensor_Data_Bits      :  5;  /**< Number of Relevant Data Bits, minus 1 */
+    };
+    uint16_t VALUE16;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Config_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Address Sensor Address (Digital_Sensor_Address) Register
+ *  Sensor Address (Digital_Sensor_Address) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Address Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Address :  8;  /**< I2C Address or Write Address Command for SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Address_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors (Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds) Register
+ *  Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors (Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_Struct
+ *! \brief  Number of Configuration, Read Commands for Digital Sensors Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Num_Cfg_Cmds :  3;  /**< Number of Configuration Commands for Digital Sensor */
+      uint8_t reserved3                    :  1;
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Num_Read_Cmds :  3;  /**< Number of Read Commands for Digital Sensor */
+      uint8_t reserved7                    :  1;
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Num_Cmds_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command1 Sensor Configuration Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Command1) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Command1) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command1 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command1 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command1_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command2 Sensor Configuration Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Command2) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Command2) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command2 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command2 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command2_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command3 Sensor Configuration Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Command3) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Command3) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command3 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command3 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command3_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command4 Sensor Configuration Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Command4) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Command4) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command4 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command4 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command4_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command5 Sensor Configuration Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Command5) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Command5) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command5 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command5 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command5_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command6 Sensor Configuration Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Command6) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Command6) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command6 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command6 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command6_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Command7 Sensor Configuration Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Command7) Register
+ *  Sensor Configuration Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Command7) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Configuration Command7 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Command7 :  8;  /**< Configuration Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Command7_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1 Sensor Read Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command1 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command1 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd1_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2 Sensor Read Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command2 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command2 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd2_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3 Sensor Read Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command3 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command3 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd3_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4 Sensor Read Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command4 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command4 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd4_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5 Sensor Read Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command5 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command5 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd5_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6 Sensor Read Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command6 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command6 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd6_t;
+/** @defgroup Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7 Sensor Read Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7) Register
+ *  Sensor Read Command7 (Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_Struct
+ *! \brief  Sensor Read Command7 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7 :  8;  /**< Per Conversion Command to Send to Digital I2C/SPI Sensor */
+    };
+    uint8_t VALUE8;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_Digital_Sensor_Read_Cmd7_t;
+/** @defgroup test_reg_0 Test Register 0 (test_reg_0) Register
+ *  Test Register 0 (test_reg_0) Register.
+ *  @{
+ */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_Struct
+ *! \brief  Test Register 0 Register bit field structure
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      uint8_t Test_Command :  8;  /**< Test_Command */
+    };
+  };
+} ADI_ADSENSE_TEST_test_reg_0_t;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp
+ *! \brief  ADC-derived calibration temperature
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Temperature;  /**< Current temperature from ADC, used for calibration unless REG_ADISENSE_TEST_USER_CAL_TEMP is set */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_adc_cal_temp_t;
+/* ==========================================================================
+ *! \struct ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp
+ *! \brief  User-specified calibration temperature
+ * ========================================================================== */
+typedef struct _ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp_t {
+  union {
+    struct {
+      float Temperature;  /**< Fixed temperature reference to use for calibration.  Ignored if set as NaN. */
+    };
+    float VALUE32;
+  };
+} ADI_ADISENSE_CORE_test_user_cal_temp_t;
+#if defined (__CC_ARM)
+#pragma pop