Committed for sharing.

Dependencies:   mbed SelfBalancingRobot_BerkYasarYavuz_AdilBerkayTemiz Motor ledControl2 HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
Commit message:
Committed for sharing.

Changed in this revision

BalancingRobot.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BalancingRobot.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HALLFX_ENCODER.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HALLFX_ENCODER.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MPU6050.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 BalancingRobot.cpp
--- a/BalancingRobot.cpp	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/BalancingRobot.cpp	Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
@@ -8,48 +8,73 @@
 #include "BalancingRobot.h"
 #include "MPU6050.h"
 #include "ledControl.h"
-#include "HALLFX_ENCODER.h"
+#include "ultrasonic.h"
+//#include "HALLFX_ENCODER.h"
 /* Setup serial communication */
-Serial blue(p28,p27); // For remote control ps3
+Serial blue(PTE22, PTE23); // For remote control ps3
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // USB
 /* IMU */
-MPU6050 mpu6050;  
+MPU6050 mpu6050;
-/* Encoders*/
-HALLFX_ENCODER leftEncoder(p13);
-HALLFX_ENCODER rightEncoder(p14);
+/* HC-SR04 */
+void dist(int distance)
+    //put code here to happen when the distance is changed
+ultrasonic frontUltra(PTA13, PTD5, .1, 1, &dist);
+ultrasonic backUltra(PTD0, PTD2, .1, 1, &dist);
 /* Setup timer instance */
 Timer t;
 /* Ticker for led toggling */
-Ticker toggler1;               
+Ticker toggler1;      
 int main() {
     /* Set baudrate */
-    blue.baud(9600);
-    pc.baud(9600);
+    blue.baud(115200);
+    pc.baud(115200);
     /* Set PWM frequency */
     leftPWM.period(0.00005); // The motor driver can handle a pwm frequency up to 20kHz (1/20000=0.00005)
     /* Calibrate the gyro and accelerometer relative to ground */
     mpu6050.whoAmI();                            // Communication test: WHO_AM_I register reading 
     mpu6050.calibrate(accelBias,gyroBias);       // Calibrate MPU6050 and load biases into bias registers
-    pc.printf("Calibration is completed. \r\n"); 
+    //pc.printf("Calibration is completed. \r\n"); 
     mpu6050.init();                              // Initialize the sensor
-    pc.printf("MPU6050 is initialized for operation.. \r\n\r\n");
+    //pc.printf("MPU6050 is initialized for operation.. \r\n\r\n");
     /* Setup timing */
     loopStartTime = t.read_us();
     timer = loopStartTime;
+    DesiredAngle = -2.5;
+    ConstantAngle = DesiredAngle;
     while (1) {
         /* Calculate pitch angle using a Complementary filter */
         mpu6050.complementaryFilter(&pitchAngle, &rollAngle);
@@ -59,9 +84,9 @@
         if (abs(pitchAngle)> 20) // Stop if falling or laying down
-            PID(targetAngle,targetOffset);
-        /* Update wheel velocity every 100ms */
+            PID(DesiredAngle, targetOffset);
+        /* Update wheel velocity every 100ms 
         if (loopCounter%10 == 0) 
         { // If remainder is equal 0, it must be 10,20,30 etc.
@@ -77,20 +102,37 @@
                 stopped = true;
+        */
-        pc.printf("Pitch: %f, error: %f, PIDValue: %f \n",pitchAngle,error,PIDValue);
-        pc.printf("Left Wheel Encoder: %f, Right Wheel Encoder: %f \n", LeftWheelPosition, RightWheelPosition);
-        pc.printf("Wheel Position: %f, Last wheel position:%f, Velocity: %f \n\n", wheelPosition, lastWheelPosition, wheelVelocity);
+        //pc.printf("Pitch: %f, error1: %f, PIDValue: %f \n\r",pitchAngle,error1,PIDValue);
-        /* Check for incoming serial data */
+        //Check for incoming serial data 
         if (blue.readable()) // Check if there's any incoming data
+        frontUltra.startUpdates();
+        distF = frontUltra.getCurrentDistance();
+        backUltra.startUpdates();
+        distB = backUltra.getCurrentDistance(); 
+        pc.printf("Front distance: %d cm \t Back Distance %d cm \r\n", distF, distB);             
         /* Use a time fixed loop */
         lastLoopUsefulTime = t.read_us() - loopStartTime;
         if (lastLoopUsefulTime < STD_LOOP_TIME)
             wait_us(STD_LOOP_TIME - lastLoopUsefulTime);
         lastLoopTime = t.read_us() - loopStartTime; // only used for debugging
+        //pc.printf("STD_LOOP_TIME: %d\n\r",STD_LOOP_TIME);
+        //pc.printf("anlik: %d\n\r",t.read_us());
+        //pc.printf("lastLoopTime: %d\n\r",lastLoopTime);
+        //pc.printf("lastLoopUsefulTime: %d\n\r",lastLoopTime);
         loopStartTime = t.read_us();
@@ -102,19 +144,26 @@
 void PID(double restAngle, double offset) 
     /* Steer robot */
-    if (steerForward) 
+    /*if (steerForward) 
-        offset += (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleMove; // Scale down offset at high speed and scale up when reversing
-        restAngle -= offset;
-    } 
+        /* offset += (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleMove; // Scale down offset at high speed and scale up when reversing
+        restAngle -= offset; 
+        restAngle -= -1.0;
+    }
     else if (steerBackward) 
-        offset -= (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleMove; // Scale down offset at high speed and scale up when reversing
-        restAngle += offset;
-    }
+        //offset -= (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleMove; // Scale down offset at high speed and scale up when reversing
+        //restAngle += offset;
+        restAngle += 1.0;
+    }*/
     /* Brake */
-    else if (steerStop) 
+    /*else if (steerStop)
+        restAngle = 0.0; 
         //long positionError = wheelPosition - targetPosition;
@@ -125,28 +174,29 @@
         else // Inside zone C
             restAngle -= (double)positionError/positionScaleC; */
-        restAngle -= (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleStop;
+        //restAngle -= (double)wheelVelocity/velocityScaleStop;
-        if (restAngle < -5.00) // Limit rest Angle
+        /*if (restAngle < -5.00) // Limit rest Angle
             restAngle = -5.00;
         else if (restAngle > 5.00)
             restAngle = 5.00;
     /* Update PID values */
-    error = restAngle - pitchAngle;
-    double pTerm = Kp * error;
-    iTerm += Ki * error;
-    double dTerm = Kd * (error - lastError);
-    lastError = error;
+    error1 = restAngle - pitchAngle;
+    double pTerm = Kp * error1;
+    iTerm += Ki * error1;
+    double dTerm = Kd * (error1 - lastError);
+    lastError = error1;
     PIDValue = pTerm + iTerm + dTerm;
+    //pc.printf("DesiredAngle = %lf", DesiredAngle);
     //pc.printf("Pitch: %5.2f\tPIDValue: %5.2f\tKp: %5.2f\tKi: %5.2f\tKd: %5.2f\n",pitch,PIDValue,Kp,Ki,Kd);
     /* Steer robot sideways */
     double PIDLeft;
-    double PIDRight;
+    double PIDRight;   
     if (steerLeft) {
         PIDLeft = PIDValue-turnSpeed;
         PIDRight = PIDValue+turnSpeed;
@@ -160,21 +210,39 @@
         PIDLeft = PIDValue+rotateSpeed;
         PIDRight = PIDValue-rotateSpeed;
     } else {
+        if (steerForward && (DesiredAngle > ( ConstantAngle - 1.8 ) ))
+            DesiredAngle -= rotateSpeed;
+        else if (steerBackward && (DesiredAngle < (ConstantAngle + 1.8) ))
+        DesiredAngle += rotateSpeed;
+        else {
+        if(!steerForward && DesiredAngle < ConstantAngle)
+            DesiredAngle += rotateSpeed;
+        else if(!steerBackward && DesiredAngle > ConstantAngle)
+            DesiredAngle -= rotateSpeed;
+        }   
         PIDLeft = PIDValue;
         PIDRight = PIDValue;
     //PIDLeft *= 0.95; // compensate for difference in the motors
     /* Set PWM Values */
-    if (PIDLeft >= 0)
-        move(left, forward, PIDLeft);
+    if (PIDLeft >= 0.0)
+        move(left, backward, PIDLeft + 0.55);
-        move(left, backward, PIDLeft * -1);
-    if (PIDRight >= 0)
-        move(right, forward, PIDRight);
+        move(left, forward, (PIDLeft - 0.55) * -1);
+    if (PIDRight >= 0.0)
+        move(right, backward, PIDRight + 0.55);
-        move(right, backward, PIDRight * -1);
+        move(right, forward, (PIDRight - 0.55) * -1);
+//pc.printf("RestAngle3 %lf" ,restAngle);
 void receiveBluetooth() {
     //char input[16]; // The serial buffer is only 16 characters
     char phone_char;
@@ -188,8 +256,24 @@
         //pc.printf("Im here..");
     phone_char = blue.getc();
+    /* if(distB < 50 && distB > 4) {
+        phone_char = 'S';
+        if (distB < 20)
+            phone_char = 'F';
+    } */
+    if(distB < 20 && distB > 4)
+        phone_char = 'F';
+    else if ( distB < 30)
+        phone_char = 'S';
+    else if (distB < 50)
+        phone_char = 'B';
-    //pc.printf("Input: %c\n",i);
+    pc.printf("Input: %c\n",phone_char);
     // Set all false
     steerForward = false;
@@ -205,11 +289,15 @@
         //strtok(/*input*/phone_char, ","); // Ignore 'F'
         //targetOffset = atof((strtok(NULL, ";")); // read until the end and then convert from string to double
         //pc.printf("%f\n",targetOffset); // Print targetOffset for debugging
+        //DesiredAnglee = 0.8;
+        pc.printf("F");
         steerForward = true;
     } else if (/*input[0]*/phone_char == 'B') { // Backward
         //strtok(/*input*/phone_char, ","); // Ignore 'B'
-        targetOffset = atof(strtok(NULL, ";")); // read until the end and then convert from string to double
+        //targetOffset = atof(strtok(NULL, ";")); // read until the end and then convert from string to double
         //pc.printf("%f\n",targetOffset); // Print targetOffset for debugging
+        //DesiredAnglee = -5.2;
+        pc.printf("B");
         steerBackward = true;
     } else if (/*input[0]*/phone_char == 'L') { // Left
         if (/*input[0]*/phone_char == 'L') // Left Rotate
@@ -224,10 +312,11 @@
     } else if (/*input[0]*/phone_char == 'S') { // Stop
         steerStop = true;
         stopped = false;
-        targetPosition = wheelPosition;
+        //targetPosition = wheelPosition;
     } else if (/*input[0]*/phone_char == 'A') { // Abort
         while (blue.getc() != 'C'); // Wait until continue is send
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 BalancingRobot.h
--- a/BalancingRobot.h	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/BalancingRobot.h	Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
@@ -6,18 +6,14 @@
 BusOut LEDs(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4);
 /* Left motor */
-DigitalOut leftA(p5);
-DigitalOut leftB(p6);
-PwmOut leftPWM(p23);
+DigitalOut leftA(D6);
+DigitalOut leftB(D5);
+PwmOut leftPWM(D7);
 /* Right motor */
-DigitalOut rightA(p7);
-DigitalOut rightB(p8);
-PwmOut rightPWM(p24);
-/* Encoder variables */
-float LeftWheelPosition = 0.0;
-float RightWheelPosition = 0.0;
+DigitalOut rightA(D4);
+DigitalOut rightB(D3);
+PwmOut rightPWM(D2);
 // Results
 double accYangle;
@@ -26,15 +22,24 @@
 int16_t raw_gyroYrate;
 /* PID variables */
-double Kp = 0.5; //11 - 7
-double Ki = 0.00001; //1
-double Kd = 0.01; //12
+double Kp = 0.085; //0.100; //0.0400; // 11 - 7
+double Ki = 0.00900; //0.005;//0.00320; //1 0.001 sanki gideri var mı ne
+double Kd = 0.050;//0.0125 baya iyi //0.0333; //12
+//double Kp = 0.185; //11 - 7 almost well   //0.1
+//double Ki = 0.0000; //1                   //0.005  integralli ilk iyi gibi
+//double Kd = 0.1; //12                     //0.01
 double PIDValue = 0.0;
-double targetAngle = 1.05;
+double DesiredAngle;
+double ConstantAngle;
+unsigned int distF;
+unsigned int distB;
 double targetOffset = 0;
 float pitchAngle = 0;
 float rollAngle = 0;
-double error = 0.0;
+double error1 = 0.0;
 double lastError = 0.0;
 double iTerm;
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 HALLFX_ENCODER.cpp
--- a/HALLFX_ENCODER.cpp	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include "HALLFX_ENCODER.h"
-HALLFX_ENCODER::HALLFX_ENCODER(PinName enc_in): _enc_in(enc_in){
-    _enc_in.mode(PullUp);
-    // Invoke interrupt on both falling and rising edges
-    _enc_in.fall(this, &HALLFX_ENCODER::callback);
-    _enc_in.rise(this, &HALLFX_ENCODER::callback);
-long HALLFX_ENCODER::read(){
-    return count;
-void HALLFX_ENCODER::reset(){
-    count = 0;
-void HALLFX_ENCODER::callback(){
-    count++;   
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 HALLFX_ENCODER.h
--- a/HALLFX_ENCODER.h	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-    Basic Encoder Library for Sparkfun's Wheel Encoder Kit
-    Part# ROB-12629.
-#include "mbed.h"
-    public:
-        /*
-            Constructor for Encoder objects
-            @param enc_in    The mBed pin connected to encoder output
-        */
-        HALLFX_ENCODER(PinName enc_in);
-        /*
-            read() returns total number of counts of the encoder.
-            Count can be +/- and indicates the overall direction,
-            (+): CW (-): CCW
-            @return     The toltal number of counts of the encoder.
-        */
-        long read();
-        /*
-            reset() clears the counter to 0. 
-        */
-        void reset();
-    private:
-        long count;         // Total number of counts since start.
-        InterruptIn _enc_in;// Encoder Input/Interrupt Pin
-        /*
-            Increments/Decrements count on interrrupt.
-        */
-        void callback();    // Interrupt callback function
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library.lib	Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 MPU6050.lib
--- a/MPU6050.lib	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/MPU6050.lib	Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r 8050817ae610 -r 0a2944e7be23 mbed.bld
--- a/mbed.bld	Thu Aug 25 22:55:36 2016 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Jan 01 20:31:22 2020 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file