Viele Funktionen

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Viele n?tzliche Funktionen

Changed in this revision

Funktionen1.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Funktionenv1.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
config.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 50d2b4671eac Funktionen1.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Funktionen1.cpp	Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "config.h"
+void Move()
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 1;
+	wait_ms(300);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+void Back()
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(300);
+	MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+void TurnRight()
+	MotorL_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = 1;
+	wait_ms(100);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 0;
+void TurnLeft()
+	MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorR_FORWARD = 1;
+	wait_ms(100);
+	MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 0;
+bool WaitUntilButtonPressed()
+	char cmd[3];
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (0xFF))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool Start()
+    DEBUG_PRINT("Debug level: %d", (int) DEBUG);
+    i2c.frequency(40000);       
+    while(WaitUntilButtonPressed()) {    }
+    return true;
+bool FrontIsClear()
+    char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FLL|BTN_FL|BTN_FM|BTN_FR|BTN_FRR))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+void RotateRight()
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(2000);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+void RotateLeft()
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorR_FORWARD = MotorL_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(2000);
+	MotorR_FORWARD = MotorL_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+void MoveTime(int c)
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 1;
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+void BackTime(int c)
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+	MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+void TurnRightTime(int c)
+	MotorL_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = 1;
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 0;
+void TrnLeftTime(int c)
+	MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorR_FORWARD = 1; 
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 0;
+void RotateRightTime(int c)
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+void RotateLeftTime(int c)
+	MotorR_EN = MotorL_EN = 1;
+	MotorR_FORWARD = MotorL_REVERSE = 1;
+	wait_ms(c);
+	MotorR_FORWARD = MotorL_REVERSE = 0; 
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+bool BackIsClear()
+    char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_BL|BTN_BM|BTN_BR))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonBackLeft()
+    char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_BL))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonBackMid()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_BM))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonBackRight()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_BR))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonFrontLeftLeft()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FLL))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonFrontLeft()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FL))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonFrontMid()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FM))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonFrontRight()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FR))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+bool ButtonFrontRightRight()
+	char cmd[3];    
+    int16_t btns;
+    bool wert;
+    cmd[0] = 0x06;
+    cmd[1] = 0x00;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2); 
+    cmd[0]=0x01;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 1);
+|1, cmd, 1);
+    btns = cmd[0];
+    if( btns & (BTN_FRR))
+        wert = false;
+    else
+        wert = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT("\right\nWERT: %d \right\n", wert);
+    return wert;
+void TurnLedOn(int16_t led)
+    char cmd[3];
+    cmd[0] = 0x02;
+    cmd[1] = ~led;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2);
+    wait(0.5);
+void TurnLedOff(int16_t led)
+    char cmd[3];
+    cmd[0] = 0x02;
+    cmd[1] = ~led;
+    i2c.write(addr, cmd, 2);
+    wait(0.5);
+bool MoveTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 1;
+		if(SensorL == 1)
+			left++;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorL_FORWARD = MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+	return true;
+bool BackTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+		if(SensorL == 1)
+			left++;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorL_REVERSE = MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = MotorR_EN = 0;
+	return true;
+bool MotorRightMoveTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorR_FORWARD = 1;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorR_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 0;
+	return true;
+bool MotorRightBackTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorR_REVERSE = 1;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorR_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorR_EN = 0;
+	return true;
+bool MotorLeftMoveTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorL_FORWARD = 1;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorL_FORWARD = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 0;
+	return true;
+bool MotorLeftBackTicks(int c)
+	int count = 0, right = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 1;
+	while(c--)
+	{
+		MotorL_REVERSE = 1;
+		if(SensorR == 1)
+			right++;
+		count++;
+		wait_ms(10);
+	}
+	MotorL_REVERSE = 0;
+	MotorL_EN = 0;
+	return true;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 50d2b4671eac Funktionenv1.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Funktionenv1.h	Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+void Move();
+void Back();
+void TurnRight();
+void TurnLeft();
+void RotateRight();
+void RotateLeft();
+void MoveTime(int c);
+void BackTime(int c);
+void TurnRightTime(int c);
+void TrnLeftTime(int c);
+void RotateLeftTime(int c);
+void RotateRightTime(int c);
+void TurnLedOn(int16_t led);
+void TurnLedOff(int16_t led);
+bool BackIsClear();
+bool ButtonBackLeft();
+bool ButtonBackMid();
+bool ButtonBackRight();
+bool ButtonFrontLeftLeft();
+bool ButtonFrontLeft();
+bool ButtonFrontMid();
+bool ButtonFrontRight();
+bool ButtonFrontRightRight();
+bool Start();
+bool WaitUntilButtonPressed();
+bool FrontIsClear();
+bool MoveTicks(int c);
+bool BackTicks(int c);
+bool MotorRightMoveTicks(int c);
+bool MotorRightBackTicks(int c);
+bool MotorLeftMoveTicks(int c);
+bool MotorLeftBackTicks(int c);
diff -r 000000000000 -r 50d2b4671eac config.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/config.h	Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+name:   config.h    v0.1
+author: PE HTL BULME
+    Constants and wiring for ur_Karel
+#ifndef _FOO_H
+#define _FOO_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define DEBUG 0
+#if defined(DEBUG) && DEBUG > 0
+ #define DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s:%d:%s(): " fmt, \
+    __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, ##args)
+ #define DEBUG_PRINT(fmt, args...) /* Don't do anything in release builds */
+const int BTN_FLL = 0x80;   // button front left outer
+const int BTN_FL  = 0x04;   // button front left
+const int BTN_FM  = 0x01;   // button front middle
+const int BTN_FR  = 0x08;   // button front right 
+const int BTN_FRR = 0x40;   // button front right outer
+const int BTN_BL = 0x10;    // button back left
+const int BTN_BM = 0x02;    // button back middle
+const int BTN_BR = 0x20;    // button back right
+const int LED_FL1 = 0x01;   // front LED white 
+const int LED_FL2 = 0x02;   // front LED yellow
+const int LED_FR1 = 0x04;   // front LED white
+const int LED_FR2 = 0x08;   // front LED yellow
+const int LED_ALL_FRONT = 0x0F;
+const int LED_BL1 = 0x20;   // yellow LED back left outer
+const int LED_BL2 = 0x10;   // red LED back left inner
+const int LED_BR1 = 0x80;   // yellow LED back right outer
+const int LED_BR2 = 0x40;   // red LED back right inner
+const int LED_ALL_BACK = 0xF0;
+const int LED_ALL = 0xFF;
+const int addr = 0x40;      // I2C-address PCA9555
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // tx, rx  
+DigitalOut LED_D10(P1_8);    // wiring LED D10 to D13 
+DigitalOut LED_D11(P1_9);    
+DigitalOut LED_D12(P1_10);   
+DigitalOut LED_D13(P1_11);   
+DigitalOut MotorL_EN(p34);  // wiring motor left
+DigitalOut MotorL_FORWARD(P1_1);
+DigitalOut MotorL_REVERSE(P1_0);
+DigitalOut MotorR_EN(p36);  // wiring motor right
+DigitalOut MotorR_FORWARD(P1_3);
+DigitalOut MotorR_REVERSE(P1_4);
+I2C i2c(p28,p27);   
+BusIn linesensor(p18, p16, p19, p17);  
+DigitalIn SensorL(P1_12);    // motor sensor left
+DigitalIn SensorR(P1_13);    // motor sensor right
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 50d2b4671eac main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "Funktionenv1.h"
+int main()
+	/*while(!Start()) {}   
+    wait_ms(200);
+	*/
+	int count = 0;
+	while(FrontIsClear())
+	{	
+		MoveTicks(1);
+		count ++;
+	}
+	if (!FrontIsClear())
+	{
+		BackTicks(count);
+	}
+	return 0;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 50d2b4671eac mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu Feb 05 12:29:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file