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7 years, 9 months ago.
C027 and iothub_client_sample_mqtt example (Azure IoT Hub)
Trying connecting to Azure IoT Hub using azure_c_shared_utility. The device starts communicating with the Hub and after few received chunks of data just hangs on (void)socket_io_instance->on_bytes_received(socket_io_instance->on_bytes_received_context, recv_bytes, received);, socketio_mbed.c, 439
Here is execution log: /media/uploads/mopger/c027_iothub.log
Need help. Thanks.
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2 Answers
7 years, 7 months ago.
In fact, this kit does not have any kind of the supportive document and no one answer the question or from the side of kit provider. I tried to call them no reply and email them and not clear answer , it seems does not support 3G cellular.
7 years, 7 months ago.
Apologies, I am not familiar with the query above but wanted to say that the new mbed Cellular API is being introduced in mbed 5.5 in June and this will support both the C027 board and the new C030 board. With this you get a native sockets interface inside mbed and so any mbed sockets application will work with cellular exactly as it does with any other transport.
May I have access to the program Examples ,
posted by 23 May 2017