2022_Ateam_MOTORprogramをscrp_slaveでメインマイコンからコントローラー状況を読み取れるように改良。 また、モータに0以外のpwmが送られている場合に基盤付属のledが点灯するようにした。

Dependencies:   SBDBT arrc_mbed BNO055

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Mar 11 04:24:27 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Mar 22 00:35:37 2022 +0000
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 BNO055 bno(SDA,SCL);
 //sbdbt sb(PA_0,PA_1);
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
 DigitalOut led4(PC_6);
 Timer Time;
-double timer;
+long double timer;
 double theta;
 double X,Y;
 double auto_x_component;
@@ -51,31 +52,106 @@
 bool position_arrival = false;
 bool angle_arrival = false;
 double regulation;
+bool wheel_limit;
 //for odometry
 double theta2;
 double pltheta;
-double x_pos_target[] = {25};
-double y_pos_target[] = {0};
-double angle_target[] = {-17.75};
+double x_pos_target[] = {81.72,81.72};
+double y_pos_target[] = {-90.47,90.47};
+double angle_target[] = {-26.2,26.2};
 double robot_angle;
-double max_mini(double a){
-    if(a > 450){
+double max_mini(double a)
+    if(a > 450) {
         a = 450;
-    }else if(a < -450){
+    } else if(a < -450) {
         a = -450;
-    }else if(a == 0){
+    } else if(a == 0) {
         a = 0;
     return a;
+void rotate()
+    if(l1 == 1) {
+        regulation = 0.3;
+    } else {
+        regulation = 1;
+    }
+    if(r1 == 1){
+        wheel_limit = 0;
+    }else{
+        wheel_limit = 1;
+    }
+    pid_1.pass_val(data_1.get(),TG.obt_target1() * regulation,0.00005,0,0);
+    pid_2.pass_val(data_2.get(),TG.obt_target2() * regulation,0.00005,0.0,0);
+    pid_3.pass_val(data_3.get(),TG.obt_target3() * regulation,0.00005,0.0,0);
+    pid_4.pass_val(data_4.get(),TG.obt_target4() * regulation,0.00005,0,0);
+    pid_1.wheel_ctl(PC_9,PC_8,wheel_limit);
+    pid_2.wheel_ctl(PB_14,PB_13,wheel_limit);
+    pid_3.wheel_ctl(PB_5,PB_4,wheel_limit);
+    pid_4.wheel_ctl(PB_7,PB_6,wheel_limit);
+    if(TG.obt_target1() != 0) {
+        led1 = 1;
+    } else {
+        led1 = 0;
+    }
+    if(TG.obt_target2() != 0) {
+        led2 = 1;
+    } else {
+        led2 = 0;
+    }
+    if(TG.obt_target3() != 0) {
+        led3 = 1;
+    } else {
+        led3 = 0;
+    }
+    if(TG.obt_target4() != 0) {
+        led4 = 1;
+    } else {
+        led4 = 0;
+    }
+void VectorDrection4(int x,int y,double theta){
+    x = x - 64;
+    y = y - 64;
+    //printf("%d %d\n",x,y);
+    if(y > -abs(x)){//上
+        DS2.pass_val(64,y + 64,0,0);
+    }
+    if(y < abs(x)){//下
+        DS2.pass_val(64,y + 64,0,0);
+    }
+    if(x < -abs(y)){//左
+        DS2.pass_val(x + 64,64,0,0);
+    }
+    if(x > abs(y)){//右
+        DS2.pass_val(x + 64,64,0,0);
+    }
+    if(y == 0 && x == 0){
+        DS2.pass_val(64,64,0,0);
+    }
+    DS2.cal_input();
+    //printf("%lf %lf\n",DS2.obt_X(),DS2.obt_Y());
+    TG.pass_val(DS2.obt_X(),DS2.obt_Y(),theta);
+    rotate();
-int main(){
+int main()
@@ -83,129 +159,119 @@
+    scrp.addCMD(5,getL1);
+    scrp.addCMD(6,getCircle);
+    scrp.addCMD(7,getZone);
+    scrp.addCMD(8,getR1);
+    scrp.addCMD(9,getRstick_x);
+    scrp.addCMD(10,getRstick_y);
+    scrp.addCMD(51,getStop);
-    while(1){
-        timer = Time.read_us();
-        bno.setmode(OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS);
-        bno.get_angles();
-        theta = bno.euler.yaw * (PI / 180);
-        theta2 = (90 - bno.euler.yaw) * (PI /180);
-        if(theta > PI){
-            theta = -(2 * PI - theta);
-        }else{
-        }
-        theta = theta - (PI / 4);
-        if(theta2 > PI){
-            pltheta = theta2 - 2 * PI;
-        }else{
-            pltheta = theta2;    
-        }
-        get_position(pltheta);
-        if(l1 == 0){
-            DS.pass_val(x_component,y_component,r2_num,l2_num);
-        }else{
-            DS.pass_val(x_component * regulation,y_component * regulation,r2_num * regulation,l2_num * regulation);
-        }
-        //printf("%d\n",y_component);
-        if(auto_mode == false){
-            if(DS.cal_input() == true){
-                TG.pass_val(DS.obt_X(),DS.obt_Y(),theta);
-            }else{
-                TG.pass_target(-1 * DS.obt_X());
-            }
-        }else{
-            //printf("%lf\n",bno.euler.yaw);
-            if(position_arrival == false){
-                x_pos.pid_ctl(x_position,x_pos_target[0],10,0.007,0);
-                y_pos.pid_ctl(y_position,y_pos_target[0],10,0.007,0);
-                auto_x_component = max_mini(x_pos.output);
-                auto_y_component = max_mini(y_pos.output);
-                TG.pass_val(auto_y_component,auto_x_component,theta);
-                printf("go to target\n");
-                if((x_pos_target[0] - x_position) <= 0.5 && (x_pos_target[0] - x_position) >= -0.5 && (y_pos_target[0] - y_position) <= 0.5 && (y_pos_target[0] - y_position) >= -0.5){
-                    position_arrival = true;
-                    TG.pass_val(0,0,theta);
-                    printf("arrival_position\n");
+    while(1) {
+        TG.pass_val(0,0,theta);
+        if(stop == 0) {
+            timer = Time.read_ms();
+            bno.setmode(OPERATION_MODE_IMUPLUS);
+            bno.get_angles();
+            if(auto_mode == false){
+                if(redZone == true){
+                    theta = (bno.euler.yaw - 90) * (PI / 180);
+                    theta2 = (bno.euler.yaw - 180) * (PI /180);
+                }else{
+                    theta = (bno.euler.yaw + 90) * (PI / 180);
+                    theta2 = bno.euler.yaw * (PI /180);
-                if(angle_arrival == false){
-                    //printf("go to angle_target\n");
-                    if(bno.euler.yaw >=  0 && bno.euler.yaw <= 180){
-                        robot_angle = bno.euler.yaw;
-                    }else{
-                        robot_angle = bno.euler.yaw - 360;
-                    }
-                    pid_angle.pid_ctl(robot_angle,angle_target[0],5,0.007,0.0);
-                    printf("%lf,%lf\n",pid_angle.output,robot_angle);
-                    TG.pass_target(-1 * pid_angle.output);
-                    if(angle_target[0] - robot_angle <= 0.1 && angle_target[0] - robot_angle >= -0.1){
-                        angle_arrival = true;
-                        TG.pass_val(0,0,theta);
-                        printf("arrival_angle\n");
+                theta = bno.euler.yaw * (PI / 180);
+                theta2 = (90 - bno.euler.yaw) * (PI /180);
+            }
+            if(theta > PI) {
+                theta = -(2 * PI - theta);
+            } else {
+            }
+            theta = theta - (PI / 4);
+            if(theta2 > PI) {
+                pltheta = theta2 - 2 * PI;
+            } else {
+                pltheta = theta2;
+            }
+            get_position(pltheta);
+            DS.pass_val(x_component,y_component,r2_num,l2_num);
+            //printf("%d\n",y_component);
+            if(auto_mode == false) {
+                DS.cal_input();
+                TG.pass_val(DS.obt_X(),DS.obt_Y(),theta);
+                rotate();
+                DS.cal_input();
+                TG.pass_target(-1 * DS.obt_rotate());
+                rotate();
+                VectorDrection4(l_x_component,l_y_component,theta);
+            } else {
+                if(auto_move == 1) {
+                    if(position_arrival == false) {
+                        x_pos.pid_ctl(x_position,x_pos_target[redZone],13,0.007,0.0005);
+                        y_pos.pid_ctl(y_position,y_pos_target[redZone],13,0.007,0.0005);
+                        auto_x_component = max_mini(x_pos.output);
+                        auto_y_component = max_mini(y_pos.output);
+                        TG.pass_val(auto_y_component,auto_x_component,theta);
+                        rotate();
+                        //printf("go to target\n");
+                        if((x_pos_target[redZone] - x_position) <= 0.5 && (x_pos_target[redZone] - x_position) >= -0.5 && (y_pos_target[redZone] - y_position) <= 0.5 && (y_pos_target[redZone] - y_position) >= -0.5) {
+                            position_arrival = true;
+                            TG.pass_val(64,64,theta);
+                            rotate();
+                            printf("arrival_position\n");
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        if(angle_arrival == false) {
+                            //printf("go to angle_target\n");
+                            if(bno.euler.yaw >=  0 && bno.euler.yaw <= 180) {
+                                robot_angle = bno.euler.yaw;
+                            } else {
+                                robot_angle = bno.euler.yaw - 360;
+                            }
+                            pid_angle.pid_ctl(robot_angle,angle_target[redZone],5,0.007,0.0001);
+                            printf("%lf,%lf\n",pid_angle.output,robot_angle);
+                            TG.pass_target(-1 * pid_angle.output);
+                            rotate();
+                            if(angle_target[redZone] - robot_angle <= 0.1 && angle_target[redZone] - robot_angle >= -0.1) {
+                                angle_arrival = true;
+                                TG.pass_val(64,64,theta);
+                                rotate();
+                                TG.pass_target(0);
+                                rotate();
+                                //printf("arrival_angle\n");
+                            }
+                        }
-        }
-        if(l1 == 1){
-            regulation = 0.5;
-        }else{
-            regulation = 1;
-        }
-        pid_1.pass_val(data_1.get(),TG.obt_target1(),0.00007,0.000001,0.00000014);
-        pid_2.pass_val(data_2.get(),TG.obt_target2(),0.00007,0.000001,0.00000014);
-        pid_3.pass_val(data_3.get(),TG.obt_target3(),0.00007,0.000001,0.00000014);
-        pid_4.pass_val(data_4.get(),TG.obt_target4(),0.00007,0.000001,0.00000014);
-        pid_1.wheel_ctl(PC_9,PC_8,regulation);
-        pid_2.wheel_ctl(PB_14,PB_13,regulation);
-        pid_3.wheel_ctl(PB_5,PB_4,regulation);
-        pid_4.wheel_ctl(PB_7,PB_6,regulation);
-        if(TG.obt_target1() != 0){
-            led1 = 1;
-        }else{
-            led1 = 0;
+            //printf("%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf\n",TG.obt_target1(),TG.obt_target2(),TG.obt_target3(),TG.obt_target4(),pid_1.obt_spd(),pid_2.obt_spd(),pid_3.obt_spd(),pid_4.obt_spd());
+            printf("%lf,%lf\n",x_position,y_position);
+            //printf("%lf\n",bno.euler.yaw);
+            /*if(auto_mode == false) {
+                printf("manual\n");
+            } else if(auto_mode == true) {
+                printf("auto\n");
+            }*/
+            //printf("%lf\n",pid_angle.output);
+            //printf("%lf\n",bno.euler.yaw);
+            while(Time.read_ms() - timer <= 50);
+        } else {
+            TG.pass_val(0,0,theta);
+            rotate();
+            TG.pass_target(0);
+            rotate();
-        if(TG.obt_target2() != 0){
-            led2 = 1;
-        }else{
-            led2 = 0;
-        }
-        if(TG.obt_target3() != 0){
-            led3 = 1;
-        }else{
-            led3 = 0;
-        }
-        if(TG.obt_target4() != 0){
-            led4 = 1;
-        }else{
-            led4 = 0;
-        }
-        //printf("%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf\n",TG.obt_target1(),TG.obt_target2(),TG.obt_target3(),TG.obt_target4(),pid_1.obt_spd(),pid_2.obt_spd(),pid_3.obt_spd(),pid_4.obt_spd());
-        printf("%lf,%lf\n",x_position,y_position);
-        if(auto_mode == false){
-            printf("manual\n");
-        }else if(auto_mode == true){
-            printf("auto\n");
-        }
-        //printf("%lf\n",pid_angle.output);
-        //printf("%lf\n",bno.euler.yaw);
-        while(Time.read_us() - timer <= 50 * 1000);
-        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file