Added BNO080Wheelchair.h

Dependents:   BNO080_program wheelchaircontrol8 Version1-9 BNO080_program

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BNO080Wheelchair.h	Mon Jul 29 18:24:40 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#ifndef BNO080Wheelchair_H
+#define BNO080Wheelchair_H
+#include "filter.h"
+#include  "math.h"
+#include  <BNO080.h>
+#define PI 3.141593
+#define SDA PB_9
+#define SCL PB_8
+#define SAMPLEFREQ 50
+#define CAL_TIME 3
+class BNO080Wheelchair {
+    public:
+        //The constructor for this class
+        BNO080(Serial* out, Timer* time);
+        BNO080(PinName sda_pin, PinName scl_pin, Serial* out, Timer* time);
+        //Set up the IMU, check if it connects
+        void setup();
+        //Get the x-component of the angular acceleration
+        double accel_x();
+        //Get the y-component of the angular acceleration
+        double accel_y();
+        //Get the z-component of the angular acceleration
+        double accel_z();
+        //Get the x-component of gyro, angular velocity
+        double gyro_x();
+        //Get the y-component of gyro, angular velocity
+        double gyro_y();
+        //Get the z-component of gyro, angular velocity
+        double gyro_z();
+        //Magnometer to find angle relative to North to compare to gyroscope
+        //double angle_north();
+        //Get the YAW, or angle (theta), direction facing
+        double yaw();
+        //Get the pitch, (Up and down component)
+        double pitch();
+        //Get the roll, the tilt
+        double roll();
+        BNO080* imu; //The IMU we're testing from, MPU6050  
+    private:
+        Serial* usb; //the connection port
+        Timer* t;//to calculate the time
+        float accelData[3];     // stores the angular acceleration component
+        float gyroData[3];      // stores the gyro data x,y,z
+        float* accelD;          // pointer that points to either accelData 
+        float* gyroD;           // ptr to the gyroData array
+        float angleData[3];     // contains the pitch, roll, yaw angle
+        float* angleD;          // ptr to angleData array
+        void calibrate_yaw();
+        bool start;
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