Example program for the Eddystone Beacon service.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeacon by URIBeacon

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Table of Contents

  1. The Basics
  2. Smartphone Apps

This example demonstrates how to set up and initialize a Eddystone Beacon. For more details on the Eddystone specification please see the Eddystone Github Page.

The Basics

An Eddystone Beacon is a Bluetooth Low Energy beacon, that means it does all of its data transfer in GAP advertising packets. Eddystone beacons, unlike other beacons, broadcast multiple types of data. Currently Eddystone beacons have 3 frame types (UID, URL, TLM) that will get swapped out periodically. This swapping of frame data allows Eddystone beacons to send many different types of data, thus increasing their usefulness over traditional beacons. Note that the UID frame type provides the same 16Bytes of UUID namespace that iBeacons do and the URL frame type provides the same functionality as a URIBeacon.

For more details see the Eddystone Specification.

Smartphone Apps

nRF Master Control Panel - this program recognizes Eddystone beacons and will display the data for all frame types.

iPhone Physical Web app

Android App

Walkthrough of Physical Web application

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