8 years, 11 months ago.

My DISCO-F746NG doesn't work

hi, today I tried to work with my DISCO-F746NG, I used the "DISCO-F746NG_blink_led" and nothing appends, i tried every test program and nothing. only a white screen. The board was working before with the sample program. what happened? help?

Question relating to:

The STM32F746G-DISCO discovery board (32F746GDISCOVERY) is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM® Cortex®-M7 core-based STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller.

after, today mbed lib update, the "disco" works

posted by Pedro Cruz 30 Mar 2016

4 Answers

8 years, 11 months ago.

I have had similar problems.

I find by unplugging the USB and reconnecting will make the interface led go to a RED state, normally green after a download. Then it should load and work. Otherwise try a 'Compile All'.

8 years, 11 months ago.

Sometimes I have to compile/download the code image a second time if the DISCO-F746NG doesn't automatically start up after a download. The second time always seems to work.

8 years, 11 months ago.

Sometimes it had happened to me too. Anyway it came back to working after an unplug and plug again and/or a new compile and download code operation. I hope it will be as well for you.

8 years, 9 months ago.

Hello guys, i tried all the above but im still experiencing the same problem

Try downloading the compiled file to your PC, then copy to your 746 from the PC

posted by Kevin Braun 10 Jun 2016

Thanks for answering Kevin, i tried that but its still not working. However, the sample program that came with board works pertfectly when i copy it onto the board

posted by ISRAEL GBATI 10 Jun 2016

Hi, update mbed library and try again, for me worked.

posted by Pedro Cruz 11 Jun 2016