Demo application for using the AT&T IoT Starter Kit Powered by AWS.

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Fork of ATT_AWS_IoT_demo by Anthony Phillips

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
jsmn_parserJSON parser
jsmntok_tJSON token description
jsonStructThis is the struct form of a JSON Key value pair
MQTTCallbackParamsMQTT Callback Function Parameters
MQTTClient_tMQTT Client Type Definition
MQTTConnectParamsMQTT Connection Parameters
MQTTHeaderBitfields for the MQTT header byte
MQTTMessageParamsMQTT Message Parameters
MQTTPacket_willOptionsDefines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet
MQTTPublishParamsMQTT Publish Parameters
MQTTSubscribeParamsMQTT Subscription Parameters
MQTTwillOptionsLast Will and Testament Definition
NetworkNetwork Structure
ShadowParameters_tShadow Connect parameters
TimerExtExtension of the Platform specific Timer class
TLSConnectParamsTLS Connection Parameters
WncIpStatsContains info fields for the WNC Internet Attributes
WNCSocketSocket file descriptor and select wrapper
WNCTCPSocketConnectionTCP socket connection