7 years, 4 months ago.

What's the different between the X-Nucleo and Nucleo which is newer?

Please, note STM32 Nucleo and the "X-Nucleo" were not component shields but, both the Nucleo and "X-Nucleo" are micro-controller boards of their kind.

I have some difficulties in uploading these images.

Please see these images at:

https://www.waveshare.com/img/devkit/NUCLEO-F446RE/NUCLEO-F446RE-3.jpg for Necleo.



for X-Nucleo.

The question is: which one of these were newer generation?

1 Answer

7 years, 4 months ago.


Nucleo are boards containing the STM32 microcontrollers:


X-Nucleo are components (or shields) containing other devices (sensors, communication, ...):



Please, note STM32 Nucleo and the "X-Nucleo" were not component shields but, both the Nucleo and "X-Nucleo" are micro-controller boards of their kind.

I am sorry, what I meant was: is the Nucleo a newer generation of STM32 boards?

Please see these images at:

https://www.waveshare.com/img/devkit/NUCLEO-F446RE/NUCLEO-F446RE-3.jpg for Necleo.



for X-Nucleo.

The question is: which one of these were newer generation?

Thank you for attention.

posted by Compass Yap 16 Oct 2017

These boards are not from ST... They use ST logo without ST's permission...

posted by bco stm 16 Oct 2017