8 years, 1 month ago.

Teensy 3.2 and mbed-rtos

I am trying to get mbed-rtos working on my Teensy 3.2.

I am using the following code:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h"
DigitalOut led(D13);
void blink(void const *args)
    led = !led;
int main(void)
    RtosTimer led_timer(blink, osTimerPeriodic, (void *)0);

And I am getting the following errors:


Warning: Incompatible redefinition of macro "MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM" in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/cmsis_os.h", Line: 60, Col: 10

Warning: Incompatible redefinition of macro "CMSIS_RTOS" in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/cmsis_os.h", Line: 62, Col: 10

Warning: Intrinsic is deprecated in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/rt_HAL_CM.h", Line: 209, Col: 17

Warning: Intrinsic is deprecated in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/rt_HAL_CM.h", Line: 212, Col: 13

Warning: Intrinsic is deprecated in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/rt_HAL_CM.h", Line: 214, Col: 18

Warning: Intrinsic is deprecated in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/rt_HAL_CM.h", Line: 216, Col: 13

Warning: Incompatible redefinition of macro "MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM" in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/cmsis_os.h", Line: 60, Col: 10

Warning: Incompatible redefinition of macro "CMSIS_RTOS" in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/cmsis_os.h", Line: 62, Col: 10

Error: A1854E: Unknown opcode 'VSTMDBEQ', maybe wrong target CPU? in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_RTOS_M4_M7/TOOLCHAIN_ARM/HAL_CM4.c", Line: 167, Col: 1

Error: A1854E: Unknown opcode 'VLDMIANE', maybe wrong target CPU? in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_RTOS_M4_M7/TOOLCHAIN_ARM/HAL_CM4.c", Line: 187, Col: 1

Error: A1854E: Unknown opcode 'VSTMDBEQ', maybe wrong target CPU? in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_RTOS_M4_M7/TOOLCHAIN_ARM/HAL_CM4.c", Line: 250, Col: 1

Error: A1854E: Unknown opcode 'VLDMIANE', maybe wrong target CPU? in "mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_RTOS_M4_M7/TOOLCHAIN_ARM/HAL_CM4.c", Line: 269, Col: 1

I am not sure what to do to fix this?

Have you found the answer yet? I am stuck at the same thing

posted by Edge Botix 06 Jul 2016

1 Answer

8 years ago.

Hi, thanks for reporting, I created a tracking issue, the fix is included, will require testing and then should be part of the release in 2 weeks.


Hi, Have you released it yet?

posted by Edge Botix 02 Aug 2016