5 years, 8 months ago.

interfacing arm to labview and display character on LCD

HI i am currently interfacing the component connected to my ARM cortex m3 to labview, i have been able to interface the potentiometer LDR, temperature, LED and switches easily with the mbed read and write vis created using serial communication, but i cant seem to find a clue on how to interface the LCD to display and write characters on both environment . any suggestion or method would be helpful

kind regards

anyone, someone please help

posted by Mohammed Aliyu 26 Jul 2018

1 Answer

5 years, 8 months ago.

If you are using a 'standard' 16x2 LCD panel then this links shows how to connect with an example, hello_world https://os.mbed.com/components/HD44780-Text-LCD/

or more general displays https://os.mbed.com/components/cat/display/


the LCD is attached already, i need an assistance interfacing it with the labview unlike the arduino that hast a kit integrated to the labview the nucleo F103RB doesn't have a kit

posted by Mohammed Aliyu 01 Aug 2018