basic version

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBHost mbed

diff -r 0fa7430ab812 -r b22ef9f44549 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jan 26 14:58:21 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jan 26 23:01:46 2015 +0000
@@ -7,59 +7,59 @@
 float servoPosition;
-Mutex sonarDistance_mutex;                                  //Init Mutex for sensor value
-Mutex servoPosition_mutex;                                  //Init Mutex for servo value
-Mutex LED_mutex;
+Mutex sonarDistance_mutex;                                      //Init Mutex for sensor value
+Mutex servoPosition_mutex;                                      //Init Mutex for servo value
-AnalogIn sonarPin(p17);                                     //Assign pin to read sonar sensor
-PwmOut servoPin(p21);                                       //Assign pin for servo output
-DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
-DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
-DigitalOut myled3(LED3);
-DigitalOut myled4(LED4);
+AnalogIn sonarPin(p17);                                         //Assign pin to read sonar sensor
+PwmOut servoPin(p21);                                           //Assign pin for servo output
+PwmOut myled1(LED1);                                        //Assign pin for LED1
+PwmOut myled2(LED2);                                        //Assign pin for LED2
+PwmOut myled3(LED3);                                        //Assign pin for LED3
+PwmOut myled4(LED4);                                        //Assign pin for LED4
 //LCD Setup
-C12832_LCD lcd;                                             //setup LCD screen
+C12832_LCD lcd;                                                 //setup LCD screen
 void sonarSensor(void const *args){
-        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                         //Mutex lock for the Servo value
-            sonarDistance =;                //Read analog voltage and store in variable
-        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                       //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
-        Thread::wait(10);                                   //Pause thread for 10msec
+        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                             //Mutex lock for the Servo value
+            sonarDistance =;                    //Read analog voltage and store in variable
+        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                           //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
+        Thread::wait(10);                                       //Pause thread for 10msec
     }  //End of While loop
 } //End of Thread
 void servoControl(void const *args){
-        servoPosition_mutex.lock();                         //Mutex lock for the Servo value
-            servoPin.write(servoPosition);                  //Write servo value to servo pin
-        servoPosition_mutex.unlock();                       //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
+        servoPosition_mutex.lock();                             //Mutex lock for the Servo value
+            servoPin.write(servoPosition/2);                    //Write servo value to servo pin
+        servoPosition_mutex.unlock();                           //Mutex unlock for the Servo value
     }  //end of while loop
 } //end of thread
 void logic(void const *args)
-    int Size=12;
-    float Average_4[12];                  //number of value in the array
+    int Size=16;
+    float Average_4[16];                                        //number of value in the array
     float Average_Sum=0;
         for(int i=0;i<Size;i++)
-             Average_Sum = Average_Sum-Average_4[i];        //Remove the 4th oldest value from the average sum
-             sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                         //Mutex lock for the Sonar value
-             Average_4[i]= sonarDistance;                   //Add the new value to the array
-             sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                       //Mutex unlock for the Sonar value
-             Average_Sum = Average_Sum + Average_4[i];      //Add the new array value to the sum
+             Average_Sum = Average_Sum-Average_4[i];            //Remove the 4th oldest value from the average sum
+             sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                        //Mutex lock for the Sonar value
+             Average_4[i]= sonarDistance;                       //Add the new value to the array
+             sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                      //Mutex unlock for the Sonar value
-             servoPosition_mutex.lock();                         //Mutex lock for the servo value             
-             servoPosition = Average_Sum/Size;                      //Divide the array by the number of element in the array
-             servoPosition_mutex.unlock();                       //Mutex unlock for the servo value
+             Average_Sum = Average_Sum + Average_4[i];          //Add the new array value to the sum
+             servoPosition_mutex.lock();                        //Mutex lock for the servo value             
+             servoPosition = Average_Sum/Size;                  //Divide the array by the number of element in the array
+             servoPosition_mutex.unlock();                      //Mutex unlock for the servo value
             }//end for loop
@@ -68,62 +68,62 @@
 void display(void const *args){
-        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();
-        servoPosition_mutex.lock();
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.locate(0,0);
-            lcd.printf("Sonar : %3.2f \nServo : %3.2f \nSCIENCE!",sonarDistance,servoPosition);
-        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();
-        servoPosition_mutex.unlock();
-        Thread::wait(200);
+        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                             //Mutex lock for the sonar value
+        servoPosition_mutex.lock();                             //Mutex lock for the servo value
+            lcd.cls();                                          //Clear the lcd
+            lcd.locate(0,0);                                    //Cursor postion on the lcd
+            lcd.printf("Sonar : %3.6f \nServo : %3.6f \nSCIENCE!",sonarDistance,servoPosition);
+        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                           //Mutex unlock for the sonar value
+        servoPosition_mutex.unlock();                           //Mutex unlock for the servo value
+        Thread::wait(200);                                      //Thread Wait
 void LED_meter(void const *args) {
-    float LED_distance = 0;
+    float LED_distance = 0;                                     //Create var to store sonar distance
     while(true) {
-        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();
-        LED_distance=sonarDistance;
-        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();
+        sonarDistance_mutex.lock();                             //Mutex lock for the sonar value
+        LED_distance=sonarDistance;                             //Store value of sonar sensor in LED_distance
+        sonarDistance_mutex.unlock();                           //Mutex unlock for the sonar value
-        if(LED_distance<=0.2)
+        if(LED_distance<=0.15)
-            myled1 = 1;
+            myled1.write(((LED_distance-0.15)*-1)*20);          //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
-            myled1 = 0;
+            myled1 = 0;                                         //Turn off LED
-        if(LED_distance<=0.15)
+        if(LED_distance<=0.10)
-            myled2 = 1;
+            myled2.write(((LED_distance-0.10)*-1)*20);          //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
-            myled2 = 0;
+            myled2 = 0;                                         //Turn off LED
-        if(LED_distance<=0.1)
+        if(LED_distance<=0.05)
-            myled3 = 1;
+            myled3.write(((LED_distance-0.05)*-1)*40);          //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
-            myled3 = 0;
+            myled3 = 0;                                         //Turn off LED
-        if(LED_distance<=0.05)
+        if(LED_distance<=0.025)
-            myled4 = 1;
+            myled4.write(((LED_distance-0.025)*-1)*40);         //PWM the LED from 0% to 100%
-            myled4 = 0;
+            myled4 = 0;                                         //Turn off LED