a biquad working

Dependencies:   HIDScope mbed QEI



File content as of revision 2:241b572207fb:

#include "mbed.h"
//#include "read_filter_emg.h"
//included for fabs() function
#include <math.h>
#include "HIDScope.h"
#include <iostream>

Ticker HIDScope_timer;
Ticker Filteren_timer;
HIDScope scope(2);

// defining flags
volatile bool Flag_filteren = false;
volatile bool Flag_HIDScope = false;

// making function flags.
void Go_flag_filteren()
    Flag_filteren = true;

void Go_flag_HIDScope()
    Flag_HIDScope  = true;

AnalogIn analog_emg_left(A0);
//AnalogIn analog_emg_right(A1);
double input = 0;
double filter_signal_hid = 0;
//double input_right = 0;

//*** making the v for everything and conquer the world***

//for Notchfilter
double notch_v11=0;
double notch_v21=0;
double notch_v12=0;
double notch_v22=0;
double notch_v13=0;
double notch_v23=0;

//for highpass filter
double high_v11=0;
double high_v21=0;
double high_v12=0;
double high_v22=0;
double high_v13=0;
double high_v23=0;

// for lowpasfilter
double low_v11=0;
double low_v21=0;
double low_v12=0;
double low_v22=0;
double low_v13=0;
double low_v23=0;

// for moving average
double n1 = 0;
double n2 = 0;
double n3 = 0;
double n4 = 0;
double n5 = 0;

double filter_left;
double filter_right;

//general biquad filter that can be called in all the filter functions
double biquad(double u, double &v1, double &v2, const double a1,
              const double a2, const double b0, const double b1, const double b2)
    double v = u - a1*v1 - a2*v2;
    double y = b0*v + b1*v1 + b2*v2;
    //values of v2 and v1 are updated, as they are passed by reference
    //they update globally
    v2 = v1;
    v1 = v;
    return y;

double moving_average(double y, double &n1, double &n2, double &n3, double &n4, double &n5)
 double average = (y + n1 + n2 +n3 + n4 + n5)/5;
 n5 = n4;
 n4 = n3;
 n3 = n2;
 n2 = n1;
 n1 = y;
 return average;   

//Specifying filter coefficients highpass

/* notch filter with 3 cascaded biquads*/
//first notch biquad
const double notch1_a1 = -1.55951422433;
const double notch1_a2 = 0.92705680308;
const double notch1_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double notch1_b1 = -1.61854515325;
const double notch1_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//second notch biquad
const double notch2_a1 = -1.54767435801;
const double notch2_a2 = 0.96124842048;
const double notch2_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double notch2_b1 = -1.61854515325;
const double notch2_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//third notch biquad
const double notch3_a1 = -1.62600366964;
const double notch3_a2 = 0.96453460373;
const double notch3_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double notch3_b1 = -1.61854515325;
const double notch3_b2 = 1.00000000000;

/* high pass filter consists of three cascaded biquads
 blow coefficients for those three biquads */
//first high pass biquad
const double highp1_a1 = -0.67538034389;
const double highp1_a2 = 0.12769255668;
const double highp1_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double highp1_b1 = -2.00000000000;
const double highp1_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//second high pass biquad
const double highp2_a1 = -0.76475499450;
const double highp2_a2 = 0.27692273367;
const double highp2_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double highp2_b1 = -2.00000000000;
const double highp2_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//third high pass biquad
const double highp3_a1 = -0.99216561242;
const double highp3_a2 = 0.65663360837;
const double highp3_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double highp3_b1 = -2.00000000000;
const double highp3_b2 = 1.00000000000;

/* lowpass filter consists of three cascaded biquads
below the coefficients for those three biquads */
//first low pass biquad
const double lowp1_a1 = -1.05207469728;
const double lowp1_a2 = 0.28586907478;
const double lowp1_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double lowp1_b1 = 2.00000000000;
const double lowp1_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//second low pass biquad
const double lowp2_a1 = -1.16338171052;
const double lowp2_a2 = 0.42191097989;
const double lowp2_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double lowp2_b1 = 2.00000000000;
const double lowp2_b2 = 1.00000000000;

//third low pass biquad
const double lowp3_a1 = -1.42439823874;
const double lowp3_a2 = 0.74093118112;
const double lowp3_b0 = 1.00000000000;
const double lowp3_b1 = 2.00000000000;
const double lowp3_b2 = 1.00000000000;

double Filteren()
    input = analog_emg_left.read();
    input = input-0.45; //FIRST SUBTRACT MEAN THEN FILTER
    //input_right = analog_emg_right.read();
    // notch filter
    double y1 = biquad(input, notch_v11, notch_v21, notch1_a1, notch1_a2, notch1_b0, notch1_b1, notch1_b2);
    double y2 = biquad(y1, notch_v12, notch_v22, notch2_a1, notch2_a2, notch2_b0, notch2_b1, notch2_b2);
    double y3 = biquad(y2, notch_v13, notch_v23, notch3_a1, notch3_a2, notch3_b0, notch3_b1, notch3_b2);
    //higpass filter
    double y4 = biquad(y3, high_v11, high_v21, highp1_a1, highp1_a2, highp1_b0, highp1_b1, highp1_b2);
    double y5 = biquad(y4, high_v12, high_v22, highp2_a1, highp2_a2, highp2_b0, highp2_b1, highp2_b2);
    double y6 = biquad(y5, high_v13, high_v23, highp3_a1, highp3_a2, highp3_b0, highp3_b1, highp3_b2);

    double y7 = fabs(y6);

    //lowpas filter cascade
    double y8 = biquad(y7, low_v11, low_v21, lowp1_a1, lowp1_a2, lowp1_b0, lowp1_b1, lowp1_b2);
    double y9 = biquad(y8, low_v12, low_v22, lowp2_a1, lowp2_a2, lowp2_b0, lowp2_b1, lowp2_b2);
    double y10= biquad(y9, low_v13, low_v23, lowp3_a1, lowp3_a2, lowp3_b0, lowp3_b1, lowp3_b2);
    // moving average 
    double filter_signal = moving_average(y10,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5);

void HIDScope_kijken()
    scope.set(0, input);
    scope.set(1, filter_signal_hid);
int main()
    HIDScope_timer.attach(&Go_flag_HIDScope, 0.002);
    while(1) {
        if(Flag_filteren) {
            Flag_filteren = false;
            filter_signal_hid = Filteren();

        if(Flag_HIDScope) {
            Flag_HIDScope = false;