7 years, 4 months ago.

What timers does the OS use? Where can I find this?

How do I find out which hardware resources are used by operating system features?

For example I start with the LED blinking demo that user a Ticker. Then I add a PWM output and the LED stops blinking. I assume this is because I selected a PWM pin name that uses the same timer is the LED ticker. I found Periferals.h so I know what timers the PWM pins use but what is used by the OS? Where would this be documented? I did read some place that timer5 is used by the OS. What else is used.

Reason I ask is I have a project that is going to use a lot of timers

2 Answers

7 years, 4 months ago.

IIRC timer5 is the only timer used.

7 years, 4 months ago.

Which target are you using ?

On ST targets, the timer used by the ticker is defined in the hal_tick.h file. It is Timer5 for NUCLEO_F401RE but timer4 for NUCLEO_F103RB...

Thank you. I also found a comment about timer use in PeripheralPins.c linked from the board's page. But was wondering that is the full list of resources used by the OS. I assume based on comments in PeripheralPins.c that the stuff I shouldn't use it commented out.

Thanks for the info as I am using both 401 and 103. I needed to know where to find this for new targets as I may have to move to M7

posted by Chris Albertson 06 May 2017