8 years, 10 months ago.

Documentation JTAG J-Link debug GR-Peach on Eclipse

Is there any documentation / article on debug configuration of Eclipse for J-Link debugging of GR-Peach?

Question relating to:

GR-PEACH is an Mbed enabled platform which combines the advantages of the Mbed ecosystem and Arduino UNO form factor.

Thank your for your question. Please refer following wiki page:

posted by Ryo Hagimoto 18 May 2016

Kevin J-Link Lite and this reference may also help - https://www.segger.com/renesas-rza1h-rsk.html & https://www.segger.com/jlink-lite-arm.html

posted by XtrmDesignsLLC GRPeach 18 May 2016

2 Answers

8 years, 9 months ago.

J-Link Lite and this reference may also help - https://www.segger.com/renesas-rza1h-rsk.html & https://www.segger.com/jlink-lite-arm.html. Note GR-PEACH and RZAH1has a larger SoC on chip RAM 10MB and Flash compared to other ARM devices.

Thank you for your answers. Regards, Kevin Gordon.

posted by Kevin Gordon 18 May 2016
8 years, 9 months ago.

Thank your for your question. Please refer following wiki page: