The Uniform Resource Identifier Beacon (UriBeacon) defines Bluetooth 4.0 Advertisement Data that contain Web URIs. URIBeacon provides a way for Bluetooth Low Energy devices to discover nearby URIs, for example, provides a way for a user to discover a short URL and then download it on their smartphone.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_PhysicalWeb by Bluetooth Low Energy

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Table of Contents

  1. Technical Details

This example demonstrates how to set up and initialize a basic URI Beacon. For a more advanced example of using a URI beacon please see the BLE_PhysicalWeb project.

URI Beacons are a standard way of providing a URI link in a BLE advertising packet. Website URL's are the most popular URI's. The goal of URI Beacons are to act as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds. Since the URI can be any web capable link the possibilities for use are really endless. The UriBeacons can be thought of as a natural extension of and more useful version of QR codes.

Technical Details

For more details on how URI beacons work please see these websites:
UriBeacon Specification : lots of good technical details
UriBeacon configuration service - This is a service that pairs with the UriBeacon that allows changing the URI's, locking them, and some other cool features. This service is not detailed in this example application.
Android App : smartphone application to view nearby UriBeacons.

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