8 years, 2 months ago.

Where is PB11?

Seeing the pin layout I notice that the pin that used to be PB11 in other nucleos is NC

Where is PB11? Is not usable?

or am I just too tired to notice it is somewhere else?

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F401RET6 microcontroller.

3 Answers

8 years, 2 months ago.


Also from user manual here: http://www2.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/98/2e/fa/4b/e0/82/43/b7/DM00105823.pdf/files/DM00105823.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00105823.pdf From figure 27, I read that this pin is connected to VCAP1: F401RE/F411RE/F446RE/F410RB:VCAP1

So as I understand it, this pin is dedicated to the MCU internal regulator (and cannot be used by application)

Accepted Answer
8 years, 2 months ago.


The mbed description is aligned with the schematic in UM1724 provided by Laurent as well as STM32F401RE datasheet.

In the pinout table (table 8) of the datasheet, you see that we don't have PB11 in LQFP64 packages (case of the NUCLEO-F401RE).