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8 years, 1 month ago.
Serial.attach in OS 5
Hi, before OS5 in libraries you attached a serial IRQ this way
attach(this, &MyClass::rxIrqBuf, RxIrq);
how do you do it in OS5.2? I can see the source code bellow, but if someone could give an example
void attach(T *obj, void (T::*method)(), IrqType type=RxIrq) {}
Thank you
2 Answers
5 years, 10 months ago.
I would also like to know how to make these changes.
Re: Sam Groves buffered serial:
This line throws a 'depreciated' warning.
RawSerial::attach(this, &BufferedSerial::rxIrq, Serial::RxIrq);
What would I need to replace this with to work with Mbed 2 ?
Hello Paul,
I dig my codes and found something. Please check, modify and verify for yourself..
This is header file (May be not complete)
#ifndef _RF_H_ #define _RF_H_ #define RF_POWER_PIN PB_10 #define RF_BAUDRATE 38400 // RF Serial Pins #define RF_TX PA_11 // RF module Tx Pin (Serial6) #define RF_RX PA_12 // RF module Rx Pin (Serial6) // Coordinator Address #define COORDINATOR_ADDRESS_1 255 // WSN coordinator address 1st byte (0xFF) #define COORDINATOR_ADDRESS_2 255 // WSN coordinator address 2nd byte (0xFF) #define CR 13 // "\r" ASCII code #define EQUAL 61 // "=" ASCII code class RF { public: RF(); ~RF(); volatile bool rfRxInterruptComplete; // RF Initializaton void powerUpRF(void); void initRF(int _baudrate); // RF Interrupt Controls void rfRxISR(void); void startRxInterrupt(void); void stopRxInterrupt(void); char *readRFRxBuffer(void); void clearRFRxBuffer(void); void send_to_coordinator(char *_data); private: DigitalOut *powerPin; RawSerial *rfSerial; volatile char rfRxBufferChar; char rfRxBuffer[256]; volatile uint8_t rfRxBufferCounter; }; #endif
This is cpp
#include "rf.h" RF::RF() { powerPin = new (RF_POWER_PIN, 0); rfSerial = new RawSerial(RF_TX, RF_RX); rfRxBufferCounter = 0; rfRxInterruptComplete = false; } RF::~RF() { delete powerPin; delete rfSerial; } void RF::powerUpRF(void) { powerPin->write(1); wait_ms(50); } void RF::rfRxISR(void) { rfRxBufferChar = rfSerial->getc(); if (rfRxBufferChar != '\r') { rfRxBuffer[rfRxBufferCounter] = rfRxBufferChar; rfRxBufferCounter++; } else if (rfRxBufferChar == '\r') { rfSerial->attach(NULL, Serial::RxIrq); rfRxBufferCounter = 0; rfRxInterruptComplete = true; } } void RF::initRF(int _baudrate) { rfSerial->baud(RF_BAUDRATE); rfSerial->attach(callback(this, &RF::rfRxISR), Serial::RxIrq); } void RF::stopRxInterrupt(void) { rfSerial->attach(NULL, Serial::RxIrq); } void RF::startRxInterrupt(void) { rfSerial->attach(callback(this, &RF::rfRxISR), Serial::RxIrq); } char *RF::readRFRxBuffer(void) { return rfRxBuffer; } void RF::clearRFRxBuffer(void) { memset(rfRxBuffer, 0, sizeof(rfRxBuffer)); } void RF::send_to_coordinator(char *_data) { rfSerial->putc(COORDINATOR_ADDRESS_1); rfSerial->putc(COORDINATOR_ADDRESS_2); rfSerial->putc(EQUAL); rfSerial->puts(_data); rfSerial->putc(CR); }
Regards :)
posted by 16 Feb 20195 years, 10 months ago.
Try something like below (Edit it for your code)
rfSerial->attach(callback(this, &RF::rfRxISR), Serial::RxIrq);
Thanks Kamil,
Assuming I have this correct,
RawSerial->attach(callback(this, &BufferedSerial::RawSerialRxISR), Serial::RxIrq);
I get this error:
Error: Expected an identifier in "ESP8266/ATParser/BufferedSerial/BufferedSerial.cpp", Line: 35, Col: 15
posted by 15 Feb 2019Hello Paul,
Because RawSerial
is a class raher than a pointer to a RawSerial
object try:
RawSerial::attach(callback(this, &BufferedSerial::RawSerialRxISR), Serial::RxIrq);
and make sure that a void RawSerialRxISR()
method is defined for the BufferedSerial
Seem to be getting closer Zoltan :)
But I'm not very good with code.
snip from BufferedSerial.h
class BufferedSerial : public RawSerial { private: MyBuffer <char> _rxbuf; MyBuffer <char> _txbuf; uint32_t _buf_size; uint32_t _tx_multiple; void RawSerialRxISR(); // put this here ? void rxIrq(void); void txIrq(void); void prime(void); public:
Now I get this:
Error: Undefined symbol BufferedSerial::RawSerialRxISR() (referred from ../../build/ESP8266/ATParser/BufferedSerial/BufferedSerial.MAX32630FTHR.o).
Can't believe that no one else has seen this issue, is Serial interrupt function not used any more? Whilst it does work okay, I don't like to see warnings when I compile and this is the only one I get. I suppose I can't complain compared with the 150 or so warnings on OS5.
posted by 16 Feb 2019Never mind Paul, It's difficult to hold my nerv with mbed too :)
After importing the ATParser
library and taking a closer look I'd suggest to replace
RawSerial::attach(this, &BufferedSerial::rxIrq, Serial::RxIrq);
RawSerial::attach(callback(this, &BufferedSerial::rxIrq), Serial::RxIrq);
both in the BufferedSerial::BufferedSerial
construcor and in the BufferedSerial::prime
No warnings should be reported after that.
Not sure if this is posting under the correct part, but both suggestions were correct to sort this out.
Zoltan, I did the two changes as you said, (void RawSerialRxISR(); put this here ? was't needed). But the BufferedSerial::prime, I had to change rxIrq to txIrq and RxIrq to TxIrq and now I get no warnings on a full Compile All using MBED-DEV (rev.187, current) with a STM32L432 board and it works exactly as I would expect it to :) :) :)
I think this is the first time I have seen that for some years. My confidence is now firmly back with Mbed.
This must be an Mbed record!!
posted by 16 Feb 2019
posted by Zoltan Hudak 15 Feb 2019Sorry for the late response. The following should work:
only 2 years late :-) but thank you for your effort
posted by Pavel S 19 Feb 2019