Time is good
Fork of Robot2016_2-0 by
- Committer:
- IceTeam
- Date:
- 2016-05-04
- Revision:
- 60:8d2320a54a32
- Parent:
- 57:86f491f5b25d
- Child:
- 63:176d04975f06
File content as of revision 60:8d2320a54a32:
#ifndef MAP_H #define MAP_H /* Dernier Changement : Romain 20h30 Inclu dans : main.cpp Il faut encore gerer les formations de coquillage */ #include "obsCarr.h" #include "pointParcours.h" #include "nVector.h" #include "controle.h" #include "Objectif/objectif.h" #include "../Odometry/Odometry.h" #include "../AX12/AX12.h" #include "../../StepperMotor/Stepper.h" #define MAP_RIGHTSIDE 1 #define MAP_LEFTSIDE 2 class map { public: map (Odometry* nodo, AX12 * nA1, AX12 * nA2, AX12 * nA3, Stepper * nS1, Stepper * nS2); void addObs (obsCarr nobs); void addObj (objectif nobj); void FindWay (point dep, point arr); void FindWay (float depX, float depY, float arrX, float arrY); void Execute (int obj); void Execute (float XObjectif, float YObjectif); void Build(int couleur, int formation); nVector<pointParcours>& getParc () { return path; } bool& getEnded () { return endedParc; } protected: nVector<obsCarr> obs; nVector<pointParcours> path; nVector<Objectif> objectifs; bool endedParc; // Definit s'il existe un chemin parcourable dans le dernier FindWay Odometry* Codo; AX12 * A1, * A2, * A3; Stepper * S1, * S2; float min_x_table, min_y_table, max_x_table, max_y_table; void Build_formation_1 (int couleur); }; #endif