5 years, 4 months ago.

Is the new Bare Metal (no mbed 5 RTOS) development supported on the PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT board?

Is the new Bare Metal (no mbed 5 RTOS) development using mbed I/O APIs supported on the PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT board? That option did not seem to show up for a create new project template in the cloud compiler for this target board. I switched to the PSoC6 target and tried to compile the Bare Metal example project on the cloud compiler and got errors about a missing include file.

Question relating to:

The PSoC® 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W) is a low-cost hardware platform that enables design and debug of PSoC 62 MCUs and the Murata LBEE5KL1DX Module (CYW4343W WiFi + …

2 Answers

5 years, 4 months ago.

I imported the blinky bare metal from https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-blinky-baremetal into the online compiler and tried to compile. It threw the error as you mentioned: /media/uploads/Dheeraj22/mbed-bare.png

Just to ensure this isn't something which happens only in the online compiler I ran it using mbed-cli and its the same error. I tried changing to older versions of mbed-os library but the error persists.

I did see some discussion on this issue here: (1) https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/7794 (2) https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/7889

From these discussions I concluded that this example won't work directly, you will need to create a .mbedignore file.

Create a .mbedignore file in the mbed project directory and add the following: mbed-os/rtos/* mbed-os/events/* mbed-os/features/* mbed-os/targets/TARGET_WICED/*

But this is only in mbed-cli. The online compiler doesn't allow you to create .mbedignore file. When you compile using mbed-cli it works.

Hope this helps!

Regards, Dheeraj

Accepted Answer

Thank you Dheeraj for the info. Then here is a workaround how to create .mbedignore file with the online compiler.

posted by Zoltan Hudak 24 Oct 2019

Hello Zoltan,

Yes, the workaround helps. I am able to build in online compiler as well. Thanks!

Regards, Dheeraj

posted by Dheeraj Kamath 24 Oct 2019
5 years, 4 months ago.

Hello Jim,

As far as I know there is no such template as "Bare Metal" to be shown up when creating a new project. Try the following:

  • Create a regular Mbed OS 5 project.
  • To use the Mbed OS 5 bare metal profile (Mbed OS 5 without RTOS) , add a mbed_app.json configuration file to the Mbed OS 5 project:


    "requires": ["bare-metal"]

Edit: I'm sorry for a rash response above. The cmsis_os2.h file was reported not found when building the Bare metal example project for the PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit.