8 years, 9 months ago.

Calibration IMU

Hi Mathias, well done for your work, I'm just asking how you calibrate your IMU, and what are your results using your IMU filter (madgwick & mahony), your roll pitch yaw are stable? even if there is accelaration (if the quadcopter move)? Thank you and do you have any video of the prototype?

Question relating to:

Successful acro and level mode now! Relying on MPU9250 as base sensor. I'm working continuously on tuning and features :) NEWEST VERSION ON: https://github.com/MaEtUgR/FlyBed (CODE 100% compatible/copyable) IMU, MPU9250, PID, quadrocopter, Quaternion

1 Answer

8 years, 9 months ago.

Yeah, you exactly hit the problem I will work on next... I calibrated the IMU draft style by hand and I will implement better calibration for the gyro and accelerometer next... gyroscope is crucial for rate mode but easy to calibrate by hand (let it stay on the table and take the average value and take this as offset) and accelerometer is crucial for auto leveling which is not robustly working right now, I'm working on it and I think calibration is the most important bit left.

the madgwick algorithm just works! I can recommend to use it. of course you have to deal with the quaternion but it's worth it in my opinion :)

Hope to help PS: My newest codebase is here: https://github.com/MaEtUgR/FlyBed (code copatible to copy ;)