Robot's source code

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/Map/Map.cpp	Thu May 07 14:18:07 2015 +0000
+++ b/Map/Map.cpp	Mon May 11 20:32:11 2015 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
 #include "Map.h"
-#include "mbed.h"
 #include "Obs_circle.h"
 #include "Obs_rect.h"
-extern Serial logger;
+    using namespace std;
+    #include <iostream>
+    #include <fstream>
+    #include "mbed.h"
+    extern Serial logger;
+#include <math.h>
@@ -19,14 +26,50 @@
 void Map::build()
-    //obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,2,2,1));
-    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,-100,-100,2100,0)); // MG
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_MG,-100,-100,2100,0));// MG
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_MB,2100,-100,2000,3100));// MB
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_MH,-100,-100,0,3100));// MH
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_MD,2100,3000,-100,3100));// MD
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M1,778,0,800,400));// M1
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M2,1200,0,1222,400));// M2
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M3,800,0,1200,70));// M3
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M4,1222,2600,1200,3000));// M4
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M5,1200,2930,800,3000));// M5
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_M6,800,2600,778,3000));// M6
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_E,580,967,0,2033));// E
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_S,2000,1200,1900,1800));// S
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_D1,70,265,0,335));// D1
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_D2,70,565,0,636));// D2
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_D3,70,2365,0,2435));// D3
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_D4,70,2665,0,2735));// D4
-    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,778,0,800,400)); // M1
-    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,1200,0,1222,400)); // M2
-    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_rect(ROBOTRADIUS,800,0,1200,70)); // M3
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_PC1,800,910,35));// PC1
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_PC3,1650,1500,35));// PC3
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_PC2,1750,250,35));// PC2
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_PC4,1750,3000-250,35));// PC4
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_PC5,800,3000-910,35));// PC5
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P1,200,90,30));// P1
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P2,100,850,30));// P2
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P3,200,850,30));// P3
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P4,1355,870,30));// P4
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P5,1750,90,30));// P5
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P6,1850,90,30));// P6
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P7,1770,1100,30));// P7
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P8,1400,1300,30));// P8
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P9,200,3000-90,30));// P9
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P10,100,3000-850,30));// P10
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P11,200,3000-850,30));// P11
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P12,1355,3000-870,30));// P12
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P13,1750,3000-90,30));// P13
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P14,1850,3000-90,30));// P14
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P15,1770,3000-1100,30));// P15
+    obstacles.push_back(new Obs_circle(ROBOTRADIUS,IDO_P16,1400,3000-1300,30));// P16
 int Map::getHeight(float x, float y)
@@ -53,22 +96,12 @@
     //dx = ((((int)(x/mpc))*mpc-mpc/2)+(((int)(goal_x/mpc))*mpc-mpc/2))/2;
-    #if LOG_LEVEL >= 3
-        logger.printf("[info - pathfinder] Start point (%.1f,%.1f)\r\n",x,y);
-        logger.printf("[info - pathfinder] Goal point (%.1f,%.1f)\r\n",goal_x,goal_y);
-    #endif
     Point goal(goal_x/mpc,goal_y/mpc);
     if(getHeight(goal_x,goal_y) >= 32000)
         #if LOG_LEVEL >= 2
-            logger.printf("[warning - pathfinder] Unreachable point (%.1f,%.1f) %d\r\n",goal_x,goal_y,getHeight(goal_x,goal_y));
-            for(unsigned int i=0;i<obstacles.size();i++)
-            {
-                logger.printf("%d %d\r\n",i,obstacles[i]->height(goal_x,goal_y));
-            }
+            logger.printf("[warning - pathfinder] Unreachable point (%.3f,%.3f)\r\n",goal_x,goal_y);
         return 4;
@@ -122,7 +155,10 @@
             for(int dy=-1;dy<=1;dy++)
-                if(dx==0 && dy==0) continue;
+                if(dx==0 && dy==0)
+                    continue;
+                if(!(dx == 0 || dy == 0)) // On skype les mouvement diagoneaux
+                    continue;
                 Point *p = new Point(current->getx()+dx,current->gety()+dy);
@@ -198,8 +234,22 @@
-        for(i=0;i<openList.size();i++)
-            delete openList[i];
+        #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+            ofstream f_openlist("openlist.txt");
+            for(i=0;i<openList.size();i++)
+            {
+                f_openlist << i << "," << openList[i]->getx()*mpc << "," << openList[i]->gety()*mpc << endl;
+                delete openList[i];
+            }
+            f_openlist.close();
+            ofstream f_closelist("closelist.txt");
+            for(i=0;i<closeList.size();i++)
+            {
+                f_closelist << i << "," << closeList[i]->getx()*mpc << "," << closeList[i]->gety()*mpc << endl;
+            }
+            f_closelist.close();
+        #endif
         // On reconstruit le chemin
         #if LOG_LEVEL >= 3
@@ -213,6 +263,21 @@
             c = c->getParent();
+        path.front().x=x;
+        path.front().y=y;
+        path.back().x=goal_x;
+        path.back().y=goal_y;
+        #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+            ofstream f_path("path.txt");
+            for(i=0;i<path.size();i++)
+            {
+                f_path << i << "," << path[i].x << "," <<  path[i].y << endl;
+            }
+            f_path.close();
+        #endif
             delete closeList[i];
@@ -224,105 +289,104 @@
         // Algo de 'tendage' du chemin
         bool continuer = true;
-        std::vector<SimplePoint> tempPath;
+        unsigned int pointValide = 0;
+        #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+            ofstream f_tendage("tendage.txtt");
+        #endif // CODEBLOCK
-            for(i=1;i<path.size();i+=2)
+            continuer = false;
+            for(unsigned int i1=pointValide;i1<path.size();i1++)
-                tempPath.push_back(path[i-1]);
-                int height = (getHeight(path[i-1].x*mpc,path[i-1].y*mpc)+getHeight(path[i+1].x*mpc,path[i+1].y*mpc))/2;
-                #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                    logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Testing (%.3f,%.3f) %d\r\n",path[i].x,path[i].y,height);
-                #endif
+                bool necessaire = false;
-                if(path[i-1].x!=path[i+1].x)
-                {
-                    // y=a*x+b
-                    float a = (path[i-1].y-path[i+1].y)/(path[i-1].x-path[i+1].x);
-                    float b = path[i-1].y - a*path[i-1].x;
-                    float step = (mpc*0.5f)*cos(atan(a));
-                    #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                        logger.printf("[info - tendeur] X: a=%.2f b=%.2f\r\n",a,b);
-                        logger.printf("[info - tendeur] x [%.3f,%.3f] step=%.6f\r\n",path[i-1].x,path[i+1].x,step);
-                    #endif
-                    float x;
-                    for(x=min(path[i-1].x,path[i+1].x);x<max(path[i-1].x,path[i+1].x);x+=step)
-                    {
-                        #if LOG_LEVEL >= 5 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                            logger.printf("%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\r\n",getHeight(x,(a*x+b)),x,(a*x+b));
-                        #endif
-                        if(getHeight(x,(a*x+b)) > height) // Ca ne passe pas sans ce point
-                        {
-                            tempPath.push_back(path[i]);
-                            #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                                logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Adding (%.3f,%.3f) to the path\r\n",path[i].x,path[i].y);
-                            #endif
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                        if(x >= max(path[i-1].x,path[i+1].x))
-                        {
-                            logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Skipping (%.3f,%.3f) to the path\r\n",path[i].x,path[i].y);
-                        }
-                    #endif
-                }
-                else if(path[i-1].y!=path[i+1].y)
+                for(unsigned int i2=i1+2;i2<path.size();i2++)
-                    // x=a*y+b
-                    float a = (path[i-1].x-path[i+1].x)/(path[i-1].y-path[i+1].y);
-                    float b = path[i-1].x - a*path[i-1].y;
-                    float step = (mpc*0.5f)*cos(atan(a));
-                    #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                        logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Y: a=%.2f b=%.2f\r\n",a,b);
-                        logger.printf("[info - tendeur] y [%.3f,%.3f] step=%.6f\r\n",path[i-1].y,path[i+1].y,step);
-                    #endif
-                    float y;
-                    for(y=min(path[i-1].y,path[i+1].y);y<max(path[i-1].y,path[i+1].y);y+=step)
+                    //cout << "Entre " << i1 << " et " << i2 << endl;
+                    if(path[i1].x!=path[i2].x && atan((path[i1].y-path[i2].y)/(path[i1].x-path[i2].x)) < PI/4)
-                        #if LOG_LEVEL >= 5 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                            logger.printf("%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\r\n",getHeight((a*y+b),y),height,(a*y+b),y);
-                        #endif
-                        if(getHeight((a*y+b),y) > height) // Ca ne passe pas sans ce point
+                        float a = (path[i1].y-path[i2].y)/(path[i1].x-path[i2].x);
+                        float b = path[i1].y - a*path[i1].x;
+                        float step = (mpc*0.5f)*cos(atan(a));
+                        necessaire = false;
+                        for(x=min(path[i1].x,path[i2].x);x<max(path[i1].x,path[i2].x);x+=step)
-                            tempPath.push_back(path[i]);
+                            y=a*x+b;
+                            #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+                                f_tendage << getHeight(x,y) << "," << x << "," <<  y << endl;
+                            #endif // CODEBLOCK
-                            #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                                logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Adding (%.3f,%.3f) to the path\r\n",path[i].x,path[i].y);
-                            #endif
-                            break;
+                            if(getHeight(x,y) >= 32000)
+                            {   
+                                necessaire = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if(!necessaire)
+                        {
+                            // Ca n'a pas touché, on peut supprimmer le point entre les deux
+                            continuer = true;
+                            path.erase(path.begin()+i2-1);
+                        else
+                            pointValide++;
+                        break;
-                    #if LOG_LEVEL >= 4 & LOG_TENDEUR
-                        if(y >= max(path[i-1].y,path[i+1].y))
+                    else
+                    {
+                        // x=a*y+b
+                        float a = (path[i1].x-path[i2].x)/(path[i1].y-path[i2].y);
+                        float b = path[i1].x - a*path[i1].y;
+                        float step = (mpc*0.5f)*cos(atan(a));
+                        necessaire = false;
+                        for(y=min(path[i1].y,path[i2].y);y<max(path[i1].y,path[i2].y);y+=step)
-                            logger.printf("[info - tendeur] Skipping (%.3f,%.3f) to the path\r\n",path[i].x,path[i].y);
+                            x=a*y+b;
+                            #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+                                f_tendage << getHeight(x,y) << "," << x << "," <<  y << endl;
+                            #endif // CODEBLOCK
+                            if(getHeight(x,y) >= 32000)
+                            {
+                                necessaire = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
-                    #endif
+                        if(!necessaire)
+                        {
+                            // Ca n'a pas touché, on peut supprimmer le point entre les deux
+                            continuer = true;
+                            path.erase(path.begin()+i2-1);
+                        }
+                        else
+                            pointValide++;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                if(continuer)
+                    break;
-            if(path.back() != tempPath.back())
-                tempPath.push_back(path.back());
-            if(tempPath.size() < path.size()) // On a réussit a enlever un point
-            {
-                path.clear();
-                for(i=0;i<tempPath.size();i++)
-                    path.push_back(tempPath[i]);
-                continuer = true;
-            }
-            else
-                continuer = false;
-            tempPath.clear();
+        #ifdef CODEBLOCK
+            f_tendage.close();
+        #endif
         #if LOG_LEVEL >= 3
             logger.printf("[done] %d elements\r\n",path.size());
@@ -345,5 +409,3 @@