Download a stream of data to a peripheral over BLE.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

A simple demonstration of downloading a stream onto a peripheral over BLE. There's a corresponding Python script to driver the client.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Aug 18 16:03:22 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# This is a very simple test driver for demonstrating the StreamDownloader.
+import pexpect
+import sys
+import time
+import select
+import re
+import struct
+class StreamDownloaderClient(object):
+    """docstring for StreamDownloaderClient"""
+    def __init__(self, bluetoothAddr, length):
+        super(StreamDownloaderClient, self).__init__()
+        self.bluetoothAddr = bluetoothAddr
+        self.con = pexpect.spawn('gatttool -b ' + bluetoothAddr + ' --interactive -t random')
+        self.con.expect('\[LE\]>', timeout=600)
+        self.con.sendline('connect')
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+        print('connected')
+        # ensure that we've got the correct primary service available
+        self.con.sendline('primary')
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+        emptyString = re.compile('^\s*$')
+        for line in self.con.before.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n'):
+            m = re.match('^attr handle: (0x[\dabcdef]{4}).*adc710c2-acdc-4bf5-8244-3ceaaa0f87f5.*', line)
+            if m:
+                break
+        if not m:
+            self.disconnect()
+        self.serviceHandle =
+        print('discovered service handle as ' + self.serviceHandle)
+        self.discoverCharHandles()
+        self.sendFileInfoBlock(length)
+        for blocknum in range(64):
+            self.sendFileDataBlock(blocknum)
+        self.disconnect()
+    def discoverCharHandles(self):
+        self.con.sendline('characteristics ' + self.serviceHandle)
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+        for line in self.con.before.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n'):
+            uuidRe = re.compile('.* char value handle: (0x[\dabcdef]{4}).*uuid: adc710c2\-(\w{4}).*')
+            m = uuidRe.match(line)
+            if m:
+                if == 'acdf':
+                    self.transferFileInfoHandle =
+                    print("transferFileInfoHandle: " + self.transferFileInfoHandle)
+                elif == 'ace0':
+                    self.transferFileBlockHandle =
+                    print("transferFileBlockHandle: " + self.transferFileBlockHandle)
+    def sendFileInfoBlock(self, length):
+        print("setup fileInfoBlock for transferring {} bytes".format(length))
+        writeCommand = 'char-write-req ' + self.transferFileInfoHandle + ' '
+        for c in struct.pack('<HH', length, 0):
+            writeCommand = writeCommand + '{:02x}'.format(c)
+        self.con.sendline(writeCommand)
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]> Characteristic value was written successfully', timeout=200)
+    def sendFileDataBlock(self, blocknum):
+        print("will send command for block {}".format(blocknum))
+        writeCommand = 'char-write-req ' + self.transferFileBlockHandle + ' '
+        for c in struct.pack('<HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB', blocknum, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15):
+            writeCommand = writeCommand + '{:02x}'.format(c)
+        self.con.sendline(writeCommand)
+        self.con.expect('\[CON\]\[.+\]\[LE\]> Characteristic value was written successfully', timeout=200)
+    def disconnect(self):
+        self.con.sendline('disconnect')
+        self.con.expect('\[\s+\]\[.+\]\[LE\]>')
+def main():
+    bluetoothAddr = "CC:59:FD:D8:3B:A9" # update as necessary
+    target = StreamDownloaderClient(bluetoothAddr, 1024)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()