5 years, 2 months ago.

mbed studio release notes?

I see mbed studio is updated to 0.61,

Are there any release notes available to see what's been updated (or do betas not qualify

2 Answers

5 years, 2 months ago.

Hi there,

A release notes you can found directly in the Mbed Studio under "Help" section of the main panel.

Best regards, Jan

Accepted Answer
5 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Chris,

Jan's answer is correct. I can only add that we are working on showing release notes on IDE startup after Mbed Studio is updated to a new version.

Kind Regards

Arek - Mbed Studio team

@Arek, is there any news about expanding the number of targets supported by the debugger? Specifically I am looking for support for the LPC4088 quickstart board...

posted by Chris Hoffmann 30 Sep 2019