6 years, 4 months ago.

Is there an mbed library or example for nRF52x devices?

There are nRF52832-based boards listed as mbed compatible, but I have not been able to locate any example programs or libraries specifically for the nRF52 family of devices. I see the shield library for the BlueNRG when I pull some of the BLE examples, even when the target is nRF52, but don't see any evidence of direct nRF52 BLE support.

The mbed BLE API requires that a controller driver be written below the API layer. Does that exist for the nRF52 family?

Question relating to:

Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

1 Answer

6 years, 4 months ago.


please look at https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os-example-ble - NRF52-DK should work

The page does say that the nRF52-DK has been tested against the example programs, but I am not able to locate any nRF52 BLE Controller libraries referenced from that repo, though under "shields" you can follow a link to the BlueNRG shield library.

If you have a link, please, please share it. Thank you.

posted by Thor Hall 31 Jul 2018

For reference, when I go to github.com/ARMmed and search for a repo using "nRF" I get a list of nRF51x libraries, but no nRF52x libraries:

12 results for repositories matching nRF ble-nrf51822 Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE_API C++ 41 48 Updated on Sep 1, 2016

nrf5x-dfu-bootloader C 14 19 Updated on Dec 1, 2015

nrf51-sdk Module to contain files provided by the nordic nRF51 SDK C 9 14 Updated on Apr 11, 2016

mbed-hal-nrf51822-mcu mbed HAL port for nRF51822 C 7 13 Updated on May 31, 2016

target-nordic-nrf51822 Various mbed-official yotta target descriptions for compiling for nrf51822. CMake 4 5 Updated on Mar 30, 2016

target-nrf51dk-gcc yotta target to build for nRF51 DK platform using arm-gcc. 7 Apache-2.0 Updated on Mar 30, 2016

target-nrf51822 base yotta target description for building for the NRF51822 chip (contains target descriptions for compiling with both gcc and armcc) Python 1 6 Updated on Nov 18, 2015

cmsis-core-nrf51822 cmsis-core for nRF51822. C 4 Updated on Mar 30, 2016

target-nrf51dk-armcc Target to support ARMCC builds for the nRF51 DK platform. 3 Apache-2.0 Updated on Dec 2, 2015 target-wrd-ble-nrf51-gcc Nordic NRF51 target with Wearable Reference Design BLE configurations. 2 Apache-2.0 Updated on Jul 16, 2016

mbed-hal-nrf51dk port of the mbed HAL for the nRF51 DK paltform. C 2 1 Apache-2.0 Updated on Mar 30, 2016

mbed-hal-nrf51-generic Generic mbed HAL for Nordic NRF51822 platforms. C 1 Apache-2.0 Updated on Oct 30, 2015

posted by Thor Hall 31 Jul 2018

See https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/tree/master/targets/TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF5x/TARGET_SDK_14_2 - this is the SDK that is being used. There's softdevice hex file. I believe this is the one you are looking for.

posted by Martin Kojtal 01 Aug 2018

I attempted to compile the BLE_URIBeacon in the online compiler for the nRF52-DK and it failed. However, I was able to compile and run the BLE_BatteryLevel example in the online compiler, so at least one example program does run.

posted by Thor Hall 02 Aug 2018